
Monday 6 October 2014

7 years old girl tortured father, girlfriend

Melaka: A young woman believed to be seven years old and the father abused the man's girlfriend in Murray Bridge here since 29 September last.

In the incident at about 7:15 pm, the victim, Nurul Farhana reliable hit with a hose and head stamped on the seat by his lover and also lel the ICA.

State CID chief ACP Raja Shahrom Raja Abdullah, said the two suspects, aged 31 and 36, was arrested at Police Headquarters (IPK) states about 2.30pm last Wednesday.

"The victim is believed to frequent beatings both suspects using rubber pipe hangers and belts but the complainant also claimed to have seen the victim punched and his head stamped on the wall.

"The suspect male was remanded for six days until next Tuesday while the female suspect was released on bail on the same day as feeding small children," he said when contacted here, just now.

The victim is being treated at the Malacca Hospital and the case was being investigated under Section 31 (1) (a) of the Child Act 2001.

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