
Tuesday 9 February 2016

A Christmas Gift of Life for a Poster Child

A few days ago, I came across a Google ad of a poster child from St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis, Tenn.

The child is either seven or nine years old, but with a smile to win anyone's heart. I sat there wondering where that child's life was in regards to her health. Was she in the advance stages of cancer with no hope?

I moved on with my life to other things that I enjoy working on, but the girl's face kept coming back, almost like the attraction of one spirit to another. I've had these moments many times in the past, and I normally do something about it.

Not this time. I simply let it go. A day later, I went looking for the same ad from St. Jude's and it simply didn't show up. However, on the following day this child's face came back on in full view, and her smile was striking.

I'm a grandfather of three beautiful children, and I could imagine any one of them in that poster. I am sure that mega churches have taken up the call to pray for this girl.

I waited another day, and sure enough her poster came back up again on my laptop screen. This time I took her name, and I decided to do something about it. The idea struck me like a bolt of lightning. Why not do a vision of healing for her?

Visions of healing are events that allow a person to see the healing of a patient. However, it requires assistance from Jesus Christ. I've done hundreds of visions where Jesus comes and heals the person, mainly of their disease. I am not the healer but rather the organizer.

I decided that this child should get a vision, and to give it to her as a Christmas present. Some people enjoy praying for others, I like doing visions.

I asked Jesus to help me, and he agreed to see her. I assumed that she's in the hospital in Memphis, and that's exactly where I went.

In visions of healing, the healer's spirit is able to detach itself from the body, and it can travel by the simple process of "thought." You think of the location you wish to be at, and your spirit will appear where the vision of healing will take place. In my case, I went from Atlanta to Memphis in seconds.

I transcribed the entire vision while sitting over at my favorite Starbucks near my residence in Atlanta. The time was 5:45 P.M. Monday, December 22, 2015.

I waited for Jesus outside the girl's room at St. Jude. When he arrived we walked in. I found her mom texting someone while sitting in what looked like a very comfortable sofa.

I will share the vision that took place. Jesus has said many times that his visions of healing are "true and exact." So I leave it to the believers in the world to appreciate this vision which took place a few day ago. The end result is that the girl was healed, and that's all that matters to me for I believe.

Jesus stood by the girl's bedside and touched her face. He did it to feel for fever. She was fine, and then he took two fingers and moistened them with his saliva. He touched her forehead again and made the sign of the cross.

He held my hand and I took the girl's right hand. Jesus looked up toward Heaven and said, "Dear Father, for your glory I shall heal this young girl." (The girl's name was mentioned by Jesus).

He released his healing energy on her, and at the same time it flowed right through me. Jesus then placed his right hand on her chest, and he allowed the healing energy of God's to reach the core of this girl's body.

It was a full minute of healing energy that flowed between us. It felt like a mild current of electricity. Where medicine and radiation sometimes cannot kill the disease, Jesus can do it by simply laying his hand on the patient for as long as he wants.

When the healing process was finished, he leaned over and kissed the girl's soft face. Then he did something unusual. He walked over to her mother (who was still texting), and Jesus leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

He thanked me for coming and left the room. I walked over to stand by the poster child whose smile inspired me to organize the vision of healing. She got her Christmas gift from Jesus Christ, and I got to share her story.

I've enjoyed writing articles on, and in the past couple of years I've published two books. There are many people in the world who need help beyond what doctors and modern medicine can do.

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