
Monday 10 November 2014

Final Prediction AF2014, who will be called champions tonight?

During the 10 weeks the challenges, now lives a few hours away from the final stage # AF2014 will broadcast five fantastic finalists of the Word, Ewal, Adel, Nuha and safe to grab the title.

Recall the way the students before moving to the final stage, the biggest surprise was when Adel was eliminated in the seventh week.

This is because he has got the lowest votes and thus invite dissatisfaction AF loyal audience that her name be 'trending' in Malaysia via Twitter.

But the sadness of students who come from Sabah was not long after he returned to the faculty through the AF Serap who first created this season and is expected to give stiff competition to the four other students.

In addition, significant changes in the performances every week Aman real prove he deserves to be in the final stage # AF2014.

Nuha prowess was also recognized with a loud voice and ability to sing various genres of music will be the 'weapon' Nuha's competed with four other finalists.

If viewed in terms of performance previously found to Word and Ewal are some students who are often inconsistent and makes the audience and the jury can not wait to see their performances.

Ewal have a natural talent and a great voice. Ewal experience as a singer before, this might give an advantage to Ewal to fight tonight.

While Word nor advantages lies in the unique vocal especially when the student was 25 years old presents paced rock songs and high-pitched.

In addition, the ability to appreciate the creativity and character in the song seems to make the word 'united with songs sung than' X Factor 'is in itself might make a decent word for the title of champion?

But this is only a prediction only and it is still too early to determine who will be champion because everything depends on the finalist # AF2014 that will provide the best performance was helped by the number of votes by the fans and their supporters.

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