
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Terri and Legal Murder

For Terri I feel a deep sadness that civilized society has
developed a thirst to kill those who can not defend their self
or speak for their self.

From the unborn child to the mentally and physically disabled
American courts have given others the right to legally murder those that inconvenient them.

I feel a heart ache that the court would allow Terri's husband
a man that has found a life with another woman,fathered two children and received a large settlement
to make life or death decisions while taking every right away from the mother who gave her life.

A poem for Terri

It's hard I know,

To let a an angel go,

She was a flame in the dark,

That touched every heart,

The world will miss her so,

It'a hard to let an angel go.

Some were blind in their sight,

In the angel's fight,

She left with a light,

That will forever glow,

It's hard to let an angel go.

Terri was her name,

The world knows an angel came,

They saw an angel's flame,

From those who loved her so,

It's hard to let an angel go.

She has taken wings for flight,

Past earthly dreams,past the night,

She is in heaven with God I know,

But it's hard to let an angel go

Too late for Terri, but I hope someday the American courts and government will change the laws to prevent the legal murder of innocent Americans.


Whatever a person is a victim of ,crime or accident, When he takes his case to court.he becomes a victim for the second time.
Going through a legal battle in court can be a very emotional and traumatic experience where often the victim becomes the defendant.
A good lawyer will often find a lack of evidence ,
where some people such as Michael Jackson and O.J.Simpson are found innocent.

When a victim takes his case to court he becomes the defendant.
He has become the victim of the lawyers and the court.
This happens even in cases that are not high profile.
Victims that know what they will be subjected to sometime choose to remain silent leaving others in danger.
Victims that choose to go to court seeking justice do not always find it ,but it will be at a cost of emotional trauma to try to find justice

Tina's Angels

I still think about them from time to time,How beautiful and sweet they were.
Such a tragdy that even though years have past the horror stays with me.
How a man that I knew could take his sweet angel daughters

Hailey and Brooke, and hold them across his lap, as the oldest one about seven cried daddy don't, and pulled the trigger killing his daughters with a bullet to the back of the head.

Tina once told me that most people won't mention their names to her, and she loved me for letting her know I never forgot her daughters ,or pretended they never existed, because they did.
Others thought it hurt her more to hear their name, but in reality it hurts her more when no one mentions them.
Angels came down and walked this earth and touched hearts.
Tina wasn't killed that day,but death would have shown more mercy,than to live with the heartache of losing her two little girls,Brooke almost two,Hailey 7.

After that moment and others of those I don't know has came and will come again ,It leaves questions of the right of others to own firearms.
I'm sure there are more deaths from accidents and those with cruel intent than there are lives saved because someone owned a firearm.
There were signs of this man's troubled life,but no one could save two little girls from their father and his firearm.
Tina had sought a court restrain order,but it was to no advail,
when she first asked for help.

The policeman with his high powered rifle broke the door down,
where her husband held her two daughters,
But he arrived too late.The little girls father had killed his little girls and than took his own life.
This is a sad story of domestic violence, and the silent cry for help.But no one was listening.

Once two angels walked this earth,
To show this world what love is worth,
Now walking across heaven's floor,
Their light shines through heaven's door.
Hailey and Brooke are God's angels forever more.

Bio Of Judy Arline Puckett

I am currently residing in Monroe, La.
I begin writing at the age of 11, and I’m 54 now.
I am the mother of three and the grandmother of five.
I love creative writing, poetry, digital art, art, photography, jazz, and blues music.
I write poetry and lyrics on every topic. War, peace, love, heartache, religion, and abortion, which I oppose.
I hope to write meaningful and worthwhile words that will touch hearts and make a difference in life.

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