
Sunday 26 October 2014

Sad expression of wives and children UAI video issues s3ksi spread

The whole country has been shocked by the deployment of a video recording of a sex scandal that supposedly lasted 38 seconds and was a well-known speaker Ustaz Azhar Idrus.

The video was originally uploaded to the blog Cili Padi became viral on social networking site a few hours later.

In the video it looks like a man Ustaz Azhar Idrus (UAI). The average consumer social networking site were surprised with the video. This is the first time a free speaker associated with the video sex scandal.

UAI than the victim, other people were also hammered by his wife and three children. Here is the expression of sadness eldest UAI, Madiha Nur Nadiah, first wife, Rogayah Sulong and his second wife, Wan Nisya

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