
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Red Ribbon Week; "Say No To Drugs Week"

You will find each year during October is Red Ribbon Week; "Say no to Drugs" week. There are many things you can do as a small business owner in support of Red Ribbon Week which are relatively inexpensive, but make a huge difference. If you are in the automotive business you can tie a Red Ribbon on each car you service. If you are a car dealership you can put a Red Ribbon on every car on the front line. The ice cream man can tape a Red Ribbon on the bottom of each Popsicle stick. Medical and Professional offices can put a dish full of ribbons and safety pins on the counter for patrons.

Your total cost for a Red Ribbon spool is about $2.50-3.50 and you should cut them in 4 to 5 inch lengths. If you are dealing with small children use tape, for everyone else a box of safety pins costs about $3.00 or so. Illegal Drugs are a huge problem in the United States cutting short lives, adding to crime and costing billions each year in police, first responders, hospital and rehabilitation. The lost productivity to businesses alone is said to be in the tens of billions per year.

All small business owners should show their support for a drug free community. The cost is next to nothing and the good will and positive PR is nothing short of excellent for your business. Won't you join us in making a statement against illegal drugs and unite your community to be proactive in teaching our youth to; "Say No To Drugs!"

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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