
Saturday 12 December 2015

4 Foods Clean Lungs In 72 Hours, Smoker Mandatory Read!

Even smokers know the dangers of smoking to health but not all of them were able to stop, especially if it has become an active smoker for many years. times in this article we will discuss four types of foods that are proven to clean the lungs instantly. All smokers must read this article.

One of the most harmful effects of smoking are opiate effects thereof. The cause is nicotine which is an addictive substance that causes feelings of opium inside the smoker. Nicotine affects the chemical balance in the brain particularly dopamine and norepinephrine hormones which control the sense of satisfaction, relaxed and happy.

If someone is smoking cigarettes, nicotine in it stimulates the brain to produce less dopamine, as a result of the smoker will feel relaxed and comfortable. The subconscious then continuously requested that more dopamine is produced, how to continue to increase the intake of cigarettes.
Unfortunately the habit of smoking has an impact on other organs. A cigarette is known to contain hundreds of harmful chemicals like ammonia, carbon monoxide, nicotine, chromium, cadmium, lead, and others. Incorporating these chemicals into the body together with the body's own poison.
A study ever conducted on the lungs of smokers. As a result, people who spend a pack of cigarettes every day at risk of developing lung cancer is 20 times greater than those who do not smoke, where the majority of lung cancer cases emerged when the smoker has reached the age of 40 years.
In addition to cancer, smokers are also at risk for lung infection characterized by symptoms of chronic cough and often mixed with blood. In general, smokers ignore these symptoms until finally the structure of the lungs so damaged that it can not function normally and will eventually lead to complications in the heart.
There is no way to avoid the above diseases but to stop smoking completely and begin to live a healthy lifestyle. But for those of you who are still very difficult to stop smoking, below are some foods that you can consume to clear your lungs from toxic and harmful chemicals.
4 Foods To Clear Lungs
The good news is scientists have recently announced some type of diet consisting of fruits and vegetables contain substances that can cleanse the lungs of chemical substances from cigarettes instantly. Here is the list:

1. Ginger
Ginger has antiseptic and antibacterial properties and also helps bronchial tubes to eliminate harmful substances from the lung. Benefits are generally directly felt by the smoker after taking ginger was breathing so relieved and plong. The best way to eat them is to chew a piece of fresh ginger to open the airways are blocked.

2. Grapefruit
Grapefruit has a very large properties for health, especially for the fight against lung cancer. This fruit is very rich in antioxidants that can help the body prevent cancer cells grow uncontrollably.
According to a researcher named Dr. Corrine Hanson, grapefruit or grapefruit is also rich in vitamin C that causes this fruit has the ability to inhibit the action of enzymes that can activate cell lung cancer. Expand eating grapefruit if you are an active smoker.

3. Selenium
Selenium is a mineral that stimulates enzymes and together with vitamin E helps in strengthening the lung membrane. The results mentioned levels of selenium in the body is inversely proportional to the number of cancer cells. That is if selenium much the cancer cells will decrease or even disappear, and vice versa.
Mineral Selenium is found in watermelon, mushrooms, oysters, spinach and sweet potatoes. If you are a smoker, you must consume these foods untukmeningkatkan immune system and cleanse your lungs of toxins.

4. Garlic
A study ever conducted in Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China. The results of diligent research now suggests eating garlic at least twice a week can reduce the risk of lung cancer will decrease to 44%.

Garlic is known to contain antioxidants that can reduce free radicals in the body and contains the compound allicin which serves to eliminate the inflammation in the body.
Thus four foods that can cleanse the lungs of toxins from smoking. In addition to these four foods, you can also consume soursop as a cancer treatment. Hopefully useful, do not forget to click like and distribute this article to your friends who are active smokers.

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