
Saturday 20 June 2015

"The music industry is probably doomed Malaysia '

SHEILA: Music is more than just a place of entertainment and even act touches the senses, build character and teach people to better understand the emotional about humanity.

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian public is not put proper tribute to the art of music and principals once feared would menoktahkan the industrial life of the country.

'Premonition' and the concern expressed by the legendary country singer Datuk Sheila Majid told Astro AWANI on Saturday.

In celebrating the 30th anniversary of his involvement in the art world and international voice, Sheila also included a story 'sad' that happen in the world of country music.

"The public needs to know how important it is to extend the life of an artist. We can not say we like in an artist but still download their works for free and request a free show.

"How do I see the artist's career continue? Is not it their livelihood? "Sheila sickness.

According to him, the audience always expects someone artists produce their best work but do not want to pay the price. The case, he said, makes those artists lose their investment returns.

He added, just like an artist does not help to generate income and consequently many artists and arts despair.

"Of course the music in Malaysia do not get the respect it deserves. Someday, the music industry will be dead, "said Sheila.


Sheila invite people to think, what are the things that are usually done in everyday life, when waking from sleep and are preparing to start their daily activities, are not we going to the radio or television?

In many aspects of life, we expect the music and effects. Then imagine life without sounds and melodies, everything will be bored.

According to Sheila, music is more than just a place of entertainment and even act touches the senses, build character and teach people to better understand the emotional about humanity.

"That's what we lack. In this country, when we talk about entertainment, people only think about slapstick comedy. Music is increasingly ignored even at school he no longer taught.

"We need the support of the government and the public to revive the industry. World countries is not just slapstick entertainment and gossip, "said Sheila.

In the hope that the awareness that change the atmosphere in the country, Sheila admits jealousy with music booming art industry in neighboring countries, particularly Indonesia and the strong influence of K-Pop movement is getting strong support of Korean government.

"You think the K-Pop is new? It has already planned a long time. The Korean government spent billions of dollars to upgrade their industrial arts, including art and music education to school children.

"They also teach practitioners to deepen his art English language course. Look at the results of their first singer Rain," explains Sheila.


Share about his ability to stay on top of the music, Sheila said that all it requires patience and high durability.

"I have no special recipe to survive for long. You have to love what you're doing. More than that, the fans also true motivating factor in their career because they will support your work, "says Sheila.

According to him, in the current scenario of lack of sponsors who support local talent, artists seem only armed with a strong determination and passion in the field.

"That's what an artist continues to exist in the industry. They continue to exist because the interest, commitment and discipline.

"This is definitely not a glamorous life. If you expect it, you will be disappointed, "said Sheila.

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