
Wednesday 22 October 2014

Mom, I am sorry to say late Hazalli, the story of his uncle

Kuala Lumpur "" Mom, I'm sorry. "That last phrase Hazalli sorry Khalid, 32, one of the high-powered motorcyclists killed in Karak Highway yesterday, when he visited his mother's hometown, Kampung Padang Balang, Sentul yesterday.

According to the victim's uncle, Khalid Yaacob, 59, the victim's mother was skeptical when the second of seven siblings suddenly apologized.

Why'm sorry, what did you do offense, but Hazalli not answer that question "Khalid said teary-eyed as he told Utusan Malaysia at his residence here today.

Khalid said his nephew was a very likable and very many adabnya keeping with the more adult.

In the incident in Karak Highway yesterday, the victim is a telecommunications company engineer killed after burned by high-powered motorcycle involved crash yesterday.

In the meantime, the brother of the victim, Mohd. Shaari Abdullah, 43, said berperwatakan Hazalli was a fun time with other family members.

"The last time I saw him at the last Eid. Upon returning to the village, would be a more lively atmosphere behaved, "he said.

Add Mohd. Shaari, his family hopes the public to stop spreading the picture when the incident to avoid any speculation that is not true about the victim.

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