
Wednesday 8 April 2015

A close unveils real attitude Aidana Baizieva

The unfortunate helicopter that crashed in Semenyih on Saturday in which the expense MP Rompin,

Tan Sri Dr Jamaluddin Jarjis and five others brought speculation due to the presence of a passenger mysterious woman known as Aidana Baizieva.

"Although family and friends mourn the loss, but at the same time there are injured due to defaming the Aidana as 'escort' elite paid with public money."

NST Online reported that some friend expatriates Kyrgyzstan, Arina Yusof, Mimi Esha and Indira appear to tell Aidana Baizieva background.

Although family and friends grieving over the loss of it, but at the same time there are injured due to the defamatory Aidana as 'escort' elite paid with public money.

A friend Aidana or fondly known as Dana is a friend of one of the honored guests who perished in the unfortunate incident.

"She is a beautiful girl and anyone who met him, certainly fascinated by its beauty.

"I am one who does not know how to be independent and reserved but Aidana has taught me how to be a strong woman like me today, just as a beautiful woman into a high-profile victim of the crash, then people throw all sorts of lies to him," he said.

Dana is a woman who is unapproachable man because he is a strong, smart and always maintain her friends.

"She is a woman who never fails to be a source of inspiration to me, ask any of his friends and they definitely say the same thing.

"When we went out to go dancing, watch movies or out to dinner, if there are any men mocking us, we are sure he will defend the honor of his colleagues.

"The way he treats his colleagues are also very good, at the birthday last year, she let us eat even though he is a special person in the council," he said.
Aidana also often stated how lucky she has her friends as companions.

"When I mentioned had left him, his eyes watery and he told me that he did not know when we could meet again, if I may want to add time to allow me to spend the last moment with my dear friend before he went because we do not know if they could meet again.

"Families Fund was still surprised by this news, their daughters are good at taking care of themselves, do not smoke, do not drink and always a smile on his face etched with Dana lifestyle practice, the way he lived his life with a healthy and happy, therefore, family and his colleagues asked people not menfitnahnya with reckless manner.

"Yes, she is a beautiful girl but when compared with internal, external beauty is not comparable to the interior, may Allah bless his soul," he said.

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