
Monday 29 February 2016

Cigarettes - A Pain In The Butt

Warning labels on the dangers of cigarette smoking first appeared on packages in 1966. The label read, "CAUTION: Cigarette Smoking May Be Hazardous To Your Health." In 1970, the message on the label was a bit stronger: "WARNING: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous To Your Health."

I do not like to be around smokers. The smoker is at risk, but so am I. And there's no reason to hide my feelings of disappointment and bewilderment when I see an adult smoking. Actually, my emotions are many and varied: anger, concern, indignation, exasperation, and sometimes a feeling of sorrow. Available evidence from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides plenty of reasons for such sorrowful moments:

Cigarette smoking causes about one of every five deaths in the United States each year, and is estimated to cause more than 480,000 deaths annually (including deaths from secondhand smoke). It was a powerful message from the U.S. Surgeon General in 1986 that indicated the dangers of second-hand smoke.

Every day, almost 3,900 children under 18 years of age try their first cigarette, and more than 950 of them will become new, regular daily smokers. Half of them will ultimately die from their habit. That is according to the American Lung Association.

My feelings are basically the same for anyone who smokes, but it's easier to understand why teen-agers do it. Even though most of them are aware of the health risks, they continue to believe, as teen-agers have always believed, that they are invincible. And "those things will never happen to me."

It's difficult to convince a teen-ager that cigarette smoking is not 'cool' and that it will likely kill them (that is no exaggeration). But we must continue to badger, nag, coax, cajole, and do any and every thing to help them stop if they already smoke, and never start if they haven't.

Health experts tell us that even smokeless tobacco is bad for us; like cigarettes, it also can cause cancer. A world-famous baseball great died in 2014 of cancer as a result of having a wad of tobacco in his jaw for years. Smokeless tobacco can cause heart arrhythmias, too, and that can be very serious.

Now we have E-cigarettes to worry about. The WebMD website tells us that 2012 studies indicated that about 1.78 million U.S. students had tried e-cigarettes, and of course the numbers have increased significantly since.

They are very popular among teens, as well as adults. And many have the expectation that it will help them stop smoking regular cigarettes. Will it? Who knows? It appears that research into the potential effects on health is still in the early stages. But according to the FDA there's enough concern that they are considering regulations.

When a smoker says, "I'm only hurting myself, so butt out," we should inform him/her that they are also hurting the environment, their family, their friends, and anyone who has to breathe in the toxins released from their smoke. It is even more dangerous for children because their bodies are still developing and there can be drastic effects.

An excuse often used for continuing to smoke without regard for others is, "It's a legal substance, so I'm doing nothing wrong." Guns are also legal, but inflicting harm or causing the death of another while using a gun is certainly not legal.

Should it be a punishable offense when a cigarette smoker is responsible for someone's illness or death?

We all want to breathe clean air, so please consider others before lighting up. And think about yourself, too! As many of us have observed, struggling to breathe is a slow and agonizing way to die.

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Are We Witnessing America's Collapse?

I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Democrat; I am, and have been for many years, an American Independent. For the record, I am a female, Christian, senior citizen.

Is it possible that politicians are being duplicitous, and are not interested in what American citizens want or need, what we hope for? Where do their interests lie?

I think there should be less friction, distrust, acrimony and anger among political parties. After all, they are representing the citizens of the United States. There is too much rancor and discord.

One politician who is my hero is Senator Jeff Sessions. I agree with his statement that "The World Has Turned Upside Down." He has expressed reluctance to accept many of the actions among politicians. But he contends that, "the citizens of this country still hold the power and through their voice, they can turn the country right side again."

I'm disappointed and sad over the breakneck speed at which America appears to be crumbling. I believe that our culture, freedom, religion, and traditions are at stake. Here are examples that trigger my discontent and concern for America.

There are suggestions that our deep-seated religious beliefs need to be changed, that perhaps there are cultural norms that are no longer acceptable. And that there is much unfinished business in the 21st century that needs attention.

Should it be acceptable for Public Service Announcements to suggest that children steal their parents' gun, bring it to school and give it to the teacher? Supposedly, this serves to eliminate the presence of a gun in the household.

I find it very disturbing that illicit sexual activity among those who are in a position of trust and normally held to a higher standard are committing inexcusable acts.

Why should a young child be suspended from school for having her head shaved in support of her friend who has cancer? And why can a teen with cancer who has a poor attendance record at school no longer attend that school?

Teens and young adults who are big fans of social networks are being locked out because of expressing negative opinions of 'important' individuals.

When parents allow their children to walk around their neighborhood unaccompanied, should they be investigated and penalized?

Some university students were found to be spitting on a group of disabled veterans.

Employees have been fired from their news organizations for disparaging remarks concerning individuals that others find offensive.

More than two million Illegal Immigrants who may receive temporary amnesty would be eligible for Social Security, Medicare benefits, work permits, drivers' licenses, plus special tax breaks. Some wonder if this is fair.

There is information to suggest that many of those who are in the country without proper certification are sending significant amounts of money back to their home countries annually. There are citizens who resent that and suggest it does nothing to help America's economy.

There is much too much corruption, fraudulent activity, and heinous crimes that are occurring daily. Everyone becomes aware of it almost instantly with 24-hour cable news, the internet, and social media. There are protests, turmoil, lawlessness, and riots. Are the safety, support, and consideration of American citizens no longer priorities?

We are now a country divided; there are those who are opposed to the changing culture, what they consider to be the perverse interpretation of their long-held beliefs. How can we compromise when each is adamant as they espouse actions and conduct that is foreign to one another?

Have we become a nation who will follow in the footsteps of other great civilizations, and self-destruct?

We have always been considered an extraordinary and special country. If not, why would thousands risk life and limb, even death to try to reach these shores? And why would a few million wait in line to get here legally.

Often there appears to be preferential treatment for some groups in our high schools and universities that angers many of us. It has to do with the touchy subject of religion that has seen many changes in attitudes during the past few years. That treatment doesn't seem to always be in compliance with direct rulings from our Supreme Court.

We have had a long history of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in our schools. Many schools have now discontinued that practice. And others have altered the original wording of that Pledge. Is that really necessary?

Since our Flag became a national symbol, it has represented the fact that we are a new nation, the greatest constitutional republic the world has ever known, that we are free, that we are all equal, that we are courageous, that we are humane, caring and giving human beings. As Abraham Lincoln said in his Gettysburg Address speech in 1863, "A government of the people, by the people, for the people."

Now we see our flag defiled, stamped upon, spit upon, and torn apart. The offenders are usually subjected to no consequences, unless a patriotic individual decides to try and stop them.

Are we no longer considered to be a Christian nation? Statements from various sources indicate that religion is passé, that it interferes with the agenda of those who lack religious beliefs. What has happened to 'majority rules'? At last count, 83 percent of American adults identified with Christianity.

We've had so many instances of dissension, anger and hate among various groups who feel disenfranchised, unwelcome and without influence to change matters. Of course, most of us recognize that prejudice and racism still exists in America. But many of us believe that efforts are being made to correct those wrongs.

The legitimacy of same-sex marriage is an issue that is presently being considered by the Supreme Court. What their decision will be can impact all our lives. What will happen if one or the other side wins?

Many people feel that their religion prohibits them from accepting same-sex marriage as normal. They believe that marriage between a man and a woman is an edict from God, and they cannot agree to anything less.

Do we have a right, an option to openly oppose any agenda from individuals whose beliefs and convictions differ from ours? Should those who oppose be attacked, either verbally or physically?

Is it possible that in the future we will see brothers marrying sisters, fathers marrying daughters, individuals marrying multiple partners (polygamy)?

Why not? Already, we're becoming gender-neutral. Some businesses and schools are declaring bathrooms to be for both male and female; come one, come all. No doubt others will soon follow.

The prefixes, Mr., Ms., and Mrs., which in the past have been used to represent our gender identity, appear to be going by the wayside. There are those who find it unnecessary, not politically correct.

Are we obliged to accept the morals, values, ethics that have eroded to the point that even the most bizarre, obscene, indecent, and depraved conduct is becoming the norm.

My hopes and prayers are that I will not live long enough to see further decline, decay, decadence, and perversion of what once could be described as the greatest country on earth.

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Saturday 27 February 2016

Free Ride? What Every First Time Uber User Needs To Know

If you feel that you will never get a taxi cab during rush hour, then Uber might be the next best thing. Now before you "jump on the bandwagon" and call the first available driver, it still pays to know what the app basically is and what are the cons that you have to deal with as well as the pros. This way, you will know when it is right time to call a regular taxi or your favorite Uber driver.


The app became quite popular because it allows smartphone users to contact a registered driver and take them literally anywhere in the city. The app not only works in the US, but also in other parts of the world. All one has to do is to download the app and share your location via GPS or Wi-Fi for you to be picked up by your driver. Users must be 18 years old in order for them to be able to use this app.

Users can receive free rides or account credits by inviting their friends to sign up using their personal invite code. Do note though that the personal code should only be shared via one's personal site or social media as spamming other sites with one's personal code would suspend your account and revoke the already existing credits earned.

How it Works?

When you download the app, it allows you to share your location to the driver so all you have to do is to wait for them to come. You can choose the vehicle type and see the other options including the rates for each vehicle. Payment is done through the credit card that you indicated in your account. Note that some charges may apply such as toll fees, surcharges and if you make a mess, you might also be charged with cleaning fees. The app has a fare estimate so you can get an estimated cost of how much the service is before booking for the ride.

Things to Consider

Now that you know something about how the app works, there are some things that you have to take note of when requesting for a ride. One is that the vehicles are owned by private individuals and as such, there are no tell-tale signs that it is for hire. Before jumping into a car, it is important to talk with your driver so you can identify the right vehicle to hop on. Rates also differ depending on time of the day and the fare during rush hours tends to increase as well as late night hours. If you have to go and use the service during these hours, you might want to check on the fare so you will not be surprised when you receive your credit card billing statement.

Is Uber's first ride free? To learn more about Uber's promotions, latest happenings and other services, click the link provided.

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Why Indie Magazines Continue to Rule the Roost

Despite the apocalypse predicted for the print industry for almost a decade now, more often than before new indie magazines are finding their way on to the magazine racks in bookshops across the world - making it difficult to buy into the prediction entirely. Here's why we think indie magazines continue to rule the roost, as it were, despite the unpredictability plaguing the print industry, in general.

1. Content

Most of the indie magazines approach their chosen subject/theme in ways that have rarely been experimented with before, thus making the content fresh and distinctive. The Gentlewoman, an independently published magazine based out of the UK is one such case in point, which celebrates modern women of style and purpose. This magazine is not just a mere catalog of faces and costumes; instead it showcases real women in the real world wearing their personalities as a style statement - offering a fresh and intelligent perspective on fashion. There are independent magazines showcasing an extraordinary range of topics, from travel, food, popular culture, visual communication to cats, dogs, running, surfing, skate boarding, cycling, graffiti et al, out there today. You think of a genre/interest and surely there will be a couple of super creative and competent blokes somewhere on the globe sharing these interests with like-minded people by way of a magazine.

2. Design

Each of these indie magazines bear a very distinct visual identity. With the use of creative layouts, type and designs, these magazines are carving a new future for editorial design as an art form, distinguishing them from the mass of glossies swarming the magazine stalls, each looking like the other. The indie magazines are designed with an objective of being part of your shelves for a long time to come - true collectibles.

3. Advertisement free

Working in small teams, self-funded and with limited circulation these magazines are carving out a new culture, which focuses on building relationships with its readers and not selling products. Most indie publishers are working towards replacing advertising with sponsors allowing the content to remain independent and instead acknowledging the sponsors who supported the print of the issue in an unobtrusive design that blends with the rest of magazine, with infinite grace. Thus ensuring an uninterrupted reading experience. Magazines such as Offscreen and Works That Work are stellar examples of those who have adopted an advert free approach from the very beginning of their print cycle, and very successfully at that.

4. Easier to publish

As the debates rage on about the future of print publishing in light of the digital age that we live in, where everything is at your finger tips (literally), good print continues to thrive. Perhaps the reason is that print and digital are not mutually exclusive after all; in fact, the digital revolution has allowed the publishers of today to push their limits and challenge the norms. Like everything else, print, both as a medium and product, has evolved. The result is that technology has made the necessity of having big budgets to produce good work redundant. Today all you need is talent and passion to produce your work with the use of digital tools available widely. This ease of producing a magazine is giving rise to the number of people who wish to showcase their creative vision using print as their medium of choice.

5. Slow Journalism/ Slow Web

The web today though serves up news real fast, often rates being first above being right. As proponents of 'The Slow Web' and 'Slow Journalism', the indie magazines are giving an opportunity to people to step back from the sensory overload and multiple mayhem of the web and read investigative reporting, and thought-provoking long form features in a distraction-free environment. Delayed Gratification is a quarterly indie magazine published by The Slow Journalism Company and is a very strong case in point. A company that holds itself out, with pride, as being the 'Last to breaking news'.

Paper Planes brings the world to your doorstep with its International Indie Magazine Subscription service. Niche Independent Magazine Subscription services with competitive pricing and discounts to boot.

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Thursday 25 February 2016

How Are Railroads, Engineering and Australia Tied Together?

Sometimes people forget that Australia isn't only a country, but it's on its own continent and that by itself is pretty interesting. The entire country covers an area that spans just under 3 million square miles with over 23 million residents! Given its size and population, you can bet the transportation system is complex and intricate because there's so much land to cover and so many people who need to use it. While there is hundreds of thousands of miles of paved and unpaved roadways, Australia has over 25,000 miles of railway track throughout the country. And with a massive amount of land on the continent, the Australian rail network has plenty of room for expansion.

Increased Usage

Rail networks all over the world are experiencing a big rise in ridership and usage, which goes the same for Australia. Whether it's taking the local subway around town or jumping on a regional train line to ride hundreds, if not thousands of miles, across the country, the people of Australia are taking advantage of this efficient transportation method. And according to a recent article in The Sydney Moring Herald, the city of Zetland (just a few miles south of Sydney), is experiencing such a high demand for rail transportation that the local government and state officials are hitting max ridership capacity and must grow the rail network in that area. But this is just one of many examples where Australians are packing onto trains!

How Can They Improve The Rail Network?

While state officials wish they could just snap their fingers and instantly improve the transportation system, they cannot; which means they must find a suitable strategy to fulfill the needs of their citizens. This is where they meet with engineers and outside firms who can deliver rail infrastructure solutions that'll accommodate the needs of their train network. Whether that consists of laying down new tracks or producing additional passenger trains or a combination or both, the upgrades could meet the rising passenger demands.

When it comes to choosing the right company to deliver on the transportation services, local and government officials should select the ones with previous experience and a proven track record of successful projects. This can be very beneficial in terms of a timely completion because the demand of ridership will only increase as time progresses.

To immediately alleviate some of the current strains on the rail network, the governing officials should first increase the number of passenger trains on all lines to increase the capacity and to shorten ride times. With more trains transporting passengers on current routes, it'll create the needed buffer time to implement new routes and tracks for the country. Since there is a surplus of area where tracks can be installed, the track implementation will probably be the most time consuming improvement initiative. However, the rail infrastructure project will benefit the country now and in the future!

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Importance of Tech News

We are living in a technology driven society. In this society, we should keep us updated with the latest technological inventions. We must try our best to get the latest tools, gadgets and software to execute multiple tasks with our least possible efforts. To make us aware of these tools, gadgets and software, many dedicated news portals, blogs, websites, magazine, tabloids, journals, and newspapers have appeared to the scene. They take important roles in the dissemination of latest information about technology.

There are a significant number of websites and blogs offering us latest tech news. We get to know about the latest gadgets, software and apps along with the right platforms to run them. Now we can travel faster and reach our desired destinations within a very short span of time. Doctors can get information about the latest machines and tools. They can use these to cure their patients. Alongside, they can give end-to-end solutions to some diseases that were incurable for last few decades. Besides, they let us know about the newly invented computer languages, new application software and latest database management systems. With the aid of these, businesses can execute a number of business activities that help them in better business management. They can perform well in their core competencies and create steady bottom lines for their companies.

Based on their information, we take some important decisions to make our life more comfortable and hospitable. We get to know about the probable risks and recent malware attacks that can help us in happy and safe internet browsing.

Significant benefits of tech news

Help us grow well

Tech news makes us aware of the latest inventions and technological advancements. We use them in our personal lives and business purposes. Many news items help us make our life more comfortable- as we start using these technologies in our own purposes. Sometimes, dedicated tech media bring out news on business management software and database management system. These help businesses perform well in their core competencies. As the consequence of these, they can grow well to become a globally recognized company or business entity.

Help us stay safe and happy

As these media include updated information about hacking, malicious attacks and dangerous "call to action points", we become aware of these. It helps us in safe browsing and secured transaction.

Save money and time

As we are informed about the latest technological trends, we can make some changes in our operation and production process. Using latest tools and methodologies, we can cut down our production costs and execute a number of activities quickly and easily. This helps us save our time and money.

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The Various Advantages of Reading News From a Leading News Website

If you wish to learn about the latest news on sports, business, entertainment and other relevant topics, it is advisable that you should read them from news websites. Previously, people had to wait for a whole day before they got the chance to buy traditional newspapers to enhance their own knowledge and understanding. But if you have decided to read the latest ones from this type of website, there is possibility that you will be able to read them within a few minutes of the occurrence of the actual incidence. This article will highlight on a few essential features that are available for the users who want to read about the latest ones from them.

When you want to know about the updated situation of your country, it is advisable that you should click a few buttons on the computer and you should be able to know about the latest ones as quickly as possible. If anything happens in odd hours of the night, there is possibility that it is also reported within a short span of time. However, a traditional newspaper follows a limited time period within which any such thing would be published in the best possible way. Since the traditional one only publishes thing that occurs during midnight, anything that occurs afterwards should be reported in the next publication.

If you prefer to learn about the latest one from this type of website, there is possibility that you should be able to save both your time and also your money. When you read it from this type of website, there is possibility that you do not have to buy a traditional newspaper at any point of time. Plus, you will be able to support the cause of protection of your environment because you will be able to read your favorite one just with a few clicks of your mouse and there will be no involvement of paper, print or other materials like the traditional one.

It is important to remember that this type of website presents it in such a way so that it caters to the requirements of the users in the best possible way. If there is any sort of availability of your favorite news then you will be able to get alert from it as quickly as possible. Plus, you can watch the relevant videos and you can also listen to special reports of experts in the best possible way.

If you want to get additional information about the one that is currently published on this type of website, it is advisable that you should click on to the relevant links that are available on it. You will also get the opportunity to search your favorite one on the basis of category in the best possible way. For example, if you love to read about movies, it is vital that you should go to the category of movies in this type of website so that you should find out your favorite one as quickly as possible.

Chimp Reports is dedicated in reporting news in Uganda on different topics such as politics, sports, business etc. For exclusive Uganda online news you should browse this website as quickly as possible.

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A World Gone Mad

It's been proven time and again that we feel more compassion toward an individual than we do toward a group of people. But, now we're looking at a slightly different dynamic. Why are we feeling more compassionate toward a homeless man who plays the piano brilliantly than we are toward a 90-year-old man who has been arrested three times for feeding the homeless?

In both cases, the plight of the homeless is the center of the controversy. Yes, this particular homeless pianist has gone through hell and back but he is still homeless, although that's about to change with the gofundme campaign in this man's name with a monetary goal of $50,000 to buy him a home, a car, and tuition for the three classes he needs to complete his music theory degree.

I feel deeply compassionate for this man but not more so than I feel for the hundreds of hungry, homeless people who gather on a Fort Lauderdale beach every Wednesday evening at 5:30 p.m. to be fed by a 90-year-old man, who does not solicit donations from anyone, and whose only crime is trying to eliminate hunger in his community.

It's strange to see people rush to the aid of people who have been hit by a natural disaster, or those whose homes have burned down, or children who are sick and dying and would like one last thing before they die, and then see these same people making it a crime to feed the homeless or even to be homeless.

Some cities have gone so far as making it a crime for homeless people to sleep in their car or in the streets. One city even makes it a crime to smell bad on city property. And, yeah, homeless people might smell bad if they don't have access to showers and washing machines and the clothing on their back is the only clothing they own.

In many cities, it's illegal to sit or lie on sidewalks, to dig through trash cans, to feed the homeless without written permission, to sleep in public, to ask for help, not just for money, and some cities even have a hotline to report homeless people who ask for money on city property.

Where are these do-gooders who make speeches about eliminating poverty but then make it a crime to be impoverished? Where are the politicians who make impassioned speeches about helping the needy and then enact laws to penalize these same people for being needy?

This is definitely a world gone mad when we can punish our neighbors for sleeping in their cars because they don't have a home, but we can rush to the aid of people in other countries who are in the same circumstances.

Connie H. Deutsch is an internationally known business consultant and personal advisor who has a keen understanding of human nature and is a natural problem-solver.

Connie is the author of the books, "Round and Round Goes the Merry-Go-Round: Drugless Therapy for OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)"; "Whispers of the Soul," "A Slice of Life," "Whispers of the Soul for the Rest of Your Life," "From Where I'm Sitting," "Are You Listening?," "View from the Sidelines," "Reaching for the Brass Ring of Life," "Purple Days and Starry Nights," "Here and There," "And That's How it Goes," and "The Counseling Effect."

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The Many Benefits of Digital Magazines

With the introduction of the internet and computer technology, many things have become online. Magazines and Newspapers are not an exception to this trend. Many established newspaper and magazine houses have started their online versions.

There are a number of online magazines disseminating news, soft news, and feature stories online. They help us know about current affairs and many important things quickly and easily. This is probably the main reason of its huge popularity. With our least possible efforts, we can get access to various news items without leaving the cozy comfort zone of our dream home. As the consequence of it, digital magazines are gradually replacing hard-copy magazines.

Given below are the many benefits of a digital magazine:

Global audience reach

This is the significant benefit of digital publishing. It has the capability of reaching global audience. News reaches to various people, crossing the interface of the publishing country. Many people across the globe get to know about the magazine and become regular audience of it. It is so powerful that it can attract people and keep them arrested there until they become loyal readers.

Instant access

It you take a subscription offer, you will get an email with the login details. This email will allow you to receive regular updates. You can download issues regularly. As soon as each issue comes, you get instant access of it. There are some online magazines offering you many issues for free of cost.

Allows you to deliver and share information across multiple platforms and devices

Most significantly, you can share information and sensational news with your friends and families across multiple platforms and devices. You can exchange and share your feelings about news with your friends.

Cheaper Price

Digital magazines are cheaper than printed magazines, as the publishers of digital magazines do not need to spend money for printing and delivering these.

Faster Publishing and Distribution Guarantee

Publishers can publish their stories within a minute. Audiences get to know about these stories as soon as they are published on online. Subscribers get email alerts about the latest news.

Eliminates the risk of loss

Digital publishing eliminates the risk of loss. As the publishers do not need to take the risk of losing money for the unsold copies, they are highly interested in digital magazines. Side by side, it can lower production costs.

Besides, readers can download stories multiple times and store them for reading in future. From the above discussion, we can say that both publishers and readers are highly benefited from online magazines. This is why now people are choosing digital magazines over hard-copy magazines.

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A Publishing Company Without People?

In a popular seaside resort on the south coast of England, a small publisher thrived for a number of years. Priding itself on the high quality of its work, the company won the confidence of authors who came back with second and third books, assured in the knowledge that each manuscript would be carefully proof-read and edited, an attractive cover designed and a volume produced to the highest standard. Authors were invited to call at the office to discuss marketing promotion and together with frequent correspondence over a number of years, personal relationships were established. Then suddenly without warning, all came to an end.

Authors received a long letter from another publisher, based in the east midlands, saying that the small company had been taken over and would continue to operate with the same name but at the east midlands location. It was claimed that economies of scale, integration of operations, etc. would yield higher efficiency. No mention was made about people, and it was hard to imagine that staff resident on the south coast would want to move to an industrial city far to the north. In answer to a direct question, the CEO of the predatory publisher confirmed that none of the old staff was being retained. How could it be the same company if all the people were different?

To most people a company is a group of people in an organisation with a common purpose. A company of soldiers, for example, is one of the army's smaller basic units of about one hundred and twenty men or women. Synonyms that have been suggested for company are companionship, fellowship and society, all words that are connected with people living or working together with a collective interest or purpose. However, another dictionary definition of company is 'an institution created to conduct business.' It came as a shock to be presented with the fact that a company can be just a registered name, a disembodied legal title.

The predator had acquired the company name, its bank account and all the contracts with its authors. It had secured all the legal papers and so had a legal right to enforce all the existing contracts. Yet one felt that in a moral sense the contracts had been broken. The people one had signed up to work with were no more, and one was given no choice to accept or reject the replacements. Books at an advanced stage of production were abruptly thrust into the hands of new people and the trust and goodwill built up over several years was lost. People: authors and staff, old and new, were of no account in a takeover war where a company was merely an institution created to conduct business.

John Powell

John Powell weaves a tale of tension and intrigue into the lives and loves of the Mainu family and their friends, against the rich social, cultural, economic and political background of the first four decades of Ghana's independence, in his two novels: The Colonial Gentleman's Son and Return to the Garden City.

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Slavery Required Slave Owners

Since the end of World War II, several generations of Germans have confronted the knowledge that their ancestors were members or supporters of the Nazi Party, and that in some cases they were direct participants in some of the greatest atrocities of the 20th century.

To their credit, many Germans have dealt with this sorry legacy head-on, with some inevitable shame but also with a commitment to acknowledge and atone for the past, and to make amends where possible. But when another 50 or 100 years have passed, will Germans prefer to airbrush their history rather than acknowledge it?

Judging from our own experience with the aftermath of slavery in America, it could happen.

Because America had slaves, it had to have slave owners. If your ancestors were present in this country before the Civil War (particularly, but not exclusively, in the South), there is a good chance they had some experience with what was once called the "peculiar institution," on one side or the other. Or possibly with both, as descendants of Thomas Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemings discovered, and as doubtless happened in many cases that left no concrete evidence for genealogists to discover.

It is an awkward truth, but not the fault of anyone who is alive today. Yet while some Americans accept this unpleasant history, others prefer to bury it along with its participants, apparently in the misguided belief that it somehow reflects on their public image. This strategy is not only misguided; it can spectacularly backfire, as Ben Affleck learned earlier this year.

Affleck appeared on the second season of the PBS program "Finding Your Roots," which explores the ancestries of various celebrities. When he volunteered, he had hoped to find "the roots of his family's interest in social justice." (1) But when the program uncovered an ancestor who owned slaves, he found himself embarrassed and asked that the show omit that ancestor. (While the particular nuance of Affleck's ancestor's position has been subsequently debated, documents demonstrate that he was certainly intimately involved with the system of slavery.)

While exactly what happened next is still the matter of some dispute, the episode that aired in October did not include the ancestor to whom Affleck objected. However, the Sony hack led to WikiLeaks subsequently publishing an exchange revealing debate as to how to field Affleck's request. The program's host, Harvard historian Henry Louis Gates Jr., said when the emails first emerged that the ancestor in question was not cut at Affleck's request, but simply because the actor's other ancestors offered more interesting stories. Gates later issued a statement saying he regretted not informing PBS about his conversations with Affleck; in his leaked emails to Michael Lynton, the chief executive of Sony Pictures Entertainment, Gates expressed concern that cutting the part of the interview in question would "compromise our integrity." (2)

For its part, PBS took the matter seriously, conducting a thorough investigation of the incident privately and requiring the program to hire a fact checker and an independent genealogist going forward. While the network recently announced that "Finding Your Roots" will return for a third season, the program's future remains in doubt. PBS has also withdrawn the episode in which Affleck appears from distribution.

Affleck released a statement on his Facebook page that, while not quite an apology, was at least apologetic in tone. He said that finding a slave-owning ancestor left him "embarrassed" and with "a bad taste in [his] mouth." (2) It's understandable that Affleck was left a bit queasy at such a stark reminder of his connection to a dark part of American history. But the irony is that, by attempting to excise this connection, he drew more attention to it.

Affleck would not have been the first participant in "Finding Your Roots" to discover a slaveholding relative. Ken Burns, the documentary filmmaker who created "The Civil War," discovered such an ancestor, as did former Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter and CNN's Anderson Cooper. On the same episode in which Affleck appeared, former NAACP chief Ben Jealous discovered his ancestor - a free black man - had himself owned slaves.

Digging into American history will, by its nature, sometimes unearth ugliness. Consider the reaction of actor Bill Paxton, who appeared on "Who Do You Think You Are," a similar genealogy program that airs on TLC. When Paxton learned that his ancestor Benjamin Sharp was not only a Revolutionary War hero but also a slave owner, he expressed disappointment, but remarked that history includes both the good and the bad. Embracing an ugly past is painful, but the alternative is dangerous.

The world of the past helped make the world of our present, for good and for ill. Our history lives today in our country's Constitution and its diversity, as well as in the poverty and deprivation of many Indian reservations and in the ongoing legacy of racism, especially against black Americans. We can't change the past. We can learn from it, but to do so, we must first acknowledge what it was.


1) The Washington Post, "After omitting details of Ben Affleck's slave-owning ancestor, 'Finding Your Roots' is suspended by PBS"

2) NPR, "Ben Affleck (Kinda) Apologizes For Asking PBS Program To Hide Slave-Owning Ancestor"

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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Innovation Management - Why Should the USA or EU Come Out on Top?

There is a momentum of thought in the USA and EU that implies that either of the two continents should come out on top in the innovation game. Perhaps this is related to the number of articles that appear in distinguished journals or the historic technological lead each has possessed in various fields...who knows...but whatever the reason, this is not good thinking:

a) Successful innovation is related to intellectual cross-pollination. As there many more people in China and India than both the EU and USA put together, it follows that those countries have the greatest potential.

b) Successful innovation is about intellectual cross-pollination. As the EU and USA are hell bent on patenting and restricting knowledge in various forms of intellectual ownership, they are inadvertently shooting themselves in the foot. China and India have not reached this stage of intellectual enforcement.

c) Successful innovation is about combining depth and breadth of knowledge. This is related to education. Presently, there is no clear winner as to who is the best educator. Though the USA's Ivy League institutions feel they have the edge, this is hubris more than reality.

d) Successful innovation results from a reduction of barriers to it. One of the most powerful impediments is lack of finance. Where finance for R & D is greatest, there lie the highest probabilities. Presently, the USA is the leader in financing ventures.

These and other topics are covered in depth in the MBA dissertation on Managing Creativity & Innovation, which can be purchased (along with a Creativity and Innovation DIY Audit, Good Idea Generator Software and Power Point Presentation) from

You can also receive a regular, free newsletter by entering your email address at this site.

Kal Bishop, MBA


You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made and the author's name and site URL are retained.

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Stop Teenage Gambling Education Needed At Local Schools

For the past few years teenage gambling has been increasing at an exponential rate. The increase in gambling can be contributed to family members who gamble, multiple television programs like poker tournaments and skillful advertising from the gambling establishments. It’s becoming an epidemic among our teenagers with no real solution being presented to the educators of our schools systems.

The new stream of commercials related to stop gambling has had very little affect. The commercials are geared towards helping people stop gambling but are not geared towards the individuals who have not experienced gambling at this point in time. The stop gambling commercials have not been able to reach the teenager with a compulsive gambling addiction. They however may reach the parents who may realize their child has a problem.

The only way to help our youth is to educate them in the classroom and at home. I remember years ago in health class they educated us on smoking and drinking. This was very effective on those individuals who never started. But the ones that were already addicted the educational programs were unable to reach them.

There following educational curriculums will be available to ship by August 2005 in order to give teachers the proper resource tools to deal with this growing problem:

a) Helpful Resources for identifying teenagers who may have a compulsive gambling addiction.

b) Helping Teenagers identify their compulsive gambling addiction

c) Educating teenagers on compulsive gambling addiction. This one is my favorite because this has the best opportunity to prevent a teenager from gambling, helping teenagers identify the signs of compulsive gambling addiction and if the teenager has a problem with gambling.

d) Giving Teenagers the tools to identify others who may have a gambling addiction like their parents. This one has to be handled sensitively. I have received numerous emails from teenagers who did not know where to go, who to talk to in order to help a family member.

e) Educating Teenagers on the resources available to get help by giving them the local stop gambling telephone numbers and helpful stop gambling websites.

f) Understanding Compulsive Gambling Addiction

g) Practical exercises for teenagers with addictions to learn about self esteem, trust and more.

The above educational curriculums are to be used as a guide for professionals who want to educate the teenage population. The curriculums were based on real life situations. It’s their goal to reach these students at the age where gambling is most likely to affect their future and to help teenagers who have a compulsive gambling addiction.

More educational information can be found at the website [].

Teenagers that have been negatively affected by compulsive gambling addiction exhibit signs of self destructive behavior and an apathetic view towards school. By noticing the warning signs early, helps a teenager’s recovery to accelerate.

Our future is in our children. By giving them a good education and family foundation we will help them to survive in this world.

Another website that deals directly with compulsive gambling addiction and also has stop gambling resources is the I Stopped Gambling So Can You This website can help the family members and friends of gamblers. It also has self help books available.

Mr. Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers, relatives and friends of gamblers and teenage gamblers. Mr. Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program. A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs. Gamblers Anonymous also helps a significant number of people each year but there is a large percentage that they are unable to reach.

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Where are the Nicest People in America?

Having traveled to every city in the United States and met all sorts of folks I have found the rural Northwest to have the nicest folks of all; that was until I had the opportunity to spend some time in South Texas to warm up during the last winter. I would like to discuss the attitude of the people of South Texas. I would say that that friendly attitude is a model of what all America should be.

In many of the big cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, Atlanta, etc. people self segregate, are relatively unfriendly to strangers; sure they are great with their friends, but just get on a freeway in Baltimore, Boston, Seattle or San Francisco and see how long it takes you to find out you are number one? In South Texas no one flips you off while driving, maybe because Texas has the reputation that everyone carries a gun? But that is not it; it is the people and their humble and positive attitude. They drive polite; much different than in the largest American cities where they are not polite when driving, do not start conversations with strangers and are not promoting goodwill towards their fellow man.

In South TX and I am discussing parts from Just South of Austin to Brownsville including Laredo and the like, people are just down right nice. WOW. That is good. That promotes tourism, that attracts business and that brings us back together and then we can stand united. Why is this attitude not contagious? It is when you are in Texas; why not other large cities. San Antonio the people are nice, yet in other large cities including the other cities in TX, it just is not like that. I think the hospitality in South TX and many parts of rural Texas it is to be admired and you should go there and see for yourself. It is a pleasure to do business in many of these South TX markets. We thank you for the Big Texas welcome and we are finding it a pleasure to get to know Y'all. Thank you South Texas.

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Environmental Liberation Front, ELF, Eco-terrorists

The environmental liberation front is a group of very weak people who cannot get a job unfortunately so they sit around and smoke weed all day and do drugs. Often since they have no jobs they make their own drugs like crystal meth and then dump the toxins in the forest as hazardous waste. This is typical of such unworthy humans as we often see when we study misfits and problematic low cranial capacity individuals who cannot seem to get it.

This ELF Group is a problem, they are environmentalists, who go around screwing up things to make a point. Burning down brand new homes being built on what they believe should remain non-developed, etc. things of this nature. FBI thinks they may go after bigger projects such as attacking major infrastructures like dams, timber mills, refineries and power plants. Or if they really are that would be terrible to have an infrastructure problem sending everyone back into fear mode during the next holiday with the out of control media. Not sure if this is reality or a reason to go seek them out, but either way these low IQ individuals are not good for America. Not good. We may be giving them ideas through the media or egging them on, but with such low cognitive abilities, who knows what these folks are really thinking or even if they do still have such abilities.

What is very unfortunate about this, is with the changes in government recently, these groups will cause a problem in the balance of security, Rep/Dem., and the general agreement amongst most of the population that we all need to do basic things like recycle, stop dumping, clean up the water and pay attention to discharges into the air. We all want our freedoms but these folks are disrupting our civilization so it is important for us to catch them as soon as possible. If you know of any eco-terrorists foreign or domestic or have friends who do, it is important you turn them in to prevent them from polluting the environment.

If these groups continually disrupt to prove as point, they will ruin any chances for positive changes in the minds of the masses to do the right thing and thus politics of mankind will not follow suit in the proper direction.

I bet we could infiltrate this group and talk some reason into these people using the web sites you have? This type of energy they are exhibiting causing harm is bad, but this level of high energy could be good energy and what America needs, but it is so misguided that it is upsetting the balance of things that we should all be thinking about for the betterment of all.

My thoughts are this lure the members of the group into the web sites, and one by one infiltrate the group to do constructive and positive things and disband it without the media involved. The media will blow out of proportion anything they do, making them even more excited to do more and gather more crazies to their side. By keeping it out of the media and getting these people to grow up, everyone can win. But these guys are definitely international and domestic terrorists and that is bad for America right now, and to call them the most dangerous domestic terrorists is even worse for everyone both short and long term. Lets throw the leaders in jail as they are criminals, along with any who have committed any acts thus far and disband the rest, as that is what would be best for humanity.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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Monday 22 February 2016

Some Religious Groups Say GM Seeds are Immoral

There is nothing immoral about Monsanto's Terminator GM seeds, it seems to solve many problems. It does not hurt farmers in rural areas, they can still save some of their seeds, they can simply buy seeds that someone else makes or pay more for Monsanto's non-terminating regular seeds. It actually opens the door to small entrepreneurs and co-ops and the organic farmers if the consumers choose otherwise.

Small poor regions of the Globe may wish to save their seeds, nothing is stopping them from saving those seeds. This may very well be an incredible bonus for them and spur on a new seed business on top of their crop business. If they say their seeds are not worth saving, then do not save them. But if they are wanting to feed more people for less using the R and D efforts of Monsanto then pay for it. If they do not wish to pay for them then they can save their own, if they cannot meet the increasing hunger demands in some of these third world countries then STOP reproducing humans so fast. Or use GM Seeds and crops.

The world without GM Crops probably cannot be maintained more than two more decades and why start from behind in crisis, Monsanto has solved those problems now, done deal. These seeds use less water which is going to be a huge world wide issue in the next 25 years where over 5 Billion humans will be without the water resources they need.

The World Bank is looking ahead to try to curb this issue but the populations are rising and the droughts are shrinking supplies. Lets think this through before we condemn the free market efforts of Monsanto research in their quest to make a profit and feed the world shall we? Think about it, we are.

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West Nile Virus and Mosquitoes

You get West Nile Virus by being bitten by a little bug, one you hate, called a Mosquito. I personally would not mind deleting mosquitoes from the Earth, however this would be very difficult to do. We have a problem today because the hot weather expands the atmosphere and these little bugs and other insects can hitch a ride on the Jet Stream and fly high all the way across the ocean? Is it Global Warming, hard to say, perhaps a normal Earth warming cycle climate change. After all it was a hell of a problem from what archeologists have found in the old Chinese writings of pre-2700 B.C. in that area of the world.

Safe to say however these types of things will occur in greater frequency when temperatures are hotter during solar flares, space storms, El Nino years and of course Global Warming. However, no matter what you feel about global warming it beats the freeze out of global cooling. The most screwed up deal of West Nile Virus is certain mosquitoes hibernate and the damn virus can last within its hibernated host until Spring and go get more victims then. Great? Well such is life on Earth and probably Mars and other places, where we will find frozen species operating at the poles.

If you just love these little bugs raise your hands. Ah no one, so should we kill them all? We can't we. Should we reduce them? Probably, but if it hurts the bats, it will piss off the bats, who are our friends and help our farmers eat the bugs so they can use less pesticides, which is preferable to our food supply, cost to farmer and the environment as the pesticides run off into creeks, lakes and rivers and then to the ocean. Got Blood? That is what they are looking for and as they take your blood they leave that tiny little virus inside you which multiplies and causes havoc. Each year we are getting more and more West Nile Virus cases. The Middle Easterners have been dealing with it for as long as we can find written recorded history of their endeavors. For us in the United States it is a new problem but a serious one. So pay attention and learn how you might better reduce your risk of getting West Nile Virus.

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Sunday 21 February 2016

Wreckage of Russian passenger plane found in Sinai: Egypt govt

Egyptian military planes have spotted the wreckage of a Russian passenger plane that crashed in the Sinai Peninsula.

CAIRO: Egyptian military planes have spotted the wreckage of a Russian passenger plane that crashed Saturday in the Sinai Peninsula with 224 people on board, the government said.

"Military planes have discovered the wreckage of the plane... in a mountainous area, and 45 ambulances have been directed to the site to evacuate dead and wounded," a cabinet statement said.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Northeast Thai Girls Run Fake Pregnant Scam

A warning for the lovelorn, lonely, or those who play around to much, some of Thailand's less scrupulous Isaan girls have come up with a new twist on an old technique aimed at leveraging extra money out of their beau's.

According to Thai-language newspaper Kom Chud Leuk, bar girls in Northeast (Isaan) Thailand have discovered a new trick to extract money from their foreigner sugar daddies by pretending that they get "knocked up".

It might sound like the same old story but not any more. According to some reports Isaan girls have added a new twist - injecting a chemical substance into their stomach in order to look like they really are pregnant. This unknown substance will reportedly inflate their stomach a few weeks after the injection and another substance is needed to flatten it. One shot is priced at only Bt3,000 (about $US100.00) and not very hard to find.

The main rationale for the pregnancy scam, say some of the girls who have succeeded with the trick, is to obtain commitment, money or even escape from forced marriages.

Gaew, 22, a university student who succeeded in her scheme said that she managed to blackmail the wife of the man who had a crazy crush on her. After she got her belly job done she telephoned his wife and bargained for some hundreds of thousands of baht for her abortion and for leaving him alone.

In another case Som, 20, a university student in the Isaan region, used the same scam to get out of an arranged marriage her parents were attempting to force her into. Now she can finally publicly date the man she is really in love with.

Who says pretty Thai girls can't be clever as well? At least, they know how to make some real Baht.

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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Auto Financing for Bad Credit

Getting automobile financing for bad-credit clients is not as troublesome as one may expect, but rather bad credit car financing claims a monetary punishment as high loan fees or the necessity of a substantial up front installment, or both.

In this article about bad credit auto financing, we’ll investigate how to get automobile financing for bad credit auto purchasers.

Before endeavoring to organize bad credit car financing, get duplicates of your credit report from each of the three principle credit reporting offices: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion. Government law requires these organizations to give every individual one free credit report for each year, and purchasers can ask for every one of the three duplicates utilizing the site.

When you get your three credit reports, survey them intently and complete separate question frames for every credit-reporting office for each blunder you distinguish. Government law requires Experian, Equifax and TransUnion to uproot wrong credit report information if the data can’t be confirmed inside of 30 days of getting a debate claim from a buyer.

By making this beginning stride, you get to be mindful of everything showing up in your credit report and you can uproot mistaken data to build your credit score.

While you’re working with the credit reporting offices to tidy up your credit report, make sure to make all installments for all bills on time. In the event that you can demonstrate a while of on-time installments, or, ideally, a year or a greater amount of dependable bill-paying conduct, you will probably have the capacity to acquire bad credit vehicle financing.

Advance Fee Loan Scams

In the event that you’ve seen notices in the daily paper, or on the web, that offers you an ensured endorsement on a credit card or loan without respect for your credit history, then you might have seen a development charge loan trick. These development expense loan tricks prey on purchasers who are searching for a loan however don’t have great credit scores or a decent credit history. They guarantee a brisk and simple loan endorsement in return for charges paid in advance by the loan candidates.

On the off chance that you have seen these promotions, or got them by email, you might surmise this offer is unrealistic. All things considered, it is. Despite how true blue this a development expense loan offer might show up, it is a trick intended to part you from your well deserved cash. A few tricks will go so far as to outline proficient looking sites and letterhead, with deceitful logos of true blue banks or even government offices. You might be requested that give data through a site, or to wire exchange cash to a gathering abroad before the loan is endorsed, keeping in mind the end goal to pay for “loan protection” or “application preparing.”

In the event that anybody approaches you for an installment in advance to prepare your loan, there is a decent risk you are managing a development expense loan trick. Here are some other tip-offs as indicated by the FDIC:

A bank who couldn’t care less about your credit history. Real banks and loan specialists basically dependably check your credit report before offering you an ensured endorsement to anybody, not to mention somebody with bad credit.

Charging advance expenses before endorsement. Authentic moneylenders will now and then accuse expenses related of your application, however these charges are revealed obviously ahead of time of your application, and take their charges after your loan has been affirmed, frequently out of the sum you get (for instance, focuses on a home loan. Especially in the event that they request that you wire cash or send cash requests to an individual, be extremely careful. Authentic banks will never request that you do that.

A loan that is offered by telephone, or request your Social Security number or financial balance numbers. It is level out illicit for organizations who conduct business by telephone to guarantee you a loan, and afterward request installment before they convey.

Understanding Amortizing Loan

A completely amortizing loan is a loan which is paid in equivalent portions for a foreordained time frame. In spite of the fact that the most recent couple of years have seen a huge number of outlandish fiscally designed loans, the fundamental sort of completely amortizing loan which individuals are most acquainted with is the altered rate contract that keeps running for 20 or 30 years.

The Variables of a Fixed Rate Mortgage

There are precisely three variables that decide the installment structure of the home loan.

In the first place there’s the aggregate sum of the loan. Hardly any going ahead there: If you acquire twice as much, all installments will be twice as huge.

Significantly more import are the financing cost and the term of the loan.

The most ideal approach to consider hobby is to consider it rent paid to obtain something. In the event that you pay premium, you’re leasing cash. In particular, on the off chance that you have a home loan, you actually own the home, however you have leased the cash to purchase it from a bank.

Typically, on the off chance that you acquire something, similar to an auto from a rental organization, you pay rent all the time and after that toward the end of the rental period, you give the auto back.

How Fully Amortizing Loans Works

With cash it is to some degree diverse. Completely amortizing loans are utilized in light of the fact that numerous individuals would have issues booking an immense reimbursement of the chief after, say, 30 years. In the event that it was surely so it would play out in the accompanying way.

Envision obtaining $100,000 at 6%. In the most straightforward auto (such as with the auto), you would pay $6000 consistently for a long time for an aggregate of $180,000. At that point toward the end, you’d pay the introductory $100,000 back. Complete approaching = $100,000. Complete active = $280,000.

In a completely amortizing loan, the central is paid back slowly so that at the exceptionally last installment, that is, the 360th installment in a 30 year loan, pays the foremost down to $0.

This makes the regularly scheduled installments higher than with the straightforward loan. This is helpful on the grounds that it drives the borrower to take into account the way that he needs to pay back the main.

What is intriguing and critical to comprehend is that the interest installments are not delayed into what’s to come. Along these lines the first portion constitutes the full enthusiasm on the main with just a slight reimbursement of important. The following portion constitutes interest which is just about as high as the full intrigue in light of the fact that the central is practically the same. In the case over, all installments would be $599.55. In the first month the hobby would be $500 (that is $6000/12) and the essential reimbursement would be $99.55. Thus, regardless of paying $599.55, a man would in any case owe $99900.45. Following 5 years, the proportion is $465.94 enthusiasm to $133.61 and in spite of paying $35973.00 in portions, the individual still owes $93,054.36.

As it were, at the outset, very little advance is made in paying back the loan and a man is successfully “leasing”. On the off chance that he needed to pay the loan back, he would need to pay considerably more ($93,054.36) than he most likely expected… I think numerous individuals would think, they’d just need to pay back $75,000 or thereabouts.

We can’t do much about the financing cost. Shortening the loan period for a long time to 20 years, be that as it may, is going to cut off around $40,000 of the aggregate interest installment of the loan.

Relax, You Can Get Loan with Bad Credit!

Getting individual loans for individuals with bad credit aren’t inconceivable. In case you’re in a circumstance that requires additional assets and your credit score is on the low side or you don’t have any acquaintance with it – here are a few things you ought to do before applying for an individual loan with bad credit.

Get Your Credit Report and Follow These Personal Loans Tips

You ought to check your credit score each year from each of the three noteworthy credit authorities — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. On the off chance that you haven’t checked your score of late, you may be astonished that it could be higher than you might suspect. You can get your credit reports for nothing at regular intervals. Go to in light of the fact that it’s the official site unequivocally guided by Federal law to give them. Additionally, you may have botches on your report that truly bring down your score. The Federal Trade Commission reports that 1 in 5 Americans has false data on their credit report.

Converse with Your Bank or Credit Union

Now that you’re furnished with your credit score you can look around and investigate your own loan alternatives. It’s generally best to begin with your bank or credit union first in light of the fact that in the event that you have a record with them, they might be more casual on their loaning guidelines. You could fit the bill for more cash in the event that you have an immediate store account with them.

Research Online and Shop Around

There are heaps of online alternatives for bad credit individual loans. It’s best to peruse surveys about these organizations and check whether there are a lot of dissensions at the Better Business Bureau. Some of the time discovering neighborhood loan specialists with a real physical building may be an extraordinary arrangement in case you’re uncomfortable with trusting online moneylenders. In the event that you do locate an individual loan bank for bad credit online you ought to dependably converse with a genuine individual.

Ask Friends or Family

This could be a final resort for the vast majority. In any case, in the event that you have a decent association with your family – they may loan you cash. When you do obtain from companions or family make sure that you both concur on installment terms and record it. Both of you have to monitor installments and add to a framework that works.

Know How Much You Can Afford

Obtain mindfully and be sure that you can bear the cost of the installments and genuinely inquire as to whether you truly require the cash. Record your financial plan and consider the measure of time it will oblige you to pay it off.

Consider Local Loans for People with Bad Credit

In case you’re considering a payday loan, portion loans for bad credit are in some cases a superior alternative for individuals with bad credit. Portion loans take into account longer installment terms and could get you more cash speedier with lower installments. The high enthusiasm of payday loans and fleeting timetable has the Federal Trade Commission and numerous monetary specialists calling this a final resort loaning alternate.

Secured Loans For Bad Credit Cards


In case you’re in a position where you need to get cash or you’ve bad credit and you would prefer not to pay more financing costs that accompany unsecured loans and credit cards, then you require knowing something about secured loans for bad credit.

Secured loans are still best answer for you on the off chance that you happen to have a bad credit score. It is an astute choice to investigate what a secured loan for bad credit really offers. Getting unsecured loan with high hobby is not the right approach to conquer your budgetary anxieties, as this can advance influence your credit rating. On the off chance that you are searching for secured loans for individuals with bad credit, then read this post further to get some valuable tips.
Distinction Between Secured And Unsecured Loans

Individuals who have great credit history regularly pick the alternative of unsecured loan to confront their transient money related requirements. Unsecured loans require no insurance from shoppers. There are credit cards and individual unsecured loans.

Individuals who have bad credit scores might pick the choice of secured loan since they don’t care for enduring high financing costs. Secured loan requires a shopper to present his or her property as insurance. Buyers can utilize their home, auto, vehicles and different belonging like mint pieces, adornments or collectibles as security.

Tips To Get Secured Loans For People With Bad Credit

On the off chance that you’ve an aim to get secured loan, here are some vital focuses to consider:

Subsequent to secured loans are insurance based , you need to choose what property or resource you would use as guarantee. It is not recommendable to utilize your home as insurance to manage your transient monetary issues in light of the fact that in the event that you can’t pay, you will lose your safe house as well. So reconsider before taking this move. In the event that you neglect to reimburse your loan on time, you will be losing your property. Consequently, you ought to think painstakingly before picking your altered resources as security.

You likewise require looking into additional before picking a loan specialist. It is not prudent to squander your exertion and time by searching for budgetary establishments or standard banks subsequent to these conventional moneylenders will never consent to offer you a loan since you got a poor credit history. It is prescribed to approach Credit Unions. For the most part, Credit Unions in U.S offer diverse sorts of loan at low financing costs. In case you’re a part in any credit union, you can consider getting their help. In case you’re are not an individual from any credit union, don’t stress in light of the fact that there is still a choice. You can search for poor credit secured loan suppliers to help you. There are a lot of specific loan suppliers accessible in the business sector. You can utilize BBB (Better Business Bureau) to find honest to goodness loan specialists.

When you have chosen couple of banks, you shouldn’t specifically apply for the loan. Have some persistence. Make a speedy examination of the distinctive loan fees gave by your shortlisted moneylenders. Use online devices for this. When you find a loan specialist offering the most minimal financing cost, you can begin with the application process. This will help you spare some cash. As you need to submit security to ensure your loan, you can arrange the moneylenders for lower premium.

Other than loan fee, you additionally need to watch the terms and conditions given by each moneylender. You ought to have a reasonable thought regarding loan span and late payment punishments. so be careful with your credit card or your credit cards offers in future and always choose credit card loan on bad credit by asking your consultant.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Chong Wei jumped to the stairs to the 6th world rankings

Chong Wei, currently ranked sixth from ninth place after collecting 64.983 points.

KUALA LUMPUR: The success of the country's leading singles player Datuk Lee Chong Wei won the China Open badminton tournament last week witnessed jumped three spots in the world rankings this week.

According to the site the Badminton World Federation (, Chong Wei, currently ranked sixth from ninth place after collecting 64.983 points.

Former world number one, is increasingly approaching the three best players of the world after going off since March because of a doping suspension which saw his world ranking dropped to 180th place.

Chong Wei, however, bounced back from suspension last May by winning the US Open, the Canadian Open in June and won his first Super Series title at the French Open last month that allows it to re-enter the global top 10.

World champion Chen Long of China remains the world number one with 101.031 points, followed by Denmark's Jan O Jorgensen (76,337), while former world champion and Olympic champion Lin Dan third (73.677).

The main partner countries, Goh V Shem / Tan Wee Kiong remained in 15th with 46,778 points, while former vice world champion 2010 edition, Koo Kien Keat / Tan Boon Heong climbed five spots to 17th place with 44.480 points.

Women's singles player Tee Jing Yi is currently ranked 30th with 34.570 points, while the women's doubles, Vivian Hoo Kah Mun / Woon Khe Wei in ninth place after collecting 49.424 points.

Mixed doubles Chan Peng Soon / Goh Liu Ying remained in 15th with 40,730 points.

Really vape effective for quitting smoking?

KUALA LUMPUR - The discussion on e-cigarettes should be focused on the issue of health and economic well-being is not contrary to the dealers, said the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA).

MMA president Dr Ashok Zachariah Philip said as many activists claim that the electronic cigarette e-smoking is more effective than conventional therapy to quit smoking, the allegations require further study, in the form of random surveys.

"If it is true that the e-cigarette is much more effective to stop smoking, then it can be offered as an option in clinical therapy to quit smoking," he said in a statement.

He said that e-cigarettes may not be on the market long enough for anyone to claim that it is safe to use for the long term as long-term damage to organs apply to take 15 or 20 years.

"Sanity sense and caution stating that the active chemical sniffing volatile into the air sacs of the lungs is more likely to cause damage," he said.

5 Cancer Prevention Tips

Some tips on how to prevent cancer are pretty obvious: don't smoke, stay out of the sun, don't live near power lines... but other lifestyle choices might not be so clear. Here are some ideas on how you can do a few things in life a little differently to help prevent something serious from developing down the road. And start off by recognizing the fact that odds are you won't get cancer simply by living a healthy lifestyle, which should include using some form of natural medicine like naturopathy, osteopathy, or chiropractic for example.

1. Drink water - properly. This means avoiding plastic bottles and instead drinking filtered water (from a tap), stored in stainless steel or glass containers. Even the best plastic can leach chemicals into your water, and so should be avoided. And since some home filters have plastic containers, your best bet is probably a filter that fits onto the tap. Consuming lots of water is of course recommended, but do try to get much of your water intake from organic fruits and vegetables. They're a great source of the water our bodies need to absorb, and naturally they're high in antioxidants as well.

2. Sleep tight. You may think that getting 8 hours of sleep a night is best, and you're probably right but you may also be keeping it a little too simple. Studies show that we all vary in the amount we need for sleep, so experiment a little and try to see how much sleep feels right for you. Generally speaking we need anywhere from 6 to 9 hours, and the amount may depend on how well you're eating and how much exercise you're getting (i.e. a poor diet or lots of exercise may require more sleep). Also, the quality of your sleep is important. You could lie in bed all day long and not get a deep enough sleep cycle, which takes approximately 1.5 hours. So try to keep your room dark and keep sounds from waking you (wear earplugs if you have to), because getting a deep enough sleep is key.

3. Sweat a bit, or a lot. Obviously keeping healthy with exercise is a great way to keep cancer at bay. And as with sleep, so too is the amount of exercise we need not the same for each individual, as says acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Certainly seeing an expert and obtaining a diagnosis from them (via your pulse) is the best way to determine what level of exercise you would benefit most from, but you can always try and figure things out for yourself too. If you feel like taking a nap right after a workout, you're exercising too much. Conversely, if skipping a workout makes you feel tense and unhappy, then you probably need to maintain your levels and make sure you get exercise where you can, even if it's just ten minutes of jumping jacks and squats.

4. Ask questions. Don't let your doctor (or any health care provider for that matter) off the hook so easily. If you think you need a mammogram or another test, ask about it instead of waiting for them to suggest it. And while you're being proactive, use any and all of the benefits you might have for paramedical services such as osteopathy, naturopathy, and so on. Even the right physiotherapist or chiropractor can help a great deal when it comes to treatment and advice that could add (healthy) years onto your life.

5. Be realistic. Chances are that if you're trying to get healthier you have an idea of how to measure your progress, e.g. through amount of weight lost, improved sleep or diet, and so on. Be sure, however, to set goals that are realistic and achievable, because causing yourself too much stress isn't going to help with cancer prevention, no matter how good you start to look.

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10 Cancer Symptoms That Most People Ignore

Considering the possibility that you may have cancer is downright overwhelming and terrifying. Yet it is just as important that you stay vigilant and get any possible symptoms and signs checked away instantly. Here are 10 common cancer symptoms that most people ignore, but actually are a call for action.

Change in Bowel Habits

If there is a mass impeding the passing of stool in your colon, this can result in uneasy bowel movement as well as larger than usual or deformed stool. As this can be a sign of colon cancer, you might need to schedule a colonoscopy to check things out and be sure, so call your doctor right away.

Change in Urinary Habits

A sudden and drastic change in your urinary routines or appearance of blood in urine can be a clear sign of cancer. It can also be a symptom of urinary tract infection so make sure to check that out first before you hit the big panic button.

Persistent Cough

Not all coughs are cancer induced, but the only way to check and make sure yours is much harmless is to visit the doctor and get the required scans. Undue hoarseness, or a particularly cacophonous cough, that is persistent or accompanied by blood clearly signals trouble.

Persistent Difficulty in Swallowing

If you are having difficulty swallowing without any real explanation as to why, you might want to see your doctor at the earliest. Esophageal and Neck cancer can both make it hard to ingest usual food, and while eating softer foods might bring relief this is far from a solution to the matter at hand.

Changing Moles

It is a good idea to get regularly screened for skin cancer if you tend to spend a good deal of time outdoors. Having said that, keep an eye out for new marks and moles or those that seem to change shape or appearance; not all such occurrences indicate melanoma but some might well do.

Unexplained Lumps

A lump that appears out of nowhere or a lump changing shape and form are a clear sign that necessitate action. While this could simply be a cyst, this is a possibility you want only your doctor to officially rule out. Especially of relevance when noticed in the breast area.

Sores that Refuse to Heal

A typical sore takes no more than three weeks for the body to heal; therefore if you have sores that have been around for any longer, this can be a clear sign of cancer. Make sure to get it medically checked up.

Unexplained Pains

Unexplained and persistent pains, while sometimes perfectly natural, can just as easily be a sign of serious trouble. No matter where you experience this pain in your body, a proper check up at the doctor's is due to ensure whether or not anything major is responsible.

Undue Weight Loss

Serious weight loss, while your grandest of dreams, when unexplained can be a sign of malignancy or a tumor. Don't waste any time and consult your doctor at the earliest- this time it may not be cause to celebrate.

Undue Bleeding

Bleeding, when unexplained is never a good sign; don't just ignore it. Unexpected bleeding outside your usual menstrual cycle can be a sign of cervical cancer, while anal bleeding may signal colon cancer.

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Seven deadly helicopter crash in New Zealand glacier

Sightseeing helicopter plunged into the hole in the Fox Glacier on Saturday, which is a popular tourist site on the west coast of South Island

WELLINGTON: Six passengers and a pilot were killed when the helicopter they were traveling in crashed into the vents glacier in New Zealand due to the weather on Saturday, AFP reported.

Cruise helicopter plunged into the Fox Glacier, which is a popular tourist site on the west coast of South Island, in cloudy weather and rain.

Paramedics and rescue highland areas located at the crash site confirmed no survivors in the attack.

According to security officials involved, John Canning, rescue efforts will only begin in a few days because of the unpredictable weather.

The identity of the victims, including the pilot will not be released until their families are informed of the tragedy, however Canning confirmed that the pilot was a local man.

Five years ago, nine including four skydivers were killed when the plane carrying them crashed after taking off from the airport, Fox Glacier.

Fox Glacier along the 13 kilometers that is listed as one of the most accessible glaciers and attracts thousands of tourists every year.

The girl was found dead in Cheras abused in long term

Initial investigations revealed that the victim then returned to his home on Wednesday in a state of severe injury.

KUALA LUMPUR: The results of the autopsy cases girl who was found dead in an apartment in Cheras Utama, Cheras yesterday that the victim was tortured for a long time.

Cheras police chief ACP Chong Kok Sin said there were many severe swelling of the face and the entire body of the victim and the suspected lesions hot iron effects in both legs.

"Meanwhile, the ex-boyfriend who was arrested yesterday will be remanded for seven days from today to Nov 27 to facilitate investigations.

"The results of further investigation, police found the victim's ex-boyfriend did not have a job it had previous criminal records related to drugs," he said when contacted by Bernama today.

Police found the body of 19-year-old girl about 5.10pm on Friday after receiving the information.

It is understood that the victim previously lived with her ex-boyfriend in the house but was out of the house last October because of misunderstanding.

Initial investigations revealed that the victim then returned to his home on Wednesday in a state of severe injury.

The man wanted to bring the victim to the hospital, but she refused and said that he was chased and beaten by her boyfriend's new.

Accordingly, the police are hunting a man and woman to facilitate investigations into the case.

The Enemies of Cancer

Seven top foods that can prevent cancer

NO. 1---Broccoli

Broccoli contains large amounts of plant chemical elements (Phytochemical), thousands of years, vegetable itself, in order to protect themselves, it stimulates this taste to drive away insects. Also it has the detoxification for human beings. It also contains sulfur carotene (Sulporaphane), which can promote the body to produce anti-cancer protein and remove carcinogens from cells.

NO. 2---Salmon
As we all know that Eskimos continue eating salmon fat. However, the prevalence ratio is very low. Omega3 can consolidate cell membrane, enhance the body immunity to defense cancer. Every coin has two sides, taking too much Omega 3 will lead to bleeding or stroke. Salmon, tuna and Long Lee are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. The British Dietitians Association recommends that people eat fish and seafood three times a week. So the food and beverage analysis are very helpful.

NO. 3---Tomato

In 1995, scientists at Harvard did an experiment, forty-eight thousand men, who ate about twenty tomatoes per week, the chance for them to get prostate cancer was reduced by half. The reason is that Lycopene (lycopene) in the tomato is antioxidants, which can neutralize free radicals to fight against breast cancer, stomach cancer and digestive cancer.

NO. 4---Tofu

Tofu is the most effective one to fight against breast and prostate cancer. Estrogen is the main reason of the genital cancer. The chance of getting breast cancer for women may be caused by early menstruation, delayed childbirth, early menopause or obesity. Beans are able to weaken the ability of estrogen to reduce cell division, soy milk have the same function.

NO. 5---Fiber foods

All fruits, melons, beans, broccoli, legumes are rich of high fiber. High fiber foods can speed up the intestine digestion in order to short time of food digestion. The toxic substances, which are formed through digestion, can be discharged as soon as possible and it will not be absorbed into body by the intestinal wall.

NO. 6--- Garlic

Israeli researchers found that the chemical composition in garlic can not only help to cope with parasites and bacteria in soil, but also drive away viruses, bacteria, fungi. The most effective time for garlic is after ten minutes. But we can not wait too long otherwise it will be invalid.

NO. 7---Green Tea

According to the research from Chinese University Department of Biochemistry, polyphenols is a good antioxidant in green tea. It can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and also can be against blood cancer. It is better than black tea with unfermented and more effective for beneficial elements preserved.

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Sabah police warn social media users to stop spreading rumours about suicide bombers

JALALUDDIN: I urge the people not to be taken in by these rumours or aggravate the situation by spreading the matter on social media. - Filetype
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah police today warned social media users to stop spreading rumours about the presence of suicide bombers from the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group in Sabah, specifically in the city.
Sabah police commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman said police viewed the matter seriously and would not hesitate to take stern action against the rumour-mongers.
He also warned members of the force not to be parties to the rumour-mongering and that they too would not escape the law if caught.
"I urge the people not to be taken in by these rumours or aggravate the situation by spreading the matter on social media," he told reporters the Sabah police's Deepavali open house here today.
Earlier today, Kota Kinabalu police chief ACP M.Chandra in a statement had said that there was no truth to the rumours and that security and safety of the public was the police's top priority.
He said those who resorted to spreading such rumours would face the "full brunt of the law".