
Monday 8 February 2016

United Nations Food Drops From Cargo Aircraft Technology Solution

There is a problem with the food delivery to nations with political unrest. The United States, UN and various humanitarian groups with good intentions bring in food for impoverished people during that hour of need, however it is often met by the worst of the humanity. Often rebel forces steal the food to feed themselves, sell it or use it to enslave rape and control. Some of the stories of a container load of food, large pallet parachute food drop or truck load coming in and include: being met by a frenzy of hungry people, being met with rebels with machine guns or even brutality towards the weak in the dividing up of the food sources. These events obviously defeat the purpose and cause additional and unintended consequences and chaos.

There is a simplistic answer for this problem. The answer is to drop from the air the food so it lands on the ground spread out over a few miles at a distance of five to ten meters between packages of food, which can last one person for three days. By calculating the speed of the aircraft, lowering the wake turbulence (swept wing aircraft) and wing tip vortices this can be done, from a safe altitude of 1000 AGL. Limiting wake turbulence idea for Swept Wing Aircraft food drops is also possible.

We know one of the most common aircraft used in humanitarian aid is the C-130. There are pictures UN C-130s used for this purpose online you can search and see what we are talking about here. The United States has also made many drops using this aircraft.

In these small packages will be food high in protein and supplementally balanced to sustain humans with their needs and vitamins. Each package is made up of a Balloon, with the food inside. The food is inserted in the un-inflated balloon much like the Mickey Mouse inside of the balloons you get at Disney World. In the C-130 are four tubes, which use ram air to fill the balloons as they are dropped into the tube from a chute with a funnel on top. Each un-inflated package is dropped into the tube at a rate of 300 per second. The aircraft is slowed to approximately 110-120 knots. As the packages hit the tube they are inflated and blown out the back of the aircraft at the same rate. Once inflated a flap on the inside prevents the air from escaping. Each package has a total weight of about 2 lbs.

As the packages fall the air pressure underneath the inflated package would look something like a Beach Ball, which is pushed on with your hand as it sits on the ground. Somewhat flat on the bottom side as it falls, slowing it's decent to the intended people. The beach balls are not too thick, but thick enough to be used for later use as other things; sacks for storage or hats from rain storms, rain gear.

This idea of using B4's Beach Ball Balloon Bags can be used for other things such as dropping antidotes for biological problems, potassium iodide for dirty bombs or dropping in FEMA supplies to disaster areas, which have been cut off by roads to the victims. Preventing problems with civility during extreme chaos. Such balloons can also be used for search and rescue operations which could contain things other than food, such as space blankets, plastic shovels, tents, mountain climbing equipment, medical supplies, with 2 lbs in each balloon. The balloons could be clear or a special color for easy finding.

The tubes consist of ram air from the relative wind generated by the forward momentum of the aircraft, a B4 injection system on a carefully built conveyor belt capable of 300 units per minute and a widened ejection opening for the balloons.

If a balloon fails for some reason the food in side is still good, it will just get a little splattered, but 2 lbs spread out inside a rubbery substance will not kill anyone on the ground.

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