
Monday 16 March 2015

Datuk Bung Mokhtar Twitter confiscated beautiful girl

Kuala Lumpur: The website twitter Kinabatangan MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin 'hijacked' by a beautiful woman who called themselves his daddy.

But what is interesting, it is the individual who is taking her own son who upload pictures' berselfie

"Hellooo daddy," he said through that account.

Action girl Bung was initially raised eyebrows among his followers.

Bung when giving feedback on the 'booty' is described the action as a brat.

"Anak ni nakal..dia post your own child .." he said when replying to a tweet Faiz in these pages.

Some even jokingly tried to lure his daughter.

"Dato. If it seems like this should be kept safely. Send greetings to him tok. Sin if xsampaikan trust. AH3 "said Abraham Saidin anyway.

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