
Monday 8 September 2014

Want virgin auction to help treat the mother

Brasilia: A Brazilian teen wants to auction off her virginity for money raised could help treat ailing mother.

According to local media, Rebecca Bernardo, 18, is ready to sacrifice her virginity to have sex with any man who offers the highest bid.

Now studying in secondary school, Rebecca said she got the idea to sell his self-respect after reading the story of Catarina Migliorini before. Catarina receive payment of RM2.5 million for selling her virginity late November last year. Immediately after offering her virginity, Catarina receive bids from men around the world.

Thus, Rebecca said she hopes the same happens to him. "The money raised will be used to treat my mother displaced by a stroke," he said.
Previously, Rebecca said, he tried to sell cosmetic products and the money obtained by the server but not enough. Meanwhile, the neighbor Rebecca said, she had never knew who her father.

They say, sister Rebecca was dead years ago.
"No one else can help because Rebecca lived with her mother at home.
"Stroke can cause the mother to Rebecca just lying.

"For us, Rebecca's actions could be considered as a last resort to help her mother," he said. So far the highest bid is for virgin Rebecca RM170,000.

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