
Wednesday 1 July 2015

Be very careful: 7 thousand exposed to the Malaysian Cyber ​​smartphone users

Seven million users! That is why cyber-hacking exposed to a lot of smart phone users.

Next thing you know, people and steal money from your wallet, your handphone. Scary, is not it? Check the data.

Between January - September 2012, losses from cyber crime (Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department, according to the director) is as follows: -

Stop illegal online purchases - 1,298 cases
Phone calls or text messaging service - 412 cases
Hacking - 24 cases
Internet and phone banking - 74 cases

Total: RM21.8 million

Stop illegal RM14.5 million in the case of online purchase, the highest lost money recorede.

Seven million smartphone users exposed to risk from cyber hackers

Kuala Lumpur (November 2,2012): Approximately seven million smart phone users in the country through which the stolen money to carry out fraudulent activities mediums such as smart phones that use of cyber threats from hackers are.

Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department director Datuk Syed Ismail Syed Azizan said smartphone users Smartphone Security made simple lack of awareness about victims.

"Hackers" methodology users disguised as a text message to send a malicious Trojan application.

He did not subscribe to fake services, although expensive phone bills customers receive only the sense of "fake reply message when they unconsciously they're charging.", "He said.

Hackers activities, such as when they install applications from victims of the hidden costs "type" as was executed via downloaded applications.

The dollar lost was quoted as saying.

Ismail police data recorded from January to September this year, via text or phone call losses from cyber crime showed that RM21.8 million. Cyber ​​hackers hacking into and abusing their networks, internet and phone banking services targeted at consumers.

Stop illegal purchase online RM3.3 million cases (24 cases) and hacking on the Internet, RM3.4 million (412 cases) or text messaging service phone calls followed by RM14.5 million (1 , 298 cases) recorded the most losses of RM590,000 phone banking (74 cases).

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