
Sunday 5 October 2014

Civil servants dicekup seclusion

I poh: Two civil servants arrested seclusion while being alone together in a house in a housing estate near Lake here, midnight yesterday.
According to sources, the Enforcement Perak Islamic Religious Department (Jaipk) arrested two individuals in his late 20s who worked in the same department at about 12PM. said the arrests were made ​​after Jaipk get information from the public that the second Houses they are in suspicious circumstances in the residence.

During inspection, it was found both fully clothed, but failed to show any documents certifying they have a mahram relationship or husband and wife. "No reasons were given for how they are in the house, but the investigation is still carried out and we will call both to record conversations in the near future, "he said.

The couple was being investigated under Section 54 (1) and (2) of the Syariah Criminal Enactment 1992 Pictures Silver Decoration (Rays)

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