
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Department of Defense Giving Away Military Secrets at Washington DC Gay Bars

The Gay Bar scene in Washington DC is completely out of hand. We are losing military secrets to foreign nationals who are spies. The news agencies go there for tips to out scoop their competition. The Congressmen and Senatorial Staffers go there to meet with and become intimately acquainted with others to work out the kinks with the staff and make back door deals. Even defense contractors go their to lubricate and grease deals and lobby for the inside track. No Politician in Washington DC can be effective with out at least one Homosexual Male who has a hot body; "Oo La La" is the new battle cry. If you want to make a difference in Washington DC or get anything done, you have to run it by the boys first.

AIDS is an issue too, so even if these foreign spies wish to play hardball to get the goods and secret information they are risking their lives in doing so. If the Chinese want to learn of secret strategies they no longer send a sexy woman to the FBI, they send one of their 250 million homosexual males to hang out in the Gay Bar District of Washington DC and act flirtatious. This provides them with same day information from Senate subcommittee meetings on National Security, the next weapons programs, computer program passwords, nearly anything they want, simply by bending over and spreading their wings. Planting bugs is also easy once they are invited home for a little private screening. One Think Tank believes there are over 1500 electronic bugs in private residences of government upper echelon staff workers, it could be higher, but it is not only the Chinese also Russians, Iranians, North Koreans are expected to have infiltrated the gay bar scene in DC.

Top secret in Washington DC is about two days tops. You cannot keep a secret as our most trusted bodies are busy by night fraternizing with any dark hole or miniature flag pole, which pokes it's head into a bar. Spies can make fast inroads to the game and gain access to information quickly. Numbers can be changed on government reports, attitudes swayed on request of a close friend into a Politicians ear the next day. Proponents of the night gay bar scene in DC are quick to point out;

"Much work is done at night and we are not even off the clock, can you imagine the money this saves the tax payer?"

Whereas that is a good point and probably true to a large degree the hard facts are this is not what the taxpayer had in mind. It also misses the point as to whom you are dealing with. Sodomy is against the law and sexual deviance, which is ramped in Washington DC, which is a given, is not legal. Breaking the law by night and making the law by day is not Truth, Justice nor the American Way. By and for the people is different than; for the enemy, paid for by the people. What someone does on their own time is their business as most Americans agree, but when it involves our national security, we need not screw all the American People. Think about it.

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