
Monday 29 September 2014

Abby Abadi nauseating feeling of affection and love for him is

Mention  only the name of a celebrity, of course, many people associate itself with controversial stories on the conflict between the former husband, Farhan Muhammad Noor Che Bakar.

Yet, despite the stories of divorce and debt claims, Abby Abadi not make it as an obstacle to happiness tasted.

In fact, since lately, Abby did not mind to share the human face close to him, including the social networking site.

Even before this, Abby had insisted that the presence of Ustaz Khairul's just that he has friends, but they are clearly radiating warmth.

Via some photos Recorded during his birthday recently, Abby was a surprise for Khairul he has.

Seeing the balloons shaped love with writing u are my sunshine, then of course many couples assume this is not just ordinary friends.

Nevertheless, Abby also explains this in Instagram page, so it does not take wild speculation among fans as well.

"We have common friends, but he's got a special place in my heart. For what? Because he's always there when I need to talk to.

"To be honest I really loved her because we are old friends. From the days of 'lagha' until I moved. Till I get married till I was divorced. He never no when I need to.

"favorable to him, berburuk never thought to me so I feel very guilty, "he said, admitting to tell you more if allowed ALLAH one day.

Add Abby, the birthday celebration, she did not feel it as a mistake.

"What has gone wrong if I celebrate her birthday? I have to bother anyone for my friends happy? When we love someone we did not show. At least, if I have no future, no memories for him.

"Why should not prejudge the bygones eh? Other people already have a male friend, ready to embrace Surely again. But we do not because we fear ALLAH.

"I explain, he's not my new boyfriend. But, if you have a mate, the Lord knows what is best for His servants. But, when I write about this, we are only friends status. Please explain this a bit much to cover bias
nonsense, "he wrote again.

Previously, Abby had told them already have been friends for four years where he has Khairul an instructor and the children studying Al-Quran.

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