
Monday 14 March 2016

From Analysts to Operatives: What You Need to Know About the Intelligence Field

Starting a career in Intelligence can be daunting due to its secret nature. Finding information can be frustrating. I have outlined some important considerations to aid your decision-making.

Covert vs. Overt

Covert is secrecy. In some capacity, what you are doing or who you are, is kept secret. Covert also means your lifestyle will be different. You will have to maintain details of your deception, keep secrets from loved ones, and be vigilant regarding breaches in your cover. If you have a spouse and children, it will require them to help you keep up your cover.

Overt is openness. Although you may not be able to tell about the assignments you work on, you can tell whom you work for or what your job title is. These jobs do not generally cause any lifestyle changes.

Education vs. Experience

Which is more important? I had an arduous time getting hired for lack of experience. Most agencies will take experience over education.

However, education is equally important. This is especially the case if you have limited experience. My degrees were the sole reason for my acceptance to the Department of Homeland Security since my competition also lacked experience.

You should take every opportunity to gain both education and experience. While you are working on your education, apply to jobs and/or internships that gain you experience, even if they are unpaid. Whether education or experience is preferred will vary upon the agency and who your competition is for that specific job.

Strategic vs. Operational

Strategic is the over-arching intelligence. It describes trends, makes predictions, and looks at the over all big picture. I was being strategic when I looked at methamphetamine trends for the state of Kentucky.

Operational is down in the weeds. These people are generally gathering the intelligence. I was being operational when I was aiding officers on a methamphetamine case.

Home vs. Abroad

This decision will affect your opportunities. Jobs within the States are generally going to be desk jobs or with a domestic law enforcement agency.

If you are not averse to traveling abroad, the field is wide open. Remember your family in this decision, as they will be affected as well. They may have to travel with you or you may be traveling frequently without them knowing where you are.

Government vs. Civilian

Government can include federal, state and local. Every state has intelligence positions, just as the federal government does.

Civilian jobs are mostly with defense contractors. The important thing here is that the benefits are significantly different, so research them well, and contracts can be cut easier than government jobs if there are budget issues.

L. Murray is a Senior Policy Analyst with Sussman Corporate Security. She has worked for the Department of Homeland Security and the KY State Police Intelligence Branch. She has a Masters of Intelligence w/concentration in Terrorism and a B.S. in Political Science.

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A Diminishing Republic Ruled by Obama, or by Law?

If you were an American law enforcement officer, say a city police officer, sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and your State Constitution and to enforce your State's penal code, and you knew of a conspiracy being hatched to rob a bank in your city, would you prepare to arrest the perpetrators before they robbed the bank and brought serious harm to innocent people? Moreover, if you knew that the perpetrators were known criminals with long rap-sheets filled with crimes and misdemeanors, would you try to act speedily to keep the crime from occurring? Yet, what if your watch commander and, even, your police chief, told you to stand-down when you reported to them the incontrovertible facts about the impending crime, when it was going to occur, how it would occur, and the specific day and time? What if they, however, told you that it didn't matter and to forget about it?

To answer these poignant questions, I will specifically point to an article that appeared on the front-page of the August 2, 2014 edition of the "Washington Post" entitled, "Obama readies executive action on immigration." This article, coming from about the most Marxist propagandizing newspaper in the country, flippantly published this excuse for journalism with the same contempt for the U.S. Constitution as they did when they announced that the great (illegal) bill, Obamacare, was on the President's desk for signature. The article should have, instead, be properly entitled, "Obama plans high-crime to issue the illegal and unconstitutional executive order granting amnesty to further denigrate the U.S. Constitution. Why is this so?

Well, the most compelling reason is that executive orders are not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. They are an abstruse creation of the U.S. Supreme Court. Article 2 does not, in any way, give the President authority to hold the legislative, executive, and judicial powers in one hand, and a bull-whip in the other. The President, as chief executive, has only the specific power to issue directives, not laws, that affect only the working status of the employees of the executive branch. He has no power to unilaterally create a law (tantamount to a U.S. statute or code), to define and interpret its legal status, and to enforce it. That is the precise definition of pure tyranny.

Remember the infamous executive order issued by the first real American fuhrer, Franklin D. Roosevelt, when he ordered, in late 1941, that all of the innocent Japanese-Americans be rounded-up and imprisoned in internment camps? That order was later ruled as unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, as it should have been before it was issued. That order was responsible for over 100 deaths in those internment camps, and ruined quite a few human lives. Something very awful, after 1929, happened to the majority of the American people when they were exposed to the severe adversity of a Depression deliberately engineered by the Federal Reserve, in 1927, when it secretly ordered that 1/3 of the paper and coin money in circulation be taken out of circulation incrementally (Economist Milton Friedman establish this fact). By 1929, the runs on the banks and savings and loans in the nation were imminent. Then, when it happened, the People of the United States buckled to socialism, government regulation, and the philosophies of John Maynard Keynes, which were implemented by FDR in his unconstitutional New Deal. The People surrendered their precious liberty and freedom to the federal government for some temporary physical security, thinking that FDR was a savior instead of the demon he was. There were at that time a few American constitutional patriots who fought Roosevelt, but through FDR's deceitful conspiracy and collusion, proven through detailed historical research, they lost the fight.

The first executive order was, surprisingly, rendered by good old President George Washington when he took it upon himself to do the job of Congress by ordering the building of the first federal mint. Congress should have tongue-lashed Washington and told him never to assume a legislative power that rightfully belongs to the Congress. Nonetheless, Washington was not reprimanded (he was, for some reason, extolled) for his usurpation of the U.S. Constitution, and a precedent was unconstitutionally set that a President has the power to issue "executive orders." Yet, the old, but true, aphorism, "give them an inch, and they'll take a mile" was exemplified by that happening, and has been evermore true in the passage of history since that first illegal order was given.

Now, getting back to illegal immigration, there are laws, U.S. Codes, that have been passed by plural (Democratic and Republican) Congresses, and signed by standing U.S. Presidents, going back to Harry Truman, which make illegal immigration into the United States, across U.S. borders, a crime, and actionable by federal law enforcement. According to standing law, any federal law enforcement officer can intervene in the commission of a federal crime, such as bank robbery, kidnapping, shoplifting, and illegal immigration. If they deliberately don't intervene during robberies or kidnappings, they can't use, as an excuse for not intervening, that it was not his, or her, jurisdiction. This applies to all federal law enforcement officers, the FBI, the U.S. Marshall's Service, the DEA, the ATF, etc. For example, if an armed, or unarmed, U.S. Border Patrol officer or INS (ICE) agent witnesses a bank robbery, a kidnapping, an act of shoplifting in DC, or an act of illegal immigration, he, or she, has the authority to intervene, to stop the crime, and to arrest the perpetrators. If an FBI agent, perchance, witnesses a van-load of illegal aliens, from Tijuana, Mexico, unloading in Chula Vista, California, he has the jurisdiction to intervene and arrest the aliens and turn them over to the U.S. Border Patrol. This is only as reasonable as the duty of a deputy sheriff to have the jurisdiction to enforce any, and all, state laws in any city in that county where the local police are not witnesses to crimes that are committed. The object of law enforcement, federal, state, and local, is to maintain the public peace and security for the residents of the States who are American citizens, through the proper enforcement of all laws, federal, state, and local, legislated and enacted for the public good. When these laws are deliberately not enforced, the peace and security of the People, for which these laws were intended, diminishes in proportion to the diminution of law. I believe that this is what the Honorable John Adams meant when he solemnly said, "We are a nation of laws, and not of men."

So, in the beginning of this essay I asked what you, an American peace officer, would do if you knew that a sordid federal crime, a felony, had been planned, and when it was going to be perpetrated. If you also knew that the federal law enforcement officers, sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution and to enforce all standing federal laws, were going to standby and allow the crime to be committed, what would you do? I have some associates who are federal law enforcement officers, FBI and U.S. Border Patrol, and some associates who are Department of Justice lawyers. And you know what? They don't give a diddly-squat about whether high-crimes are being committed by the U.S. President; and what a shame it is! These federal fat-cats are much more interested in maintaining an unlawful status quo, in order to continue getting their paychecks and retirements, than in the rule of law. All of them are bowing to their boss, Eric Holder, and saying to him, "You're command, which is your fuhrer's command, is my desire to enforce." Would you, a sworn peace officer, throw-up your hands and say, "There's nothing I can do?" Or would you do something, perhaps something a bit drastic?

Of course, what you would have to do is to first come to a conclusion as to whether the issuance of an unconstitutional executive order is essentially tantamount to the commission of a bank robbery, murder, or kidnapping? Let's, for a moment, go back to FDR and consider a blatant correlation that cries-out for recognition. When that fascist President illegally ordered the internment of over a million Japanese-Americans, U.S. citizens, and some of those people died during their internment, was that order tantamount to a felony? Were those deaths the result of the commission of involuntary manslaughter, or murder by Roosevelt's henchmen? When American citizens directly suffer, to the point of death, through the issuance of unconstitutional executive orders, shouldn't something drastic be done? Will Obama's order to give amnesty to illegal aliens, in direct violation of federal law, cause the People of the United States (the residents of your State) to suffer from crime, lack of jobs, and deliberately engineered social disorder (70 percent of the violent crimes in San Diego are committed by Hispanic illegal aliens)? My opinion is, and will forever be, that when the standing federal, state, or local laws are discounted, negated, ignored and unenforced by the chief law enforcement officers and their direct enforcers, anarchy will preside, which calls for that system, allowing such absence of law, to be abolished and a new system instituted which will ensure the blessings of liberty and freedom for the People. This is only the recourse stated in that blessed document that was the foundation of American republican government, the Declaration of Independence.

When due process of law, and the reasonable acts of the American citizens, the People, to redress their grievances against the government, have no impact on the illegalities that are being routinely perpetrated by an obviously guilty standing U.S. President, his federal henchmen, and the U.S. Representatives and Senators who are in collusion with him, letters, calls, and faxes to the Legislative and Executive branches are of no avail. They don't read them. Most of the faxes go into the circular file. These hypocritical people have other capricious agendas, and do not want to hear your complaints and grievances. I know this to be a fact. The Representatives and Senators who are really trying to uphold, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution are in a very small minority of the Legislative branch, and the mainstream media denounce them. When the Speaker of the House is a 195 pound mental weakling, and allows the Executive branch to push him, and the House of Representatives, around, the House cannot accomplish anything collectively; and neither can a Senate, which is comprised mainly of millionaire Marxists.

The only thing that will make a real difference is if 75 million American citizens, the electorate of working men and women of the American Republic, put down their jobs temporarily and collectively converge on Washington, DC in force, to surround the Capitol Building, the Supreme Court, and the White House, and demand, what Dr. Michael Savage has called, a revolutionary change in government to restore the U.S. Constitution as the exclusive federal rulebook. You, the People, have that right, according to the Declaration of Independence. What will the feds do if it happens, order the young men and women of the military to fire on their mothers and fathers? It will never happen!

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Being Judgmental Ends in Chaos

Being non-judgmental has taken on a positive connotation in our culture. Our society has moved away from consequences due to false self-esteem and our welfare mentality. The only people punished are those who insist on traditional Christian-Judaic values. Being bad is good, good is bad. These upside down values are leading us down a rapid decline in our standards of behavior and morals. We are on a trajectory to chaos.

It is true, many people of our older generations have put people with different cultural values down without understanding them. The need to be superior to others has often been the motivation in shunning people with different values.

The modern "anything goes" attitude, which is really scoffing at traditional values has severe consequences in our society. Today we are facing a more destructive behavior of not noticing a person who is being offensive or harmful to another. These obnoxious, belittling behaviors have lost their stigma and are becoming acceptable. A vulgar person might be cursing another in front of youngsters. An individual might be speaking loudly on his cell phone or watching a pornographic video in a public place or putting down his spouse or child for everyone to hear.

We are often cowardly ignoring any inappropriateness even those behaviors we know are harmful to that individual. In our politically correct culture, we are being conditioned to keep our mouths shut so as not to offend someone that is publicly offensive to those around him.

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, coined the phrase, "deviancy down" to highlight when a society begins to tolerate the intolerable. At this point evil behavior explodes. He noted the break-up of the family not only produced emotional scars for all of its members but created a vacuum where moral values were no longer communicated from one generation to another.

Lowering our institutional standards in education, media, judiciary, military and religion has had disastrous effects. Grades are inflated in our schools to appease parents and to maintain student's false high esteem. The progressive state run media does not report the true news story but creates a narrative to push an ideological agenda. The courts, the DOJ and military are not sending a clear message that there will be serious consequences for disobeying the law.

Even our churches are not teaching and stressing a clear moral code. Instead they are communicating a moral relativism that is weakening and undermining the conscience of our populace. Too many religious people have remained silent when members of the church have sexually molested children. It is unconscionable when a person representing the church takes sexual advantage of a child. When the people of the congregation are tolerant of any horrific act it makes them accomplices to the crime. This non-judgmental silence of people in many institutions is making it an easier environment for "anything goes" immoral behavior to prevail.

The softening of our moral conscience by our institutions is making it that much tougher for God fearing and loving families to keep high moral standards. Citizens are becoming demoralized with being punished for maintaining high standards while irresponsible parents and adults are seen as "cool."

We are witnessing an epidemic of parents not motivated to fulfill their duty as parents by not commanding their children to stop inappropriate actions. The parent does not demand an end to the child's shenanigans as it may appear abusive. Instead many "cool" parents go out of their way to assist their youngsters in illicit behaviors such as underage drinking, drugging and sex.

Often the parent does not put his foot down because the parent does not want to alienate the spouse and suffer the consequences or feel the anger and resentment of the child. They choose to look the other way when the children do something inappropriate not to harm the unnatural, phony friendship with their child. They do not want to be the bad guy as the head of the family.

Mature adults should realize that not stopping negative behavior is a lost opportunity to do one's moral responsibility.

Maybe it is time we analyze what the non-judgmental mentality is doing to the social fabric of our society. High standards based on moral values and expectations will bring about an upswing in wholesome and productive behaviors. These time-tested traditional moral values will reverse our decadence returning us to peaceful, prosperous stability.

Dr. Maglio is an author and owner/director of Wider Horizons School, a college prep program.

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Wedding Vows Cherished As Marriage of 62 Years Is Over

In Bakersfield, CA, a true love story has came to an end. The featured love of the Simpsons had flourished for decades; as a result of their love at first sight marriage. They met in a bowling alley... Thereafter, Don Simpson gained more knowledge concerning his career move, and set out for California in order to share their married lives--filled with commitment--together for 62 years.

Don and Maxine Simpson decided to marry early, and took this commitment only a few months after they encountered each other. This maturing relationship presumed for decades, as they grew and had families, while Don worked in his profession.

After an extremely unique passing, the Don and Maxine Simpson's relationship has moved on. This extraordinary couple of 62 years had experienced the fate that only true romantics can enjoy. Family members are stunned and honored by method of their sudden deaths. Mr. Don Simpson set the trigger when his hip was damaged by a fall. Thereafter, his wife's detrimental ailment of cancer began to worsen as the days went by.

Melissa Sloan rushed to aid her elderly family members. she did what she could to keep her grandparents together the entire time. In fact, she ensured that her grandparents were in the same room, holding hands, until her grandmother's final breath. Unfortunately, Melissa's grandfather, Don Simpson, passed just four hours after his wife was removed from his presence.

Don and Maxine Simpson made the promise "till death do us part" when they were young, but the phrase gained new meaning this week when the two died just four hours apart. Instead of mourning, the Simpsons' family is choosing to celebrate their love.--Melissa Sloan

"I walked them out with her body," Sloan explained. "Walked back in to check on grandpa and he quit breathing as soon as her body left the room. He left with her, and they passed four hours apart from each other."

"It's just amazing. It really is amazing. It's a true love story," she added.

According to sources, after a traumatic experience, such as losing a cherished loved one, the body goes through changes. These particular changes may affect the heart, causing an overflow of hormones to overwork the left side of the heart. Ultimately, this couple will be remembered as a true love story that ended, while holding genuine value to their wedding vows of being together until the end..

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Tuesday 8 March 2016

WordPress Donation Plugin

WordPress is an exceptional website building method just about anyone is able to take advantage of. The design practice is basic, so extensive coding is not necessarily required for someone to create a WordPress page. One of the major benefits of WordPress is access to hundreds of potential plug-ins, which in turn give you the ability to customize the website and add in new widgets and features a visitor is able to interact with. Some widgets allow a person to connect through their social media account, while others improve the overall functionality of the website. For some instances though, requesting donation funds is an excellent addition as well. Whether you manage a non-profit organization, church or other service where donations help keep the operation afloat and running, this sort of donation plugin can take your website from simply informative to a positive outreach method that can bring in money at the same time.

Before implementing the donation plugin into your website, you first need to understand what the plugin is and how it can improve your website. Working with donors can be difficult, as it often requires them to perform several tasks which, at the time, might just seem too much for the donor. Many people do want to help, if it is made easy for them to do. With the WordPress donation plugin, it keeps your donors on your website, as they simply have to click on the widget icon and money can be donated to your account, based on the amount they feel like donating. It is extremely easy to use, gives you confidence that you can raise money and it also is one of the best donation plugin options out there. Few other options give you the piece of mind and ability to bring in more money for your cause than this option, which is why you and your non-profit organization should try it out.

As the best WordPress donation plugin, you are able to take advantage of your website and use it as a means to bring in funding for your cause. There are times people might want to donate but simply do not know how to. With the help of the best donation plugin, people no longer have to search the Internet in order to find a way to donate. All they need to do is click on a single button and complete the process by filling in their credit card information or even PayPal data. The best WordPress donation plugin also makes it possible for someone to donate to you on a spur of the moment. They might feel inclined to donate all of a sudden, so to take advantage of this generous spirit, the donation plugin is there for visitors to use.

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Relevance of Kings And Queens in Ceremonial Role

The royalty titles - Kings and Queens - are still in vogue in the world. These titles are found in developed countries as well as in developing countries. There are quite a few Kings and Queens still in the world: in UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Spain, Denmark, Oman, Tonga, Morocco, Monaco, Bahrain, Cambodia, Jordan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Liechtenstein, Norway, Brunei, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, Kuwait, Sweden, Bhutan, Samoa, Swaziland... What is their utility to humanity in the present era? They have ceremonial value only, but at a huge cost to public exchequer. They are unpopular, and losing power slowly in Middle East, Nepal, Brunei and other developing countries.

Who supports Kings?

Surprisingly, the survival of these kingdoms depends upon support from other democracies of the world. Saudi Arabia King/Sheikh gets support from US. Is it, to maintain stability in the region? Not a convincing argument! It confirms that there are no permanent friends, and principles of a country. There are only permanent interests. Osama-bin-Laden the terrorist had to leave Saudi Arabia for supporting democracy.

Clinging to old pride

Aren't the Kings/Queens just relics of past and irrelevant? What is the hitch? We remember past glory with pride. A Queen in UK, reminds us of the glorious past of UK: the British Empire, where the Sun never set. We want to cling to old memories. Remember the good old school days: Law of Inertia - Newton's First Law of Motion. There is always a resistance to change. Is the social recognition of Kings/Queens relevant in present era? Is the expenditure on maintaining the ceremonial Kings/Queens justifiable? Let there be a voluntary retirement plan, with one lump sum payment. Give them decent accommodation. Take away big palaces. Convert these into museums or hotels. Commoners would love to pay any amount, to live 'royal' life even for a day. Let the Kings and Queens live like commoners. It has to happen. How long can we delay the inevitable? "Who will bell the cat?", and when! The Kings and Queens - the ceremonial relics of the past - may see the writing on the wall and voluntarily surrender the perks. They will reconcile, as they have done in India, a land with hundreds of small kingdoms, in 1947. Let us make a final push to dump the existing irrelevant titles of Kings and Queens into history books. Developing countries are the leaders in the drive to obliterate the kingdoms from the face of the earth. They are fighting a losing battle in the world. The developed nations - democratic nations - are safe havens for these relics of past.

The new avatars

There are new avatars, who are replacing erstwhile Kings and Queens. Saddam Hussein with his seven palaces, was more than a King. Col Gaddafi of Libya lived like a King. Idi Amin was another monster, who ruled like a king. UNO needs to keep an eye on such pseudo-kings in developing countries. Humanity must curb the extravaganza of such public figures, who misuse democracy.

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Kabaka Mutesa Mukabya: Uganda's Powerful, Murderous, Enlightened, Diplomatic, and Famous Potentate

Buganda's most renowned of warrior-kings, Ssuuna (Suna/ Suuna), whom Henry Morton Stanley compared to Shaka of the Zulu (sky) Clan would succumb to small-pox in 1856. Just before his death, he called together the Kingdom-state's three hereditary senior chiefs and the prime minister and instructed that his eldest son Kajumba be installed as his successor when the moment came. The "Emperor" Ssuuna strongly favored Kajumba whom he likened to himself, and surmised that he would be the appropriate strongman to maintain the prestige and supremacy of Buganda. Kajumba was apparently head and shoulders high above his brethren, he was youthful and violent. However, it is such headstrong tendencies that made Kajumba largely unpopular with the Buganda leaders, the royals, and the local population.

"Kajumba... Suna's favourite... the war-loving father on his death-bed pointed... with pride to his chiefs the heroic qualities of the prince, reminded... how when a..boy he had slain a buffalo with a club and an elephant with a... spear, and assured them with his latest breath that Kajumba would become more renowned than either lion-like [Kabaka] Kimera or renowned [Kabaka] Nakivingi" (Stanley 1878: 295).

After his father's death, Kajumba grabbed his heavy spear and massive shield, declared himself Kabaka Ssuuna's choice and successor, and announced that he would determinedly uphold his father's dignity to the death. The chiefs gave the order and Kajumba was attacked and tightly bound. "Mild-spoken, large-eyed" Prince Mtesa (Muteesa/ Mutesa), an alternative monarchical prospect regarded as much less violent and much easier to deal with than Kajumba, was instead installed as the new king.

However, soon after the burial rituals to honor the late Ssuuna, soft-spoken Mutesa would reveal himself as the ruthless power-obsessed butcher and disciplinarian, though his harshness would subside over the years of his reign. He struck terror in the population and earned the nickname, "Mukaabya," (Mukabya) which translates to, "the one who causes to weep," and by which he was prevalently called.

"He would have no subject... remind him... he owed his sovereignty to him. According to his father's custom, he butchered all who gave... offence, and... lion in war, Namujulirwa, as also... Katikiro (or prime minister), he... beheaded... in a passion, he would take his spear... rush to his harem... spear his women, until his thirst for blood was slaked... Mtesa was of this temper when Speke saw him... continued... until... converted by... Arab Muley bin Salim into a fervid Muslim. After this... became... humane, abstained from... strong native beer which used to fire his blood... renounced... blood-shedding custom of his fathers" (Stanley 1878: 296).

Though he was a slave trader, Muley was regarded as a devout Muslim and teacher of the faith. Mutesa would toy with both Islam and Christianity, he saw the ironies and conflicts in the foreign religions and he never really took them seriously. But he did learn Arabic and he would at length ponder over and debate many philosophical issues.

The Buganda system of governance was a unique and sophisticated system of checks and balances that involved both civil and hereditary leaders that strived to ensure that no group went to extremes or became too powerful. The king married from all the clans in Buganda as a gesture of maintaining familial ties with all the Baganda. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the king did not have absolute powers, but was closely monitored and advised by the senior chiefs and the prime-minister. The king did not have the final say in who would be his successor. A prince who was quite young was usually chosen to be the successor, one who would likely be more easily molded and compliant as he grew and developed into the system of traditionalism. But though the king could be treated as more of a ceremonial figure, he was still capable of enlisting forces to get rid of the ruling elders, and vice-versa. The tradition of killing off princes, during the installation of a new monarch seems to have been in Buganda for centuries, and was designed to minimize royal rebellions and strife for power.

Despite Mutesa's initial ruthlessness that reflected historical royal practices designed to exact utmost compliance to and reverence for him, Mutesa would become renowned for his enlightenment, his diplomacy, and for embracing monotheistic religions and innovative development in his kingdom. Foreign forces were fast penetrating the kingdom-state, and Mutesa was challenged to deal with traditionalism, the forces of colonialism, the new arms and ammunition, the shifting boundaries of his kingdom, the slavery and the slave trade, amongst a myriad of other issues during his three decades in power. The old order was rapidly changing, the forces of the industrial revolution and the Scramble for Africa had come to the most powerful kingdom state in Africa's Great Lakes region.

Kabaka Mutesa Mukaabya died on October 9, 1884 (10th, according to some sources) and the Buganda Council picked his son Prince Mwanga Mukasa Basammula to be the new king. Coincidentally, Uganda officially gained political independence from England on October 9, 1962.

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Sunday 6 March 2016

Superbosses - Wanting the Best!

There are many articles, books, and countless conversations of what traits create a great leader or what we're calling a SuperBoss.

So what makes a SuperBoss? My research on Superbosses led me to a well-known academic and writer named, Sydney Finkelstein, a professor at Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business. In essences, a SuperBoss has a unique charter with limited egos and surrounds him or herself with the best talent, even if this talent is more refined or advanced than that of the boss. For the SuperBoss, the recruitment process starts with seeking out people with the highest intelligence, creativity, and flexibility. Creating a team of winners is the only priority. The Superbosses job is to coordinate the team creating a spirit of camaraderie towards the goals. A team's success does not necessarily means towards each other but the project at hand. It is also important to understand team competitiveness is not a bad thing, if managed effectively which can create better results.

There are also many studies and what not to do as a boss, and I'm sure we all have our opinions. To list some simple adjectives of bad bosses; incompetent, controlling delegator, indecisive type, always thinking they're right, stubborn managers, talking change but are stagnant, micromanaging, fear tactics, lack of vision, favoritism, just to name a few.

To summarize horrible bosses are driven by emotions versus the facts, and this leads to low morale, reduced productivity, the inability to reach goals, and the loss of good employees..

Great leaders make decisions by using data to back up his or her decisions. Bosses who fail to conduct a comprehensive review are running on emotions, which lead to poor decisions.

Workplaces talk about improvements, innovation, expansion, and profitability, but many cannot change the inner workings to achieve greater success. Poor bosses to generate results may take an ax to management, staffing, policies and procedures but no matter what strategies are attempted results continues a spiral downwards. There is no excuse for mediocre results, and tolerating mediocrity is an admission of failure.

Superbosses understand that smart, creative, flexible people tend to have fast-paced careers, which your typical boss may say he or she is overqualified and would soon want to move on. A Superboss would embrace these individuals maximizing his or her knowledge and talent.

Mr. Finkelstein has categories Superbosses into three styles of management. The first being glorious bastards which care only about winning but realize the need to develop the best people. The second type is the Nurturer. These individuals are the coaches, teachers, and mentors. These individuals take pride in bringing other along and care deeply about the success of others. Lastly the Iconoclasts, These individuals operate in creative fields where their inner passion inspires others. The fundamental characteristic of all three categories is each is not afraid to recruit and hire individual that have great wealth or talent.

As with any boss, it requires hands-on-leadership, but Superbosses have a distinct quality of having people do what they thought was impossible. Superbosses are masters and extremely efficient delegators. They have this ability chose smart, ambitious, adaptable people and offered them a vision, and trust. Superbosses encourage and create steps for change and personal growth. They provide advancement opportunities far beyond those found in traditional organizations by customizing career paths. Last, they stay connected, even after team members move on, they continue networking and maintaining communications, giving advice and direction.

A SuperBoss has the personal confidence to recruit the best and understand a leap of faith is required. To the bosses that cannot move forward with hiring and retention of the best, it may be time to hire a third party consultant who can analysis and articulates the pitfalls and bottlenecks within the organization. A fresh eye deep mussel comprehensive inner looking's of the organization is just what may be required. As with any review or audit, how presented is important and should never be punitive but a step toward improvement.

The simplest way to describe a SuperBoss is a leader that does not have a strict management style, ability to adapt to situations, and not having personal insecurities get in the way of making a good business decision. Superbosses understand no matter the talent nurturing and motivating is an essential requirement with surrounding yourself with the best team. Always seeking the best people and keeping staff focused and engaged.

Andrew Catalano's Bio:

Andrew Catalano resides in Maspeth, New York, and has worked in the hospitality service industry for over 30 years. Experiences with but not limited to; working with union and non-union operations, for-profit and not-for-profits in all segments of the industry; private ownership, corporate, education, and healthcare - (acute and LTC). Andrew is an adjunct professor at CUNY and the Institute of Culinary Educations, and a certified instructor with the National Restaurant Association, holding an NYS teaching permit. As the owner principle of Strategic Management Consultants Andrew prides himself on offering fresh eye reviews for the service operator, from financial reviews, management evaluations, labor optimization, marketing strategies, food safety, and employee training for both front line and management staff. Andrew holds a Master degree in Business Management, which gives him the refined skills to think through the problems, refine the vision, and plan next steps to improve the quality and value of an operation. Please contact Andrew Catalano at with your questions or to schedule a business review.

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If You Change Your Conversation You Can Change Your Life!

As humans, we have been conditioned and programmed from a place of lack (negative): not enough, can't have, don't deserve, not possible and don't qualify. So we create a life with limits that is often the opposite of what we want because we simply follow what we've been taught. Thus we've created habits or patterns of thought that keep us away from our true desires and dreams because our thoughts are not coming from a place of abundance. We therefore find ourselves unable to manifest the abundance (positive) of anything on a continuing basis, regarding things like money, health, prosperity, happiness, peace, or any desire.

I'm going to share a quote from Mahatma Gandhi which states how the process works so you can understand how to change it, and thus change your life.

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your WORDS.
Keep your words positive because your words become your BEHAVIOR.
Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your HABITS.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your VALUES.
Keep your values positive because your values become your DESTINY.

So let's talk about how you can change your life by changing your conversation.

As human beings, we are programmed with the beliefs of our parents or caregivers, teachers, clergy, friends, employers, etc. Although most beliefs and patterns come from our parents as a child, we have many other teachers along the way. We accept the beliefs as "right" because these people love and care about us and usually want the best for us, so it's natural we believe the teachings as truth. However, if you dissect our present world and the direction it is going, it is not in a place of caring, peace, happiness, prosperity, but is in a place of unrest, terror, financial duress, stress of all kinds, and certainly many health challenges. And as humans we buy into this mindset quite easily, then wonder why our life isn't going the way we want it to go regardless of the world's chaos.

So often as I work with clients, I notice their words, and very often - more times than not - their words that were first their thoughts, are coming from negativity. You know the laws of the universe - that you cannot expect a positive result if your thoughts and feelings are negative because the vibration of negativity can only attract more of the same. Take the picture often used to emphasize this point, that of the glass being either half full or half empty. Most people, with their first thought, see it half empty, even if they quickly change it to half full once they realize what they did. Of course that's a good thing if they can become aware of the need to change their thought because that's the first step in the process - the need to see things differently and change your thoughts.

So the first step is becoming aware of your thoughts - are they positive or negative? Amazingly - and we all do this - we are often not aware we are thinking and speaking in a negative pattern because it was taught to us as the way to work. Let's share some examples so you understand what I'm talking about.

First, get the word try out of your vocabulary. You are either doing it or not; there is no try. When you say "Okay, I'll give this a try," you're saying it with hesitation. You are actually sharing there's a possibility you cannot do it, so you've already put yourself in a place of doubt, which is negative. Instead say something like this (which means you have to think it first), "Okay, I will give this my best" or something similar. This makes it a positive response in which you are actually stating you are doing it.

Take someone who is having health or financial issues. Many people will share all their woes with you continuously as soon as you connect with them in some way, which shows they are focusing on what they feel isn't good in their life. Instead, it would be wise if that person refrained from telling the world all their problems (after all, everyone has problems) and shared some things that are good in their life. If asked how things are, they could respond with something like this "This isn't my best day but I'm moving forward." And that person needs to focus on the one or two good things that day so they can raise their vibration to a higher level where more good things can reach them. When you focus on what's wrong every day, you become a victim, and victims are in a place of smallness that can never bring the positive results they hope for.

Look again at the quote from Mahatma Gandhi. Every thought becomes a word, which becomes your behavior(how you act), which in turn becomes your values(how you see life), and that becomes your destiny(the experiences you create in your life). So you can see the importance of what your thoughts are and how much influence they have on what your life is right now.

I believe we've established that your thoughts are where you have to begin if you want your life to show up differently. But here's the catch: You will need to look deeply into your heart and soul to uncover the beliefs and patterns that were ingrained into you when you came into this earth, because they may be buried so deep you do not realize how they are influencing your thoughts and creating what shows up in your life. Look for the core concepts that frame your thinking - where your mind first travels as some thought or experience appears in your life.

It all begins with your self-talk - the conversations you have with yourself. Some call it mind chatter, and for most of us it is constantly active and giving us ideas of how to think, feel and behave. So that's where you begin - becoming aware of your self-talk and how you interact in your own conversations. For example, when you think about money, what comes to your mind first? Is it wishing for more or frustrated because there's not quite enough to pay your expenses or perhaps buy something you want to purchase? Are you a little panicked because you owe a bunch to creditors and don't see how to pay the debt, and it shows up in physical ailments like insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue or even anger?

Here's a possibility for changing the outcome to financial freedom. Actually picture money coming into your bank account and begin being thankful for its arrival long before there's any evidence of its appearance. Even if you still have doubts it will come, you are focusing on your desire, and the mere fact of being grateful for it upfront changes your vibration to a positive one. Over time, you can actually shift your entire thinking to "Yes, I can have this and then be open to receive it."

It behooves you to begin thinking about your words and your self-talk. If you really pay attention I can pretty much guarantee most of these conversations will have negative origins. Pick any aspect of your life and focus on what your thoughts are when you first think of that situation. Was it a negative thought that brought the concept of lack or deficiency of some kind, or was it a positive thought of overflowing and abundant something?

The power to change your life through the conscious effort of your thinking is in your mind - you have complete control over the process of your thoughts. It will undoubtedly take some conscious effort to become aware of where your thoughts go before you can grasp what needs to be changed in order to create a different scenario in your life. However, you can do it if you truly wish to create a better, more loving life. Change your conversations and you can absolutely change your life!

Dr. Carolyn Porter is an internationally recognized author, speaker, life and health restoration coach, angel intuitive and trainer whose passion is empowering individuals so they understand their magnificence and the power they have to create the life they want and deserve. She focuses on helping people with their health in all dimensions: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Her services include helping people with: spiritual growth, relationship healing, empowerment, new direction, becoming "unstuck," as well as training individuals with certification to become coaches, angel practitioners and her newest service Certified trainer program. She has helped hundreds of people worldwide to change their life for the better through these services, and would be honored to help you on your life's journey.

She has authored multiple books, eBooks and audios that include: Angel Love; Adrenal Fatigue - Real Answers for a Real Problem; Healing with Color; Communication that Works; Attracting Your Soulmate; From Victim to Victor.

Article Source:

Saturday 5 March 2016

Whither Islam

The news

N* Shia militants kill Sunni Muslims in Iraq.

* ISIS (Sunni militants), kill Shias and Yezdi Christians in Iraq.

* Turkey airforce planes bombard PKK (Kurd Workers Party), but not ISIS.

* Shia Houthis fight with Sunni Al Qaeda in Yemen.

A disintegrated coalition of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and US fights ISIS.

US, a cautious half-hearted ally, offers air support only.

Strange bed-fellows!

It helps ISIS.

Credibility of Islam

Is credibility of Islam at stake?


ISIS's barbarian beheading of journalists has tarnished the image of Islam.

Does Quran support beheadings?


But, let's find out the truth.

Then, let's educate illiterate Muslims including Muslim women.

It will wipe out the illogical, and fundamentalist beliefs from their minds.

It will dilute impact of fundamentalist interpretation of Quran by clerics.


Militant Shias kill innocent Sunnis in Iraq.

Militant ISIS kills innocent Shias and Yezidis.

The instigators - the Shia and Sunni clerics are in safe havens:

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and other Muslim countries.

Despicable violence

Who motivates ISIS fighters to behead those, who disagree?

*The cause of intra-Islamic killings is despicable.

*The inter-religion militancy against Christians/Hindus is despicable too.

*Taliban/Boko Haram atrocities, against Muslim/Christian girls' education are equally despicable.

Islam's glorious past and credibility has reached its nadir.

The future

The upswing from its nadir has already begun.

Malala has won Noble Prize.

Clerics are losing.

Malalas are winning.

The future belongs to Malalas.

Let's emancipate Muslim women.

It will pay rich dividends in war against militancy.

The problem

We have to explain Islam to Muslims of the world, objectively.

The clerics consider humanity as a huge market for their religion/sect.

A Shia cleric wants to grab bigger share of market for Shia sect.

ISIS clerics want bigger share for Sunni sect.

It is a corporate war: ruthless and result oriented targeted market share.

A spiritual war

It is not a spiritual war.

We all fight spiritual battle, within.

Our soul battles with sensual temptations, and tries to resist.

There is no violence in spiritual battle, within.

Religious wars between social Gods

Religious violence is a war of supremacy between social Gods.

Yes, there is one absolute God in the world.

But we have number of social Gods.

Social Gods have different names in different civilizations.

We have complicated the issue there after.

We believe Allah is a Muslim God.

We believe, there is a Sunni Allah and there is a Shia Allah.

The two, shall never meet, in peace.

There is a Christian God.

There are Hindu Gods - 330 millions of them.

Buddhists believe there is a cause to an effect called universe.

But they don't call it - the cause - a God.

Unity in diversity

We are unable to see unity of humanity in diversity.

We enjoy diversity in sensual pleasures, in the world.

We love Thai food, Chinese food, Japanese food, and any other variety.

We are comfortable with a friend of any nationality, religion, and colour.

But we are ill at ease with other religions.

Why can't we learn to enjoy, diversity of all religions and religious sects?

Why are we possessive about our religion and insist on its supremacy?

Different geographical locations, and languages create different religions.

There are different names of Gods, and beliefs in different religions.

But look close, the prescribed behaviour is same, in all religions.

Nobody gives due importance to behaviour in a religion.

We fight over beliefs.

This is the tragedy of humanity.

We don't understand basics of religions.

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Analysis Of Reasons Why Some Black Celebrities And Black People Reject Being Themselves

What is it that makes some blacks, once they reach a status of success in Hollywood or other high stations, seem to want to deny or minimize their heritage? For example, Raven Symone is a beautiful, intelligent and accomplished woman, but she recently stated she didn't want to be labelled as black.

Unfortunately, she grew up under white supremacy, which is the exaltation of white history, white values, white theology, white standards above all other people. I will never trash my beloved sister. I instead seek to understand her and others.

Under white supremacy we have been fed a steady diet of "white accomplishments" and a minimizing/hiding of "black accomplishments".

Nearly all of our childhood stories were of white heroes. For 12 years of school we learned nothing but European history and accomplishments. In church we were given images of white prophets, white angels, white Mary, white Jesus and a white God. We were told go to sleep on Dec 24th and a Caucasian man(Santa) will bring you everything you want on Dec 25th.

Couple this indoctrination in white supremacy with the images given that Africa is savage, we were swinging from trees like animals, we haven't contributed to human history... and combine these images with the negative images we have today of black on black killings, self hate, the way we glamorize black ignorance on BET, reality shows, etc. Are we surprised that a Raven Symone would wish to ignore her background when the world has given so much negativity to being black?

According to the Psychology Dictionary "Avoidance" is a disorder that:

"refers to the practice or an instance of keeping away from particular situations, activities, environments, individuals, things, or subjects of thought because of either (a) the anticipated negative consequences of such or (b) the anticipated anxious or painful feelings associated with those things or events. Psychology explains avoidance in several ways: as a means of coping- as a response to fear or shame- and as a principal component in anxiety disorders."

Our giant Carter G. Woodson told us over 50 years ago in his book: The Miseducation Of The Negro,

"If you can control a man's thinking you do not have to worry about his action. When you determine what a man shall think you do not have to concern yourself about what he will do. If you make a man feel that he is inferior, you do not have to compel him to accept an inferior status, for he will seek it himself. If you make a man think that he is justly an outcast, you do not have to order him to the back door. He will go without being told; and if there is no back door, his very nature will demand one."

White Supremacy is a sickness that produces the diseases of Black inferiority, Black self hate and wanting to be white in black skin. The cure for these diseases is a good dose of knowledge of self, love of self & kind and valuing our history. When we know who we are we won't seek to hide it we will instead shout it proudly!



Brother Mustafaa Abdul Muhammad is a Black Man who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God.

He has been public speaking since 1999 and writing since 1997.

He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

Article Source:

Black People And Our Fascination With Following Dead Leaders

"Why do you seek the living one among the dead?" Luke 24:5

We love to worship the dead. We wait till our good leaders die then we name a street after them and/ or put up a symbolic picture and claim that was my man... I follow him.

Meanwhile, the living leader is ignored while we quote the words of a dead leader, marvel over his deeds and wonder what he would do if he was present. We can speculate all day but will never know how they will respond to present conditions.

Once the[in the present] ignored living leader is dead we give him his props, put up a picture, name an alley after him and the cycle continues when a new living leader comes among us.

While I am speaking of this as an issue within the context of the black community there is evidence of this being a universal phenomenon. In the spiritual traditions, we find that when the living man Jesus came along the people favored the dead Moses to a living example in their midst with Jesus. When Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) came along the people preferred the physically non present Jesus to the present living man in their midst. We still failed in modern times, because the Muslim world rejected the living Elijah Muhammad in favor of the deceased Prophet Muhammad(PBUH).

It was not until Malcolm X was dead, buried and white America said it was alright that the majority of black people embraced Malcolm. However, while Malcolm was alive walking the streets of Harlem, NY black people would jump off the sidewalk to avoid him. But now its okay?

The same with Martin Luther King. Many of Dr. King's fellow preachers/ministers shunned him, because they said he was stirring up trouble. Even our government worked against him while he was alive. In one city he visited the black preachers met him at the bus station and told him to "get back on and leave." But now that he is dead everything is alright? Oh, the good Dr and we have streets, holidays and statutes in his honor while hypocritically we uphold the same evil he went to his grave fighting.

I guess The Honorable Brother Minister Farrakhan will have to be dead and buried before we, collectively, show him his due respect and honor? Once they, you know who they are, say it is safe we will embrace Farrakhan, put a picture on our wall, name a street for him and marvel how great he was. He has dedicated near 60 years of his life to the progress of our race, yet we treat him like a stranger. He was responsible for the largest and most peaceful gathering in this nation with the Million Man March. That is leadership influence to be able to get over a million men in one place, of different backgrounds, but for one purpose. Who else could do that? Most couldn't even call a "Ten Man" March and get 10 people to show up.

I wonder how many of our deceased leaders that we worship would we follow if they were present today? To follow a man means you strive to match up your actions to his. We claim Malcolm, but how many who claim him are getting a X to replace the slave name, dropping the pork, becoming Muslims and adopting a revolutionary posture?

See it is so easy to say you are following someone when they are not here to check your steps. A living leader will challenge you. A living leader will correct you. A living leader will require of you excellence. A living leader will have expectations of you.

Dr. King was a preacher, but he got out of the pulpit and worked in the streets for social change. He said he was against the triple evils of "racism" "poverty" and "militarism". We claim to follow him, but most have reduced him to "I have a dream", so they can keep on dreaming and not follow him. If Malcolm and Martin were here they wouldn't be quiet in the face of much of their same societal issues still being present.

So, back to the original observation... Why do we obsess over dead leaders and leave a present man hanging by himself? Are we that mentally dead that we can only relate to dead men and women? I love all of the "heroes" and "sheroes" who have gone on before and I draw deep inspiration from their struggles to make life better for the black family, but inspiration is not leadership. I show my honor and respect to them by walking with the present man on the scene who is trying to exemplify the principles for which they lived and ultimately died for.

Your leaders or advocates need your help while they are living not your praise after they are dead.

Thank you for reading these few words!



Brother Mustafaa Abdul Muhammad is a Black Man who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God.

He has been public speaking since 1999 and writing since 1997.

He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.

Article Source:

Mind Control and Privacy Violation

Mind control can only be conducted after knowledge of the internal operations of the mind are acquired. This could be accomplished through a subject willingly giving in-depth information about themselves and/or allowing in-depth examinations to be performed by psychologist. This type of exploring into the heart and mind is necessary to understand the parameters that control mechanisms that governs a specific subject's behavior. You can't begin to develop any type of device that drives a human until you fully understand how external stimuli incites them.

There are devices that were developed to control humans or some aspect of human nature. An individual device alone isn't sufficient for the tasks necessary for mind control. There must be several devices used. Each device must focus on a particular type of parameter. These are but not limited to emotional, conscientiousness, and perception. Using these devices you can probe an individual to find how they respond to certain stimuli, record the results of the subjects output, and use it to build control specifications. The control spec will only hold as true as long as the subject is in the same state the spec was obtained under. As the individual state changes the stimuli produce different outputs.

It won't be easy to gather results if the subject is aware of the probing. A willing subject might not work very well even though they desire to cooperate. This is obvious because you're probing awareness. To get authentic output from a subject, they must be in a grounded state or in an average state of awareness, meaning that they're unconscious of the examinations. Only then can the output be used to determine control specifications. There is no way to get consent from a subject unless they know what they're consenting to. It may be possible to allow a vague understanding of what the probing but that would be risking the authenticity of the experiment.

During the time mind control was being developed the technology needed to comprehensively conduct such experiments, without the subject's knowledge wasn't available. Now through the advancements mainly in digital technology, there are many way to pry into the heart and mind of an individual without their consent. The same technology has also enabled development of more efficient and capable mind control devices. Mind control devices are not to be confused with traditional devices commonly used by people every day. Mind control devices consist of different component types, some are man-made hardware, other components are humans with certain capabilities fit for a specific subject and chemicals are also common components of these devices. A group of these components can be combined to operate on a specific parameter of a subject. These are conceptual devices not always connected through physical material but by purpose and cooperation. Many of these mind control devices can be created to send certain types of input data that incites the subject in ways that produce control specifications. They are meticulously developed and maintained because they are expensive and time consuming to build.

Each type of control parameter produces a different effect when stimulated. The stimulation can be deliberate (done by a human agency) or a result of natural relatively unintended events. In most cases the control is by some outside event. What we're interested in here is intended control initiated by a human agency. The change in one control type affects the others, creating a complex state change. A fully conscience person will attract many outside stimuli. Given the possible states it may be nearly impossible to control a fully conscience human.

There are interferences that must be dealt with to gain reliable control of the mind. Natural phenomena will always present a problem with undesirable state changes during mind control. This interference must be filtered. Acquired control specifications obtained from probing at a grounded state can only serve as the basis for other mind control specifications derived from measuring the deviation from the grounded state output. Filtering can be accomplished by controlling perception in such a way that brings the subject back to a grounded state. Measuring changes makes developing mind control devices more complex. Dynamic changing of control parameters require many specialized members or multi-purpose members that can handle several of the state changes.

Mind control experiments aren't isolated to individual subjects. Subjects used in these experiments can be small and large groups of living organisms, people, animals, plants, insects, other conscious entities that can be affected by the stimuli. In cases where human subjects are involved the diminishing of the natural respect for human life or freedom of choice is required. Those involved in financing mind control projects are usually privileged or have access to large amounts of resources and see it as an investment in a powerful resource. Their carnal lust for power negates the respect they naturally have in their hearts for others, and the alien force of greed takes over. The result is a massive violation of human rights that affects every man, women, child, and other conscious creations on earth.

At the core of the activities involved in the acquisition of mind control is the violation of privacy. Privacy violation is the core component needed for acquiring control specifications because, a subject can't be aware of the experiments. Projects related to mind control are delayed, canceled, or fail as a result of leaked information concerning the violation of privacy. People that expose plans to violate human rights are seen as traders or dissident. Usually the right or power to violate privacy comes from a world or national crisis. People financing these projects ride on these crises to make progress in mind control activities. Sometimes even creating crises to strong-arm human rights from members of their society. The struggle to violate human rights comes from those that raise the consciousness of society through distribution of enlightening information. As people begin to see the mysterious agendas of mentally corrupted people in powerful positions, the possibility of mind control gradually diminishes.

Privacy violation tactics that use electronic devices are very effective. They prove that mind control is a possibility especially when working with masses of people. Information released to the public about electronic devices of all kinds being used as tools for privacy violation has altered the consciousness of many people. As a result there are many projects and activist groups working to enforce stronger privacy standards all over the world. Projects such as Tor, I2P, FreeNet, Mixminion, PGP, Linux, Bitcoin, Open Source technology, and others are helping people establish new means of freedom and privacy. The real purpose of these project are hidden in a mystery, just as the importance of privacy is hidden in a mystery. This is because freedom has a hidden dependency on privacy. Establishing again the privacy and freedoms that were cleverly taken won't be easy. There are people working day and night to take control of every empowering freedom in society. On the other hand conscientious people every where are working hard to build systems of all types that greatly diminishes the possibility of gaining control of privacy or mind.

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What Would You Do With 100 Euros?

On 22 October 2014, the European Parliament will be voting on the EU's 2015 budget. This can be expected to make a shocking contribution to animal suffering across Europe: historically, 40% of the EU's total budget (55 billion euros - or 100 euros per citizen - per year) has served to prop up industrial farming via subsidies awarded under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

In other words, I may be an animal welfare campaigner; as an EU citizen I still have no choice but to subsidise animal abuse (along with environmental destruction, climate change and human health hazards) through my taxes. In England where I'm currently living, the NGO Friends of the Earth has calculated that 700 million pounds of the CAP can go towards industrial farming in just one year.

Not only does this disregard the growing concern of European citizens for the treatment of animals (as indicated by the Eurobarometer on animal welfare), but it also flies in the face of the EU's own animal welfare precepts. The Lisbon Treaty states that "the Union and the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals", and the European Convention for the protection of animals professes that "animals should not suffer pain, injury, fear or distress."

The extreme animal suffering caused by industrial farming is well documented - so much so that it has motivated the EU to adopt animal welfare directives. Some of these (such as the "Pigs Directive") remain largely ignored by a number of Member States (France sadly springs to mind), and there is a real enforcement issue. But somehow this is par for the course: we campaign for improvements; regulations come in; producers resist change; we campaign for enforcement. So perhaps more stupefying than these hurdles is the fundamental flaw in the EU's workings - sponsoring industrial farming on the one hand and regulating it on the other. Problem is, money speaks louder than the word of the law. And, at the risk of repeating myself, it's our money.

Our money is supporting an unfair system whose economics would collapse without it. The reason I say the CAP "props up" industrial farming is that agricultural subsidies are one of the hidden costs of factory farms, enabling them to produce food which is sold to consumers at prices that fail to reflect true production costs. When we buy conventional (i.e. industrially produced) meat, eggs or dairy at the supermarket, the price we pay at the till is only part of our bill; we make up for the additional cost through our taxes.

This additional cost includes subsidies on cereal for the feed of animals raised indoors (European Commission data shows that 58% of EU cereal production goes into animal feed), budgets for cleaning up the environmental damage caused by factory farms (one striking example is the millions of euros that French local authorities, i.e. taxpayers, have been spending on clearing Brittany's beaches of tonnes of green algae resulting from the high concentration of factory farms in the area), and the burden of diet-related diseases on national health systems (in the UK, several studies have placed this around the 6 billion pound mark annually).

More specifically, this is how the CAP favours industrial farming: it makes direct subsidy payments by hectare under its Single Payment Scheme (so that the largest producers and landowners receive the most money); it awards large payments for cereal production and places high tariffs on cereal imports - except on soy, which is used for protein in animal feed (thus minimising input costs for industrial farmers who rely heavily on cereal and protein to feed the animals which they have taken off the land); it grants export subsidies to the processing industry (increasing reliance on cheaper industrially produced meat and dairy and encouraging dumping, which spells disaster for small farmers in developing countries); and it awards payments based on historical receipt of subsidies and historical production quotas (thus perpetuating the flaws in the system).

If major costs weren't hidden or externalised, the products of industrial farming would have to be priced a lot more highly, and there might then not be such a mass market for them. In fact, the whole concept of factory farming (maximising output while minimising costs) would become lame and therefore useless to the large corporations currently hogging the market. In the meantime, people are buying two chickens for £5 in a Tesco's or ordering a "bargain bucket" in a KFC, feeling they're getting a good deal when what they're actually getting is poor-quality meat (three times more fat and a third less protein than 40 years ago, with an added dose of antibiotic residue and Campylobacter) that's costing them - and the rest of us - dearly. Let's face it, there's no such thing as cheap meat, milk or eggs - they're just a myth for naïve consumers.

With 100 euros each, this is what we've collectively been buying for Europe: miserable living (and dying) conditions for 90% of so-called "meat" pigs, 90% of broiler chickens and over two thirds of laying hens. Such is the extent of industrial farming. Oh, and there's one more thing we've been paying for: farmers to breed and raise bulls for use in bullfighting. But with Green MEP Bas Eickhout's amendment to prohibit such subsidies due to be re-tabled, we have a chance to influence the European Parliament to end agricultural subsidies on breeding and raising bulls for bullfighting.

If you're a European citizen who doesn't want their 100 euros spent on supporting the bullfighting industry, please visit the "Over to you" page at to sign the petition - thank you.

Article Source:

Thursday 3 March 2016

Has the Nobel Prize to Malala Yousafzai Lowered the Esteem of the Nobel Prize

I remember once reading as a child that a flock of sheep follow the shepherd. Similarly the adulations being showered on Mala Yousafzai in the Western press are a sign of this mentality. The entire Western press and media are gushing about the award of the Nobel Prize to Malala. I wonder how a prize can be given to a young girl for just getting shot by the Taliban and a great man like Mahatma Gandhi the apostle of non-violence was conspicuously ignored. Add to this the Nobel peace prize to President Obama and you have a picture of grave inconsistency in the award of the Nobel Prize. I have yet to understand how Obama is eligible for a peace prize after he had effectively tried to destabilize the nations of Syria, Libya, and Ukraine.

Coming to the award of the Nobel peace prize to Malala, I find it another example of the Nobel committee being dictated more by media hype than anything else. I am at a loss to understand what Malala has done or will achieve in future. She talks of peace but what about the oppression of her kin, the other Muslim women. What does she feel about the Sharia? Does she condone the fact that it states that the evidence of 2 women is equal to one man or she has any opinion that a Muslim man can divorce his wife by just uttering the word 'Talaq' 3 times. What has she to say about women not having rights in Muslim countries and many forced to wear the hijab.

Malala herself wears the hijab and is no way a liberated girl. The Nobel committee has greatly erred in this award. There are thousands of girls in Pakistan denied education and many are killed by Taliban. Malala is just lucky she survived, but the award for just getting shot makes a mockery of how the Nobel Prize is awarded.

It must be mentioned that in India the Nobel Prize does not have the same halo it has in the West. I think the same in China also. Many Indians still wonder how Gandhi who was a nominee 3 times (1937, 39 and 48) never was awarded the peace prize and a wisp of a girl is awarded one for doing precious little. A Nobel Prize is an award for life time achievement, but by giving this award the Nobel committee has sent out a horrendous message that there are extraneous conditions in giving this award. I have a lurking feeling the western press and media by overplaying this aspect of Malala have won and the Committee just swallowed the line hook line and sinker. The esteem of the Nobel awards is lowered by giving an award to Malala Yousafzai.

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Prosperity Or Tragedy In Human Society

A school 'Prince' shoots to kill

1. A school 'Prince' shoots in a school cafeteria in the US and kills/injures his friends. There is the usual noise by human rights activists to restrict sale of guns. It will be forgotten by media and public, after some time. The firearms mafia (Industrialists) quote high ideals: democracy, and freedom of choice, to retain status quo and cover up the real goal of enhanced business profits. Invariably the victims, belong to commoners in society. God forbid, if a similar tragedy occurs in a Gun-mafia family, it will change the gun-mafia outlook, towards social obligations. There is prosperity for gun-mafia and avoidable human tragedy for commoners.

2. The onus lies on US society to resolve the paradox. There is a division in US society, on this issue. The commoners want stricter laws for sale of arms, to put a check on such incidents. The gun-mafia opposes it as it would affect the business. Economic muscles play a vital role in the society. The old axiom - Might is right - holds good, even today. The US is a role model society for developing countries, worthy of emulation. God bless US society to live up to third world expectations - US is capable to police the world and is equally effective to police itself.

Trafficker's mafia sends SOS for illegal immigrants

3. The human smuggling between North Africa nations and South European countries is continuing unabated. It is a big business. 200 thousand illegal immigrants succeeded last year, having paid US $2000 per head to traffickers. 3,200 potential illegal immigrants died by drowning in the sea. Traffickers leave the illegal immigrants near Italian coast on small boats and send SOS to coastguards. European nations are not interested in rescuing the drowning immigrants. They are worried about increasing number of successful immigrants. They expect more drownings in coming years. The media and human rights activists will make the usual noise and humanity will continue to suffer the tragedy. The traffickers business will boom.

4. The commoners will continue to suffer. The mafia will continue to prosper. The poor illegal immigrants, from Africa and Asia can spend any amount, and take any risk - travelling in closed containers or small boats - to achieve their goal. The developed countries worry about reducing the number of illegal immigrants. They couldn't careless if there are more drownings of illegal immigrants.

5. A civilised society should be humane. With new technology - GPS, and identification protocols of boats and ships in international waters - we can resolved the issue, if there is a will. Let us find a dignified solution to the problem faced by the poor, who want to immigrate to greener pastures, but suffer due to unscrupulous traffickers mafia.

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Narendra Modi Must Realize a Nation's Standing Depends on Military Power

Narendra Modi is the Prime minister of India and after decades India has a young and fit man to lead India as compared to the earlier leaders, he is just 64. But his comparative youthfulness needs to be channelized properly. He must remember a nation's standing in the world polity of nations rests solely on its military strength and its ability to wage a war far away from home. Unless this dawns on Modi, there is every chance that he will fall into the abyss of Nehruvian concepts and lead India to look like an old and sick tiger.

Modi has to change his priorities. Firstly, to set up his ascendency over the military he must slowly but surely restore the old parity of the military vis-a-vis the civil authority. The order of protocol must be rewritten. A major should again be equated to a Superintendent of Police and all ranks structured so. This will restore morale now reeling down wards. The perks of office, which existed during the days of the Raj must be restored. A simple example is the use of Form D for rail travel. This allows an officer to travel by rail by paying 60% of the fare. Earlier there was no limit on this concession, but now it is limited to just 3 sets in a calendar year.

It is also important to expand the armed forces. Budget constraints cannot be cited to put expansions on a back burner. A strategic appreciation of the capability of China and Pakistan must be the only overriding reason to decide on the force level to fight China and Pakistan.. Never forget that China can throw 30 divisions for combat at a go.

Equipment must be procured for the creation of strike corps to face China. The defensive strategy needs must be replaced by plans to free Tibet in the long run. The Tibetans are looking to India for intervention for over a 100 years and the first man who let them down was Nehru. Despite the home minister wanting an Indian response to China 's invasion of Tibet in 1950, Nehru just watched. The Indian military policy must be pro-active and not reactive. Foreign policy also needs a re-vamp and active support to Balochis and Sind separatists is the need of the hour, not forgetting the Tibetan people who are ready to fight the Chinese. The Indian army has a great record of fighting along with Germany and Japan during World War well as subduing the enemy in China( boxer rebellion) and other places during the 19th and 20th century.

In the same breath I will add, that morale boosting measures like OROP, must be sanctioned at once. Money can never be a constraint if India is to be recognized as a great power. All this cannot be done by Modi alone, but the General staff which has shown no mettle or strength of character must get its act together. We cannot have another case of an Army Chief like General Thapar accepting orders from a Joint Secretary.

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Frustration the Root of All Evil

Rape. It's a heinous crime isn't it? Every morning in the newspapers we see reports like a kid, a young girl, an elderly woman, got raped. Age is no barrier after all, right?

Murder. Another crime which is always surfacing in the pages of the newspaper. Mother strangled daughter to death, son stabs father to death. Blood is always thicker than water, right?

There are many more crimes that I can mention, but we don't have all day. But these crimes are not crimes at all! These are results. Results of all the frustration everyone in this world is living in.

Before anyone starts to raise their voice against me, let me just state that I'm not supporting crimes or criminals, what's wrong is wrong indeed. But I'm just giving my view-point about these crimes.

In today's world everybody is frustrated. From students to the teachers, from the subordinates to the managers, from the children to the parents, everyone is frustrated with how life has become.

Rape is just a result of the frustration of those who are not satisfied physically. It's the frustration of those who don't have self-control. it's the frustration of those who are alone.

Murder is a frustration of those who are not able to deal with someone else's success. It's the frustration of those parents who are not able to deal with the inflation. It's the frustration of those youngsters who are not able to deal with the frustration of not having something that others have.

Basically what I've learnt is that we all are frustrated but we don't see everyone committing such crimes right. Self-control is the virtue that we all have to hope for. In today's world when black is called white, we all have to find crooked ways to get things done but we all need to know that there is a limit not to be crossed. Frustration is the evil behind the crimes. Self-control is the weapon to kill this evil.

You're frustrated, don't beat your wife up, beat up a pillow. You're frustrated, don't kill someone, beat up a pillow. You're frustrated, don't rape someone, beat up a pillow. Yes, beat up a pillow no matter how big or small the frustration is. Take deep breath, it might help. But as long as I know, frustration is something that gives me no patience to take deep breaths! Let negativity go out and your calm and composed self come in. At the end of the day, all you'll have is crushed, torn pillows and not broken, bitter relationships. Crimes are parasites which feed on our frustrations. Let us all have self-control and end the era of crimes and criminals.

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Candi Welan's Flea Market

If you happen to be in the downtown of Palembang, the Capital of South Sumatra Province, Indonesia, on Sunday morning, you will see a big crowd of people walking on the Candi Welan Street which spans from Letkol Iskandar Street up to the Cinde Market on General Soedirman Street. These people walk very slowly because the street is full of people. Some of them have to push the people in front of them if they need to go faster. This has been a regular sight on Sunday morning for years. Both sides of this street are fenced by the street vendors selling both new and second hand goods. Who are these people crowding this narrow street? These people are prospective buyers of the merchandises offered by the vendors on both sides of the street. Various kinds of goods are offered here, from second hand rocking chairs, toys, cell phones, electric fans, clothing, up to traditional herbal medicines. If you are not familiar with a concept of flea market, this will be a good example for you.

Why do people crowd this place every Sunday morning? Everyone has his own reason for coming to this place. This market lasts for 5 to 6 hours on Sunday morning. Many visitors come to this place as a part of their Sunday morning rituals: walking, jogging, and other types of morning exercises. They end their activities by sightseeing or shopping at this flea market. Some people come to this place because they can buy various goods at low prices. The cheap products sold here are not necessarily second hand products. They are cheaper because the vendors are not required to pay taxes for what they sell. Moreover, they do not have to pay for the place for selling their goods. The flea market has been in operation for years, which indicates that there is an economic value of this market. The vendors come again and again because they obtain profit. And the buyers are encouraged to come because they obtain what they need at lower prices.

The flea market at Candi Welan Street on Sunday morning has become a fixed feature of Palembang as a metropolis. For the general public, visiting this flea market has become an alternative recreation on Sunday morning. If you love to be among the crowd who walk slowly from one end to the other end of the street while observing people selling and buying products on both sides of the street, you will love this place. You do not have to carry much money to try to buy products on sale at this place because the products are offered at much lower prices than you can buy at an ordinary brick and mortar store.

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A Tragedy at the End of 2016

There is no situation comparable to the tense feeling which occupies the heart and mind of the living family members and relatives of the passengers of the aircraft AirAsia flight number QZ8501 en route from Surabaya, Indonesia to Singapore which lost contact with control tower after one and a half hour of flight. The aircraft was declared missing at 7.55 am Sunday Indonesian time. There were 162 passengers on board including 138 adults, 16 children and one baby. In addition, there were two pilots, including a French co-pilot, and five cabin crew on board. The missing plane departed at 5.35 am Indonesian time and was scheduled to arrive at 8.30 am Singaporean time.

The search for the missing aircraft had begun since the day it disappeared. However the search and rescue mission had to be stopped as dusk set in and the darkness prevented the operation from proceeding. The search and rescue mission would be continued the following day early in the morning. The SAR team expected better weather on the following day. As the clock keeps ticking and so do the people's hope for a miracle. This incidence touches the hearth and feeling of people across the globe, especially the people of the countries whose citizens were among the passengers of the missing aircraft and the neighboring countries of Indonesia. The passengers of the aircraft consisted of 149 Indonesian, 3 South Korean, 1 Briton, 1 Singaporean, and 1 Malaysian.

Until the third day of searching, the SAR teams have not found any clue as to where the missing aircraft had fallen. The family and relatives of the passengers and crew members of the missing aircraft who are still waiting at the Crisis Center at Juanda International Airport in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia are still full with tense feelings and sadness while waiting for the news on the result of the search. It seems that we need longer period of time to obtain good news on the result of the search of the missing aircraft. Meanwhile, assistance and offers of assistance have been given to the government of Indonesia from neighboring and allied countries to help in the search. The general public can only pray for the best and show their sympathy for the family members and relatives of the crew members and passengers of the missing aircraft in any way they can. Many people sent their prayers and sympathetic statement for the family members of the passengers and crew of the aircraft via social media such as Facebook and twitter.

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History of the National Road

The National Road was the very first roadway to be funded with federal cash, and the first interstate highway in America. Congress allowed it to be built in 1806 under the presidency of Thomas Jefferson and it was built slowly over time in small sections beginning in Cumberland, MD and ending at Vidalia, IL. It served as the primary road for getting settlers and goods from the eastern section of the country to the west back in the early 1800s and essentially spanned a total of 300 miles that extended of six states: Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

By 1850, railroad travel eventually took over the National Road before and individual states put sections of the road into their control.

Why The Road Was Built And The Question of Funding

Going back to the history of the road, there were two challenges that first had to be overcome before it was capable of being built in the early 1800s. These were the precise location of where the road was to be built and the question of how to fund it.

The first problem was addressed based on the need for better transportation in a newly built country in dire need of it. Many settlers were complaining of the difficulties in transportation between the eastern and western parts of the country. After Revolutionary War veterans were provided with western tracts, the problem was further exacerbated. The nation had to resolve this critical issue with transportation in order to flourish and survive.

The Swiss-American linguist, Albert Gallatin proposed that federal land sales be exempt from taxation but to take a portion of their earnings to build the road. Farmers had no issues with these requests and hardly anyone protested about the building of the new road that would traverse through their properties.

Within a few short years, committee members began to put together the plans for the road and were hoping that it would be built using a very straight line with little deviation. Although Jefferson signed a document that allowed the National Road to run through the capitals of each major state along the route, it wasn't until 1811 that the real work really started.

All kinds of people used the road regularly including traders, settlers and individuals of all social strata. Some people even waited eagerly for the new sections of the road to open up with their horses and wagons. They immediately filled the road upon the slightest announcement of its opening. Many six-horse teams of wagons (kind of like today's modern truckers) also filled the roads allowing local business to become more profitable thanks to their ability to transport goods around the nation.

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When Freedom To Speech Hurts Others!

1. Muslim militant have killed the editor and cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo, a French magazine. What was their fault? They commented upon, and published caricatures of the Islam Prophet. In an ideal society, we are all a homogeneous group - educated, tolerant, and humane. Unfortunately, we don't live in an ideal society. The underdeveloped/developing nations, with illiterate or semi-literate population are vulnerable to illogical rhetoric of religious clergy. It turns a normal devotee into a fanatic. The fanatics are potential militants. They resent if journalists comment on their religion and rituals adversely. They consider it humiliating and insulting to their religion.

2. The remedy? Let's not laugh at them, their rituals and their culture. Let's not force them to accept our advice and amend their way of life. Religious beliefs and rituals are - more often than not - illogical, and anachronistic, in all religions. There are obsolete rituals in all religions, which are in use since long time - from few hundred years to couple of thousand years. There is always resistance to a change in religious rituals, beliefs, and cultural traditions.

3. Orthodox Hindus in India resent Valentine Day festivities in India. Talibans and ISI resent introduction of any Western education system for Muslim women. It means interference in their religious affairs. They are still clinging to old values and believe that women should stay at home, and do motherly duties. Nigerian militant organisation, Boko Haram considers any attempt by outside agencies to motivate local girls to learn a curriculum, other than Quran reading, as unsolicited interference in their culture and religion. Boko Haram means: 'Western education is forbidden'.

4. Let's not enforce our ideas on fanatics and militants of any religion, even if we are doing all this, in good faith. Then what is the solution?

(a) Onus lies on developed countries and enlightened leaders in developing nations, to explain new vision to the fanatic Muslim or Hindu population - who are all proud of their rich heritage. Hindu or Muslim clergy, will resist, as they will see it as a plot to spread Islam or Christianity, by offering direct or indirect benefits - free or subsidised education and other perks.

(b) There is a need to impose self-censorship by journalists. They should not create humor at the cost of other religions. They must remember the golden rule: 'Don't laugh at others; laugh with others.' Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is against this idea, as it implies a victory for militants.

5. There is vast scope of improvement in social status of women in Hinduism, and Islam in developing countries. There is a need for change. But the urge to change has to come from within. A forcible change will result in violence and militancy. 'Khap Panchayats' in India are enforcing Draconian illegal laws in villages, and are getting away with it.

6. There is a need to discuss religious issues proactively, in the interest of humanity. It is a great opportunity, God has given us. Let's not waste it out by insisting on achieving selfish goals - "my religion, is the best and it must have highest number of followers".

7. May God bless the departed souls of the staff of Charlie Hebdo. But, let us give a thought to imposition of self-censorship, and understand the limitations of fanatics and militants, who lack a balanced view of life. Let's not make fun of the obsolete and irrational rituals, when proponents are observing the rituals and it does not affect others.

8. Let's comment and laugh at our religious beliefs and rituals. Let's laugh with others and not at others.

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Wednesday 2 March 2016

Facebook's Suicide Prevention Plan

On the face of it, Facebook's suicide prevention plan seems like a good idea, if not an ambitious idea. There are a couple of things that I question, one of which is that its users can flag when they think a friend may be considering suicide and click on "Report Post" and the next time that person logs in, he will be told to contact the person who is concerned about him, enlist the help of another friend, or put them in contact with a suicide helpline.

Now, imagine yourself having a really bad month or two and under a lot of stress at home and at your job and thinking that you have a good friend with whom you usually share your ups and downs. Now, this friend reports your post as a possible suicide when all you wanted to do was confide in him or her as you've always done about what's going on in your life. You've always been able to vent about these things and here you are, having this friend report your post as a possible suicide.

If you are not suicidal, and most of the time a friend's rants are just a way of venting, not an indication of committing suicide, wouldn't you feel betrayed? And, more important, wouldn't you stop confiding in your friend for fear of him turning your confidential email over to a Facebook suicide prevention line?

The one thing that is noticeably absent, if Facebook really wants to prevent suicides, is to make it their responsibility to delete the posts that bully people. I hear more about that from my clients than almost anything else.

There have been so many suicides because of the bullying that takes place on Facebook and Facebook's response is that it's not severe enough to delete, or it's not their responsibility.

A few examples of this come to mind. One teenager committed suicide because of the bullying by a group of kids and one of those girls wrote on Facebook that she was glad she had caused the girl to commit suicide.

Another girl's life was threatened on Facebook after the girl was raped, pictures of her naked body posted on Facebook, and had her attackers sent to prison. And still, Facebook did nothing to alert authorities or to delete those posts.

And what about all the pictures that have been posted on Facebook of girls being raped? Some are unconscious and some are trying to fight them off, and these pictures of naked girls being raped have been posted on Facebook and Facebook didn't delete them.

Several of my clients, many of whom are successful professional people, tell me that Facebook bullies are ruining their lives and their appeals to Facebook to delete those posts have done nothing. Facebook keeps saying that they aren't vicious enough for them to do anything about them. And yet, it's those very posts that are vicious enough to cause people to be so scared and scarred for life, that push them into committing suicide.

My guess is that if Facebook would take a more proactive role in removing those bullying posts, especially where the victims and their parents, have pleaded with them to remove those posts, there would be a lot fewer suicides taking place and Facebook wouldn't have to roll out these suicide prevention plans that may cause more damage to relationships than help them.

Connie H. Deutsch is an internationally known business consultant and personal advisor who has a keen understanding of human nature and is a natural problem-solver.

Connie is the author of the books, "Whispers of the Soul," "A Slice of Life," "Whispers of the Soul for the Rest of Your Life," "From Where I'm Sitting," "View from the Sidelines," "Reaching for the Brass Ring of Life," "Purple Days and Starry Nights," "Here and There," "And That's How it Goes," and "The Counseling Effect." Her website: See more of her articles by clicking here ConnieHDeutsch Articles

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