
Friday 26 June 2015

Amber Chia also fast

Amber Chia

DIFFERENCES religion and way of life did not prevent international model, Amber Chia to follow the Muslims around the world fast.

Described the worship of fasting Muslims lived as one of the ways of a healthy diet, Amber says she is determined to fast for the full year.

He said he had several times tried to fast and could only do it for 10 days.

"Two years ago I tried to fast, but my main problem, do not hold your thirst. But I can hold hungry. Because too thirsty, I am so lifeless.

"But this year I tried to fast full and I would be feeling up the meal.

"For me, fasting beneficial to us because it is one of the ways of a healthy diet. It can help your body detox naturally," he told Zass.

Not only to diet and health, Amber said, when fasting, he indirectly and explore how feelings and lives of some people who live hard.

"Not only involves health, when fasting indirectly, it makes me understand, how it feels when living without food.

"It reminds me of some people who live hard and sometimes not enough to eat," he said.

Comfortable hooded

In the meantime, Amber met at the launch of the collection of the motorway By Yatt Hamzah, was helping his friend, Yatt Hamzah demonstrate the latest fashion clothes during Eid later.

Not only appeared cloaked, Amber also enrich the hijab did not seem awkward.

He even made some photographer smiling amazed when he returned wearing a robe and a veil when requested to take pictures with the image of veiled.

Amber has also appeared previously covered during the Festival International Hijab Kuala Lumpur (Kuala Lumpur International Hijab Fair (KLIHF 2015) recently revealed she is getting like wearing hijab.

According to 34-year-old woman, her intention was to wear the headscarf because she wanted to experience the feeling of being a Muslim and want to understand more about the Muslim concept of Islam.

"I am glad to receive positive comments from followers on the social networking site when uploading the pictures I uncovered.

"When I was hooded, made me a better understanding of the religion and culture of Islam. I feel very calm when wearing the headscarf but when open the lid, I feel kind of empty.

"After all, if veiled, we no longer need to want to bother grooming hair," he said.

Amber added, although he was a 'free thinker' but he remained respectful and always wanted to learn every culture in the country.

"As citizens of Malaysia where we have a multi-ethnic state and religion, I do not think it wrong if I myself experience every religion in the country.

"There are friends abroad who questioned why I wear hijab and I explained to them that I want to feel the experience of veiled.

"To me, it is a choice for individual non-Muslims whether to veil or not," he said, who also plans to design a scarf as a hood that can be worn by non-Muslim women.

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