
Saturday 20 September 2014

7 Photos Rice Story Tangas @ K angkang the meloya and disgusting

For fans of the horror film genre, we suggest you go and watch the latest movies Metrowealth issue, "Rice Tangas (Rice Kangkang).

Although this is the first horror film Hashim Rajab direction, but the movie turned out to be disappointing. However, a warning to those who may not be durable, easy to nausea or amused by the things that are dirty because this film shows a lot of things that are disgusting.

Beginning of this film alone is able to make you feel fluffy throat. Even while attending a press screening of the film recently, there is also an audience that does not hold up out of the stage. No doubt many disgusting scenes served up may make you not to eat rice and after watching this film.

Although disgusting, but from a positive point of this film can be calculated are successful in being able to leave an impact on the audience. However, in our opinion, despite the classification 13PG, but it was not suitable for viewing by children, even when they are under parental guidance.

Actor talked about, when you see the name of the actor who starred in the lineup are all still new film, the audience will think several times to buy tickets. But the brave gamble made by the production's real frustrating because all the actors are not able to bring their characters well.

Horror element is also quite satisfactory because there are too many scenes that allow the audience surprised. In short, the film was screened from 18 September to be watched by fans of horror movies because it is the ingredients for a horror movie character.


Hairi and Fatin are best friends since their university days away. Camaraderie they bring to the workplace where they are equally open and operate the restaurant so successful. At the same time, Hairi also has a girlfriend named Mira.

Fatin Hairi friendship and often create a negative feeling in the hearts of Mira because Fatin better understand and recognize Hairi than himself. Hairi and Mira finally consolidated and after marriage, their family life they're both very happy.

However, the friendship between Hairi and Fatin are envied by Mira even more so when Mira few times and got to see the warmth of her husband in their restaurants. Mira began to doubt Fatin using 'something' to her husband.

What action do Mira and whether he managed to save his family? Do not miss to watch 'Tangas Rice (Rice Kangkang)' at the cinema near you starting 18 September 2014 GUA

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