
Sunday 6 December 2015

Pairin's Parti Bersatu Sabah can take time off

PAIRIN to lead the party in the PBS Supreme Council members trust me is not a problem.

Kota Kinabalu: The Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan to take your character to give a chance to others, it may take leave from the party.

75-year-old political heavyweight to lead the party in his absence PBS 'trust in the other members of the Supreme Council had no problems.

"I took a 12-month leave and those (other PBS Supreme Council members) work (Lead Party) can not do ... is no problem," he said to the delegates here today the 30th annual PBS later told reporters.

Sabah Deputy Chief Minister, who is also decided that when Pairin ,, "We must use our wisdom," he said, deciding that he would step down as party president when the skin That was the same.

Before that, he was much more than PBS age factor to be considered explained that, in the next general elections to choose candidates from the young members need to be wise.

"It is a reality. More and more young people and youth members who are able, automatically stand as candidate should be advised that there are party members.

"We join with the people in the first such talent and experience as the basis of specific criteria is to investigate the potential candidates.

"Age is not a factor. A candidate is usually required by someone who might be," he said.

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