
Sunday 5 October 2014

10 Important Safety Tips Before Balik Kampung

The festive season does not matter Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali, is the Klang Valley will take a long leave to go back to their villages. So usually residential areas in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur will start empty and quiet. This is actually the atmosphere  'favorite'  thieves and robbers, Surely prey. So here are 10 important things to prevent burglary, vehicle theft, and so when you return home.

1. This is a normal thing done by most homeowners. Make sure the lights around the house (front / rear)       fitted from 6 pm to 7 am every day.

2. Make sure the alarm is installed and functioning properly. If you have neighbors who do not return to the village, ask your good offices to see-tengokkan your home as well.

3. Make sure the additional safety devices installed in the main door and the kitchen door, and the windows on all floors. Robbers usually go through the roof.  If you have a room key at home, make sure every door in the house is locked properly.

4. Send pets to animal shelters or veterinary clinics that have a pet sitting service. Do not torture your pet is yes.

5. Do not leave jewelry and cash and valuables at home and bring along or keep it more secure.

6. Tell the police to provide the following information: Name, address, telephone number, date back to the village and back to the house, the number of vehicles that are left, if any. Many local police departments adopt community programs and often the police will provide extra patrol in your neighborhood if you tell them that you will be out of town.

7. You should also protect your home property insurance policy to reduce the burden of loss if the house was broken into.

8. If you board a plane or public transportation to return to the village, make sure if you are driving yourself to the airport, do not leave any items that have addresses and personal information inside your car, such as letters, magazines or newspapers.

9. Use social media wisely. To avoid a lot of people know you are away from your home, do not post pictures of your vacation in social media until you return. Also, avoid sharing that you're at the airport or traveling in rural areas through social networking sites.

10. If you take a taxi or public transportation, take precautions to not share information about the location and personal information. We do not know who is friend, who is an opponent.

Finally, do not forget prayer :)

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