
Monday 19 January 2015

Ramli MS and Alvah create a ruckus again ..

Ish .. ni couples marital problems apparently more complicated .. Not clauses name Ramli MS is getting famous now dah ni .. All causes of fights between his wife, Alvah ..

Today tu saliva Alvah car hit Ramli MS because nobody can withstand angry emotions arise Sigh .. Kali ni story spouses ni dah tak .. Haa .. greet the day lah tu fit case the car hit Ramli MS, Alvah ask a question yourself her husband tu dah tak Audi car repair or a violation of tu..hehe ..

I have talked to say they want to make a presentation to AJL29 tu lah .. Sadly la noh if I speak .., how to cooperate .. Ye dak?

Ramli tu kan lead musician for the song 'Bleed Half Lives, "which the singer was Alvah ni tu .. Seems he just sing anything Alvah je .., got ernna collaborated with her husband ..

Miss A advice right thing la bawak households do not have to get to work .. .. Professional la Lama, another pun nak buat apa husband and wife quarrel for a long time .. Not good husband never got exchanged with long .. Miss A hope their marriage will be back strong as ever ..

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