
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Can Art Heal Cancer?

Yes it can. At least it's a contributing factor to healing, according to science and the Huffington Post.

The American Cancer Society recently released their projected statistics on cancer in America stating that in 2015, there will be more than 1.5 million new cancer cases diagnosed. Cancer is an ugly, stressful and life altering disease for both the patient and the caregivers. Everyone is looking for a cure and beautiful art may be just what the doctor begins to order.

Three of the most well-known causes of cancer include:

Exposure to cancer-causing ingredients
Unrelenting stress
Four of the commonly known healing paths to cancer include:

Healthy foods
Stress reduction - mentally, emotionally and physically
So what does beautiful art have to do with healing cancer? Stress relief.

In 2014 the online news source Huffington Post ( reported that art improves the interaction between parts of the brain. "Essentially, if art isn't washing away the dust accumulating on your soul, it might be cleaning up your brain instead." In other words, it changes your thinking, and by changing your thinking, you can change your stress level.

The scientific website PLOS ONE ( agrees with this insight and has proven in a study, which began in 2011 that whether we are making or viewing art, a significant ability for psychological resilience was found. What that means is our brainwaves are better able to handle stress. Less stress means healthier cells.

Cancer is always a reflection of ugliness somewhere in life. The ugliness of abuse, abandonment, resentment and yes, even hatred.

The cells of our bodies cannot reproduce properly when they are continuously bombarded with negativity. Given a long enough onslaught of drama, our cells begin to mutate and that is where cancer gets a chance to rear its ugly head.

Ongoing, unrelenting stress can't help but wear down our bodies. Something has to change in order to give our bodies the nurturing needed to restore health. And surrounding yourself in beautiful art may just be the answer.

The mind/body connection is so powerful that you, or someone you know with cancer might just want to test this yourselves. Surround yourself in beauty, art, music, dancing, or whatever form of art makes you feel good and see if your health doesn't begin to improve immediately. I'm a survivor and it worked for me.

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