
Thursday 16 July 2015

Najib: PNB staff bonuses for 2012 to get the extra month

PNB staff for the latest news:

1 month bonus

SERDANG: Permodalan Nasional Berhad's staff (PNB) for 2012 will be another month salary bonus.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak bonuses work and achievements of the past 35 years can be continued to ensure that staff should be encouraged.

"It's one of the bonuses to the personnel that are good for the PNB group of companies is on the incentive bonus for 2012.

"In compensation, with the hope that staff will work even harder," he said here on Sunday PNB's 35th birthday dinner.

Najib also PNB personnel under the age of 23 years, of the 2,474 children this year in the form of Amina Saham 1Malaysia units will receive RM1,000 each announced.

Unit Trust inherited the two services, Amina's Saham Nasional Berhad (ASBN) under the Hibah Pengistiharan Amina and Amina, was also launched.

Hibah for Muslims and non-Muslims, Amina Amina Pengistiharan to subscribe to the unit trust schemes will benefit the 11 million unit holders.

"These new services rapidly beneficiary ASBN unit holders can be divided so that their plans will help inherited property."

Barisan Nasional PNB employees were given the mandate to rule the country can be continued only if that success was reminded.

Najib who is Finance Minister, Amina such Saham Nasional's (ASNB) and Amina from Saham Bumiputra (ASB) as managing PNB shares were proud of the performance.

"Profits and paid out bonuses totaling RM103.5 billion in the PNB group of companies that appear to have been effective management.

"Another thing that caught my attention. RM237 billion as of December 2012. Last year, PNB PNB assets of more than RM2 billion ASNB unit trust is the most profits through profit excludes RM11.81 billion."

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