
Sunday 16 November 2014

Thriller: Thieves broke his right hand in the Libas

Seremban: A man who stole Myanmar fellow broke his right hand as a result of the use of a machete swings brought to rob, yesterday.

In the 3.30am incident, the suspect was with three other friends covered her face with a cloth armor and breaking into the home of a husband wife, who is also a citizen of Myanmar Main Sikamat Park, here. Seremban district police chief ACP Muhamad Zaki Harun said the 30-year-old man and his wife were shocked to hear a loud bang the door as soon as they kicked criminals which rushed in and punched her face .

"Men who work as fishermen against the four suspects resulted in a scuffle. Machete robs victims of a suspect and then flip towards the suspect. "This has caused the suspect hit the flip and broke his right wrist. Concerned matters worse, the four suspects fled, "he said. According to him, the victim contacted the police to inform the incident. He said the effort to track the suspect results when suspect wounded lying in pain in the bushes 50 feet from the victim's house before being taken to Hospital Tuanku Ja 'afar (HTJ) here. "The investigation, three suspects had fled the jewelery and cash amounting to RM50 owned the white van," he said.

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