
Sunday 4 October 2015

Mexico Earth dangerous for women?

Among the victims of murders that occurred in Guerrero, Mexico.

GUERRERO - MEXICO. When police found her mother's body without a head, Shilin Quinones knew that he had become orphans as orphans countless in Guerrero, Mexico.

Quinones also know that his mother, Aide Nava has become one of the hostages and kill drug trafficking were rampant in the neighboring Guerrero.

Nava is a candidate for mayor of a city located in the mountains of Mexico, Ahuacuotzingo.

After vowing to rid the city of the influence of the drug cartels and gangsters, Nava was kidnapped, raped, tortured and beheaded.

On March 11, the loss of Nava missed when drug gangs that kidnap group threw her body out in the open.

His body was covered with spray-painted cloth on which is written "this will happen to anyone who is not aligned with us."

"The police told us that they could not identify the bodies of my mother without kepalanya.Saya had denounced my mother's body with a birthmark on his arm," Quinones said when told of his ordeal to an international portal.

Quinones, 19, had lost control everything from drug cartels took place in his home.

His father, who served as mayor of the town of Francisco Quinones, was killed with a gun nine months before the murder of her mother do.

While his brother is said to have 'disappeared' since a few years ago, believed kidnapped by drug gangs in 2012 ago.

With a murder committed on his parents, residents in the area believe that Quinones and her sister, Vanessa might be the next target for the syndicate.

"Women lost and dying every day from this place. My mom was just one of thousands of other victims, "he said.

According to a study conducted by the National Citizen Femicide Observatory, a total of six women killed in Mexico every day and only one-fourth of the 3,892 homicides in 2013 investigated by the authorities.

On average, about 14 per 100,000 women are murdered each year in Guerrero, which is four times higher than other states in the country.

Last year, international media reported as many as 43 male students of the Rural Teacher Training College Ayotzinapa lost in Iguala, Guerrero.

The mass kidnapping carried out by a group of gangsters and according to official reports, the group seized several buses carrying the students.

The students were reportedly planning to hold a protest at the conference led by the wife of the mayor of Iguala.

According to the founder of the women's defense organization, Allied Women for Justice, Maria Luisa Garfias said statistics disappearance and murder of women in this year rose sharply above the average in the previous year.

"The criminals in this country do not even try to hide their crimes again. They seem to enjoy their crimes, "he said as quoted by the portal.

The organization menganggarkansehingga so far, more than 600 women in Guerrero have been lost this year and as many as 1,249 rape cases were reported in 2014.

"She was afraid to report the crime to the authorities. We have recorded one case of rape victims reported the crime to the police but was eventually reported as missing after trying to obtain justice for himself.

"Only about 40 percent of rape victims report the crime and the real figure may be beyond our expectations," he said.

Guerrero daily newspaper, VĂ©rtice, regularly publishing pictures of graphic murder the previous day in the backyard reading the media.

According to his editor, Jorge Pacheco said he was shocked by the number of deaths reported increasing, every day.

"We were not only surprised by the increase in female mortality in the country, but also with how they were killed.

"They were thrown from the bridge, suspended on a busy highway, mutilated before being killed and many more. Every day, more and more images like this arrives in our hands, "he said.

There are many experts and human rights groups expressed concern over the murder of women who are out of control.

Isarve Cano Vargas, 19, from the city of Tehuacan, was one of the victims of about 4,000 women and girls were abducted and killed each year.

The daughter of a former politician was found dead in May, a month after she was reported missing.

Vargas Cano was killed despite his family paid a ransom to the kidnappers demands.

In January, the body of an actress Carmen yourself Noriega Esparza, 27, was found rotting in a water tank in the apartment block where he lived in Mexico City.

Psychology graduate, was reported missing nearly a year ago when she discovered in February 2014.

Another case involved the death of the mayor Tiquicheo, Gorrostieta Maria Santos, who was attacked when sending their children to school.

Gorrostieta was ambushed by armed men tied his body was found with stab wounds, burned, and tortured by the roadside in San Juan Tararameo.

Gorrostieta was reported to have survived two suicide attempts.

A high school student, Lupita Perez Montes, 17, who was last seen on January 31 were among 18 young girls who went missing from the northern city of Ciudad Juarez in over a year.

In the case of a missing person, a primary school teacher, Noe Velasquez has made a loan of £ 12,000 (RM79445.59) that is over three times his annual salary to pay the ransom of her daughter earlier this year.

Her daughter, Jimena Vasquez, 18, disappeared in March after meeting a man known through online conversations.

Although he gave full ransom to the kidnappers, her daughter never came back.

Jimena Velasquez remains in the list of the missing Guerrero state. "I have a lot of debt, but I would pay ten times if my daughter back safely," he said.

Maria Velez, 15, was reported missing in Chilpancingo in 2010 after entering into an unfamiliar black car outside the school.

The incident was the second tragedy for his mother, Lilia winner when his partner, Jesus Moreno lost in 2008 in the same modus operandi.

"The people that I care about has been taken away from me. I do not know if they are alive or dead. My life is like in hell, "he said.
Guerrero is a state that is very important for the industry in the country's drug cartels.

Guerrero is the cultivation of cannabis and opium poppies are very fertile.

According to reports, about 41 hectares of opium poppy fields cultivated around the city of Guerrero.

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