
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Gara Gara Owe, Rebecca Pay With Fake Handbags?

Actress Rebecca Nur Islam denies and refuses menggulas about rumors that he pay the debt using luxury designer handbag.

But diberita understood it was a fake handbag and do not have price if sold in the market. It's because she allegedly owed by a company or travel agency.

Rebecca also did not want to comment on the issue when interviewed by reporters recently melody. He also surprised where it comes from this story, and why he is still associated with slander nonsense.

In the interview, he also admits that he is more sensitive due to the age factor. Takpelah Rebecca, if it is wrong to prove it wrong.

For dessert person is really difficult to switch off, chapters invent the story is 'power' but no one if we are more careful.

Anything diberita pray, Rebecca's family family blessed and protected from negative stories.

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