
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Really vape effective for quitting smoking?

KUALA LUMPUR - The discussion on e-cigarettes should be focused on the issue of health and economic well-being is not contrary to the dealers, said the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA).

MMA president Dr Ashok Zachariah Philip said as many activists claim that the electronic cigarette e-smoking is more effective than conventional therapy to quit smoking, the allegations require further study, in the form of random surveys.

"If it is true that the e-cigarette is much more effective to stop smoking, then it can be offered as an option in clinical therapy to quit smoking," he said in a statement.

He said that e-cigarettes may not be on the market long enough for anyone to claim that it is safe to use for the long term as long-term damage to organs apply to take 15 or 20 years.

"Sanity sense and caution stating that the active chemical sniffing volatile into the air sacs of the lungs is more likely to cause damage," he said.

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