
Tuesday 21 October 2014

Wow: Muslims warm reception I Program To Tap Dogs (10 photos)

A program has been created in Center Park, One Utama recently titled "I Want a Dog Touch" membantuh organized for people to not be afraid or scared of animals like this dog.

It is illegal for all Muslims if touching the animals, because of alleged dirty and disgusting. Now there is no longer a concern for those who believe in Islam as there are ways to clean their hands after touching the dog.

The response is very encouraging, and flooded most of the program because of Muslims if they touch and feed animals, because we already know many of the Muslims who like to keep animals like this.

Muslims are confused about allowing the dog to hold hands with well-cleaning is in some circumstances, such as emergency and hunting. Not hold and advocate a mistake.

Be compassionate to animals is an obligation in Islam are happening courtesy of the Dog. Has been proven in authentic old prostitute had entered into heaven for giving a thirsty dog a drink.

"When a dog turns around a well and almost died because of thirst, a prostitute from the tribe of Bani Israel saw. then he removed his shoe and give the dog a drink with him. Allah forgive him for what he has done. " [Reported by al-Bukhari Hadith in the book Shahihnya, hadith no: 3467]

However, the campaign "I Want to Touch a Dog" is not the way intended by the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

Being compassionate does not mean to defend or caressing. Instead, it means keeping animal rights trsebut. For example, when the pain is treated, when the hungry are fed.

For Muslims, the dog can not be used as "pets", indulge, pamper, pampered, treat, unlike cats who can be our friend for Muslims.

"This cat is not unclean . Indeed, cats are animals that often we encounter and is all around us. " (HR. At Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, An Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, Ad Darimi, Ahmad, Malik. Shaykh Al Albanian in Irwa'ul Gholil no. 173 says that this hadeeth saheeh)

Islam set the cat is a pet and disifatkn close humans but not dogs. However, we are permitted to keep a dog in only two states:

1. dogs to guard

2. dogs to hunt

addition, never diizinkn by the Shari'a even be awkward events such as "I Want to Touch a Dog" was held not to mention was founded by the Muslims themselves.

I fully support what is done by my friend Doctor Experts in the center seorg hold private medical treatment is free of dogs hunting indigenous people were injured. Deeds are categorized and be compassionate to the dogs.

I'm not anti-dog, but I'm trying to convey the perspective of the laws on this issue. Muslims do not need to 'support' a campaign like this. Instead, Muslims should 'support' campaign "Goodwill" to the whole animal, including dogs and other host of others. This proves the Islam's universal.

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