
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Cancer Can Not Live in an Alkaline Body

People with cancer has a body that is very acidic. Their pH level is way below 7.5 which is why they are sick.

We are all born alkaline, but over time we become more acidic by the foods, and drinks we consume on a daily basis. Did you know that soda has over 40 grams of sugar in just one can? It also has a pH level that's below 4.

Why is this a problem? Unfortunately, soft drinks contain more sugar, calories, and acidity than our bodies needs. The American Heart Association suggests the maximum amount of daily sugar intake should not exceed 25 grams for women, and for men 37.5 grams.

When we put this stuff in our bodies, we cause our cells to become stuck together where they're not receiving enough oxygen, which is what cause many diseases like cancer. Our cells need oxygen to break down sugar which produces the energy our bodies needs.

To reverse this damage we would need to become more alkaline. We should be at a pH level of 7.5 and maintain it there to live a healthy life, and function at an optimal level.

Our body is water, so drinking water every day is crucial to maintaining optimal health. Since our body is about 70% water, it would make sense to drink water to flush out toxins. But we need to drink the right kind of water. Not all water is created equal.

Tap water is polluted with sewage, and other toxic agents that compromise our health. Even most bottled waters are no more than well-marketed tap water. And their filtering processes eliminate all minerals - even the healthy ones - you will get no additional benefits.

We need to drink water that is clean, and free of pollutants or contaminants, and contains minerals that support proper health, and is at a very positive pH level.

Thankfully there is such a water. This is the best alkaline water on the planet. It has a pH level of 8.5 - 9.5. It's delicious healthy water that filters all unwanted contaminants and pollutants found in our ordinary tap water, while keeping all the necessary minerals in tact.

This alkaline water has the ability to properly hydrate the body while creating a positive alkaline environment. It boost the immune system, and hydrates the body in seconds. It's small molecules penetrates the blood cells in minutes to quickly break up the cells for more oxygen, to reverse sickness.

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