
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Face Akim Ahmad in Performing AJL 29 accused Lalok?

Failure rendition of the song Mewangi Akim Ahmad to qualify for the stage Anugerah Juara Lagu to 29 last week in the limelight when before that it was the crowd favorite to advance easily to the final competition in January.

In addition to 'tantrums' fans on social sites stating their dissatisfaction against the decision of the jury who do not choose the song, there are other rumors say bad performances Akim Ahmad at night semi-final be the cause.

There are some parties claimed  Akim Ahmad  appeared on stage in a state lalok or under the influence of drugs when making a presentation.

"Enough Already slander me. Do not be judgmental because of the character, style or the way I create performances that night were misinterpreted. They can judge me only by an offering, "said Akim Ahmad told  Harian Metro .

The 23-year-old singer also said that he was less than satisfactory performances that night due to nervousness and depression.

"I would not be feeling pretty nervous when I lalok and subconsciously not? But that night I was very nervous and realized that weakness. And if I sing it on stage performing in another, just okay "

"Maybe the person mistook it must follow my other offerings and compare for yourself. If I type 'lalok' really difficult for me to perform in various places and times, "he added.

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