
Tuesday 23 September 2014

Women will protect children despite being shot in the head

A love until the end of life. A mother, Jessica Arrendale act to save her son was six months even as the last breath.

incident happened at night Saturday, September 13 and when Antoine Davis, 30 years old came home drunk and started to act violently.

Concerned about the safety of her daughter, Jessica, thus supporting Cobie and defend yourself using a baseball bat.

But former Marines who served in Iraq, confiscating weapons and struck the 37-year-old mother repeatedly.

Jessica and her then locked myself in the bathroom. Antoine thus taking a rifle equipped oppressors and break the bathroom door before shooting Jessica in the head.

Sekelimat life flashes before the final exhale, Jessica put Cobie in the toilet bowl before protecting the unfortunate baby with her.

Sang father ended up shooting yourself in the child's room. Cobie police found 13 hours later and taken to hospital.

"My son is a hero. The last action is to make sure my grandchildren survive "explains the mother of Jessica, Teresa Inniello.

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