
Saturday 6 September 2014

4 Photos: Nabila Huda too sexy so Saloma

Another issue of condemnation on the Internet? Quiet is not the issue because every artist that is rising it will be cursed and condemned as-he adored and sought after.
Cum actress Nabila Huda application issues that could be considered 'hot stuff' is always selected as the director for the success of the various characters as his talent, he is also known as a rather sexy image so many of us are not happy.

Most recently he held the character accountable 'Saloma' for a depiction of a typical biopic film about Saloma, wife to Tan Sri P. Ramlee Allahyarham. You know, when reminded of the use of women to these periods, mostly sememangnya tight and mendedah.
To restore the mood of the time, Nabila was wearing clothes quite sexy to turn this character. However, there is no such dress Saloma. If you do not believe, you can refer back all the old movies starring role.

We have not wanted to defend Nabila and say this dress is beautiful, we also understand the sensitivity of this we Muslims feel less pleased with the way the application of this girl. However, any comment is better if the gentle and good communication. Many began to curse and despise the pictures on Instagram Nabila particularly the application as 'Sugarland'.

Fuh, indeed sexy. Whatever, we hope that enthusiasts are concerned and perhaps regrettable Nabila, admonish him with a beautiful way. Da'wah is never encouraged to roughness, is not it?

At least this girl is talented and not just sell a sexy image for publicity. We will definitely Nabila's time will come hooded sight. We pray for guidance hopefully get it, okay?

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