
Tuesday 9 February 2016

When Parents Won't Listen to God's Messages

There is a way that God employs to communicate with parents in particular. But, are parents willing to listen, and will they follow-up on His messages?

First of all, how do we know if God is actually speaking to us?

If God wishes to speak to anyone, it will be through another person, a dream, a spirit, an angel, a saint, or a written message. I have experienced all these methods, and for sure there are other ways that I'm not aware of.

I remember the cases of two young cancer patients whose names were given to me by a parishioner at my old church in South Florida. I had opened myself up to doing visions of healing for any and all leads. I needed the experience with different type illnesses and ages of patients, so I volunteered. This was in early 2012.

Unfortunately, both patients were lost within a year from the actual healing performed for their benefit by Jesus Christ. I was responsible for organizing the visions, but I had expected things to have gone smoother. I lacked in experience, but I believed in the visions and still do.

Michael was a twenty-one-year-old student and a very handsome boy. I was told that he was suffering from a rare brain cancer. I took his name to Jesus right at the adoration chapel of my church.

I asked Jesus if he would like to see Michael and he agreed. In fact, I've never had Jesus refuse to see any patient that I've brought to him. He has always been willing to help anyone, even if some of the patients I've taken to him have been uncooperative, and sometimes unwilling to accept a healing from him.

The healing went through at the boy's home, while I physically sat at the adoration chapel. (All visions are in the spiritual world, while the actual healing of a patient is in the physical.)

Jesus asked me to advise the parents that Michael had been healed, but that he was required to show up at the adoration chapel on a regular basis, and to thank God for the healing. This was the only thing that Jesus had requested of Michael. I explained this to his father in my email of the vision, and again when I saw him at a local event.

Subsequent to the day of the healing, I became aware of two events: One, the father took a copy of the vision of Michael's healing to a local healer. The parent wanted a second opinion, or maybe a third one. So, he consulted with a "curandero" (a medicine man who works with herbs, spiritualism, and other elements), and are quite prominent in South Florida.

And two, the boy didn't bother to attend the chapel and thank God for the favor, as Jesus had requested in the vision. His dad told me that he was doing all the thanking to God for his boy. I had nothing else to say.

The issue with the curandero became a sore point with Jesus, and he advised me; otherwise, I would've never known about it. He felt that Michael's dad should have remained faithful to God's word. And the fact that Michael decided to party instead of praying in gratitude for his new lease on life, it didn't help either. His dad was notified of these two events by me. I never heard from him again.

Exactly a year after the day of the healing from Jesus, Michael died. I found out that his Oncologist had submitted him to very aggressive "experimental" drugs, as of last resort.

Brandon was a nine-year-old-boy with an inoperable brain tumor. I took the case to Jesus for he was also referred to me at the parish. I did the vision at the adoration chapel, and the boy was healed by Jesus at his home.

I provided the family an email of the vision. I didn't hear from them for months.

One morning, I was informed that the boy had a relapse. I took the case back to Jesus, and he said that Brandon was fine. I advised the family timely, and not long after I found out that the boy had died. Again, from the day of the vision to the day of his death a year had gone by. This was in 2013.

A month later, I invited Brandon's mom to a weekly morning Mass in his memory. She came, and afterwards we went for coffee at a Starbucks near the church. I told her that I was awfully sorry for Brandon's death, and I thanked her for coming.

I asked her about Brandon's last days, and what exactly had happened. I reminded her that Jesus had said that he was fine. It pained me to even say it to her, but I needed to find out what went wrong.

She proceeded to tell me a very sad story. She said that her husband had no respect for or affinity with God; and neither had he bothered to acknowledge the vision, or the following message that I had sent to them from Jesus. She said that her husband was all for trying out "new drugs," and doing extensive research into Brandon's rare illness through his blog and Facebook with other parents.

Before Brandon's mom left, she asked me for a favor. She wanted me to make contact with Brandon's spirit, and to tell him these words from her: "Dear Brandon, I am very sorry that your dad and I argued so bitterly in front of you a few days before your death. Please forgive me!"

I did the favor for her a few days later when I paid a visit to the chapel. I delivered the message directly to Brandon, but first I asked Jesus if he would allow me to do it.

He did! Jesus had Brandon's spirit come to the altar of the chapel and he held his hand. He was such a beautiful boy! I felt the loss as if he were my own child.

The parents in my true story of Michael and Brandon's life made some critical decisions, all in good faith, I am sure. However, for the sake of clarification, I'm convinced that there was a disparity of opinion between the parents.

Brandon's mother insinuated to me when I last spoke to her that she might have stayed with God's vision and post assurance until the very end, if needed to. Her husband on the other hand didn't bother at all with God, and based on her own words he had the final say.

Michael's dad took a different approach. He was all over South Florida looking for help from many, including: priests, curanderos, and me for a vision of healing. I never saw or met Michael's mom, only his dad.

I don't have an explanation for parents whom I've helped in the past and their actions. Whatever decisions they made to save their children, with or without God, even at the last hour, I'm fine with that.

Being a parent is hard enough sometimes, add to that the profound sorrow of seeing your child, or any other family member, live through an illness that has no viable solution. So you focus on prayers, and hope that a "miracle drug" is produced in time to save your loved one.

All my visions of healing for cancer patients have been done at stages 3 and 4 mainly. I've seen positive results through visions, and I've seen disasters by parents who failed to follow Jesus' advice after their children had been healed.

Jesus explained to me a few years back that a patient cannot have both: a vision of healing from him, and then continue to submit to very aggressive treatments. It was heartbreaking for me to have seen both Michael and Brandon fall into a vicious cycle where there was absolutely no margin for error.

I wish to help parents with true stories of patients of all ages. Hopefully, they illustrate that once people resort to God for help, He wishes that they remain steadfast with Him right through the storm. Hopefully that would mean both parents.

To advise parents personally when you aren't exactly well-known to them, and your help is not understood or may not even be accepted, it is indeed a sad commentary.

Thus, articles are a great vehicle for communicating to people the experiences of true cases in life. And to speak about one of the deadliest diseases in the world, cancer, you hope that parents who might benefit from this information take advantage.

My blog at: will serve the readers to find current information on the power of prayers, holy water, and general guidance.

To learn of God's ways for communicating with Him is one of the major subjects which I developed in my last book: Will Heaven Help Me If Ask? And you may find it by reading it on Kindle Unlimited for free.

If you wish to know what answers God has provided to many of the patients that I've taken to Him for a healing, I've set up the book in quotes for fast reading and convenience.

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