
Monday 7 December 2015

Saki Lake Park into a passion lampias

There are couples who are still fully dressed in school uniform unashamedly sit alone together.

Tampa - What will I be? The discharge of the public as well as through the Saki Lake Park and saw the place was full of leisure attitude of some of the individuals that make it lust.

Even the Daily Herald review at the location yesterday in the last half an hour to find, there are a couple of teenagers sitting alone together even one of them still dressed in her school uniform.

There are also cars that come calling, but no driver or passenger is down even after more than five minutes at the location concerned.

Members of the public who want to be known as Abdullah Hamid said, the scenario commonly seen almost daily included in afternoon.

"Some come and sit too close to the seat provided. The place is open, the couple will need to conduct more so in Islam.

We were ashamed to see them, especially when they see young people who live far way disrespectful act like this, "he said yesterday.

Visitors who want to be known as the Temple of hope, the responsible parties can monitor the location and arrest those immoral if necessary.

"For them this lesson, when erecting billboards are prohibited from doing evil. Of shame, I became angry when they saw there was no shyness with people around.

"If possible, I want to be a memorial of them, but I fear for my safety if they are not happy with me," he said.

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