
Friday 26 September 2014

4 Photos: Overcrowding bathing in the sea died in China

For most Chinese people, the swimming pool is the only place for them to cool off from the heat of the sun, especially at the height of summer.
Due to lack of facilities for factors such activity in China, most of the existing swimming pool will always flooded the public to enable them to escape from the heat of the sun which is reported to be touched 37 degrees Celsius.

Daying Dead Sea, known as China's Dead Sea salt is a water theme park in the building, located in Daying county in Sichuan province, which is one of China's population selection.

Pool of 30,000 square meters is said to be able to accommodate up to 10,000 visitors at any one time making it the top choice of the people.

In fact, the resort also offers a spa, golf course and cheer the dancers on the banks of the pond and dolphin show to visitors.

According to China Daily, more than 15,000 people thronged the theme park last summer making it does not split like a sardine can.

However, it is not the first time the theme park is transformed into a place crowded with visitors during the summer because before, it was flooded with thousands of visitors.

At some point, it is difficult to consider the theme park as a swimming pool because it is impossible to move to another area in the park without breaking one.

Pool was reportedly inspired by the Dead Sea in the Middle East located on the same latitude with the real and the water of the Dead Sea contains 43 minerals and other micro elements.

In fact, there are reports that if the float for an hour in the pool is equal to getting eight hours of sleep.

This is possible because the water in the pond is reported to have salinity levels up to 22 percent allows swimmers to float freely on the surface of the water like floating in the Dead Sea.

However, according to one study, the number of visitors at the pool factor is exposure to infectious bacteria such as E.coli.

According to the Chinese Ministry of Health, of the 5,369 public pools tested in 24 provinces in China, 10 percent of the pool is above a safe level for the source of urea content in urine.

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