
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Understanding Cancer and Its Treatment Options

Uncontrolled and abnormal growth of cells causes cancer. It can develop in any part of the body. Normal cells divide and make new cells as we grow. The old cells die and are replaced by new cells. When this normal process is disrupted due to genetic changes, the cells start dividing uncontrollably and eventually cause tumors. Some tumors are stationary and some rapidly spread to the other parts of the body. Localized tumors are called benign tumors and the one's that spread to other parts of the body are called malignant tumors. Well, that was about the basics. Cancer treatment today is highly advanced. Here are a few tips that will help you:

Firstly, it's important to talk to your healthcare provider about your treatment options. Starting with understanding your diagnosis, you must talk to your doctor about the entire treatment plan. Ask questions about the various options and the potential side effects of the drugs used. This will help you cope and deal with the outcomes at every stage of the treatment.

Understand your diagnosis

Your doctor will decide your treatment plan depending on the type and stage o the cancer. The diagnosis includes the location of the cancer and it's spread to other parts of the body. It's best that you talk about your specific case to the doctor. Drawing conclusions solely based on the information that is available online could be dangerous. Your condition can be better explained by your doctor and your treatment options can then be decided accordingly.

Understand your options

After understanding the type of your cancer and the stage, talk to your doctor about the cancer treatment options available. Depending on the stage and the type, the most common options are surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. You can also agree to participate in a clinical trial, but that decision is completely yours depending on the information the doctor provides you with.

Understanding the side effects

Some cancer treatments cause long term side effects and some cause short term side effects. Understand your treatment thoroughly to understand the side effects and find out how you can cope with them.

Understand the risks and benefits

Understanding risks and benefits of each treatment will empower you to take informed decisions about your treatment. Ask your doctor about the likelihood of the cancer returning back after the treatment. Make sure that the benefits are enough to help you return to normal life and free you of the dependency that cancer creates.

Well, taking informed decisions about your treatment can help you cope better and can help the doctor ease the process or you. Making sure that you inform your friends or family about your treatment and schedule can make you feel more confident about your decisions.

Kokilaben Hospital is an India based best cancer hospital which specializes in all type of cancer treatment and surgery. Our expert surgeons share some general awareness of cancer and its treatment options via blogs and articles so that users are educated and aware of all their options before they take a decision.

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