
Tuesday 9 February 2016

The Homeless

Do you ever stop to wonder where the homeless person came from? What caused the situation? Is it impossible to find solutions to help them, to have a home again and to get their life back, or is it that we turn our back, and walk by without giving them another thought?

Some are mentally ill and should be treated, others are young teens that have left one bad situation for a worse one, going from the frying pan to the fire. Some of the homeless are vets, after fighting a war for our country, they come home to emotional and mental illness and to a homeless situation. Our vets should not be homeless on the streets. Than there are those who have the misfortune of drug abuse. Young women and men that can't make enough money to support themselves become prostitutes trying to survive, putting their life and health at risk. Homeless can be created from loss of employment. It's sad to know in our country of America, the greatest country of all. there is so much proverty, and homelessness - and so many that turn a blind eye.

The old soldier - one of many of our homeless

Do you ever wonder why he's out on the street?

A soldier that once fought a war for me,

Now looks in the garbage for something to eat,

That old soldier now lives on the street.

He has fought many wars,

Some for the stripes and the stars,

Some wars are of his own,

Now he's in the war of no home.

He once had a family that cared,

But He lost them somewhere,

He has a cross that some may never bare,

He has a unsaid prayer.

Do you ever wonder why He's on the street?

A soldier that fought a war for me,

Now he looks in the garbage for something to eat,

The old soldier now lives on the street.

Some people say he's out of his mind,

He was a soldier on the front line,

This is one war he can't beat,

The old soldier that lives on the street.

He lays on the sidewalk with a bottle of wine,

He can forget his friends dying for a time,

Or does he still hear their crying in his mind?

People walk by him as if they were blind to his need,

Oh why can't they see?

He has no where to sleep.

The soldier that fought a war for me.

I always will weep,

For the old soldier that lives on the street.

Proverty's problems and the rising costs of dental care.

From homelessness, hungry, and medical needs our low income citizens are deprived of important and needed services.

The low income citizens can not afford such services as a dentist,
and there is nowhere for anyone over 21 to get help corrective treatments,
or be able to afford about $2,000 for total dental extractions for the dentures medicaid will pay for only after all but two teeth have been extracted.

Dental problems does not always mean a person doesn't brush their teeth and try to care for them.
But when dental problems occur and a person can't get treatment because of a lack of money, than the condtion worsens,so if you see a person with dental problems,
Some people find it differcult to wear dentures because of the poor fit or gum problems.
keep your comments to yourself,they already know their problem.
Bad teeth can lead to other health problems,major pain,and self esteem problems.

A crown for one tooth, about $700.00. Medicaid pays only for dentures,but if a person can't afford to have the bad teeth pulled, they can't have it done.
There are so many problems still unsolved for the eldery, disabled, handicapped.

Bio Of Judy Arline Puckett

I am currently residing in Monroe, La.
I begin writing at the age of 11, and I’m 54 now.
I am the mother of three and the grandmother of five.
I love creative writing, poetry, digital art, art, photography, jazz, and blues music.
I write poetry and lyrics on every topic. War, peace, love, heartache, religion, and abortion, which I oppose.
I hope to write meaningful and worthwhile words that will touch hearts and make a difference in life.

"A poet is the voice for those who are without words." -Judy Arline Puckett

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