
Thursday 28 May 2015

Fined RM18,000 for porn service berries

KUALA LUMPUR - An accounts clerk of the Armed Forces of Housing Cooperatives have languished in prison after failing to pay a fine of RM18,000 on offenses provide adult content on his blog, three years ago.

Zulqarnain Hassan judge fined him on Asnizukacaras Saari, 36, after he pleaded guilty to the charges and ordered the accused to one month in prison for failing to pay fines. He failed to pay the fine.

Before sentencing, Zulqarnain said the court took a serious view of the offense as it promotes bad things happen.

Asnizukacaras alleged use of content applications service at the address blog site by providing content that is pornographic in character with intent to annoy any person.

He is accused of committing the offenses in the Armed Forces of Housing Cooperatives, No. 35-A-1-1 Jalan Wangsa Delima 5, Setapak, here at 2pm, December 2, 2013.

According to the facts of the case, in 2013, the result of public complaints, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) has made revisions to the Web site that contains adult content.

On May 21 last year, the raid and some devices were seized from the accused, containing a total of 131 and 2,590 pornographic video pornographic images.

He was charged under Section 211 (1) of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 which provides for a maximum fine of RM50,000 or jailed up to two years or both, or to a further fine of RM1,000 for each day or part of a day during which the offense continues after conviction.

When an appeal, which was not represented Asnizukacaras asked the court to impose a minimum fine for the reason he only earned RM1,600 a month and have to bear the parents than to have some credit debt.

The accused also claimed to have repented and promised not to repeat the offense.

Prosecuting Officer TH Zairul Nahar Zakaria, however, asked the court to impose a deterrent sentence to the accused by considering several factors, including the offense not only against the law but also violated the moral community.

"This case will create social problems in the community and young people.

"In addition to this blog, established since 2013 and has 1,290 followers, can be accessed throughout the country and by all walks of life, the tree that provided severe penalties for serious instruction to the accused and all concerned," he asks.

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