
Tuesday 28 October 2014

Husband refuses to divorce because they love it

Nurul Izzah Anwar, the husband refused to divorce his wife, who is also the Member of Parliament for Lembah Pantai still love him and want to save their marriage. 

Raja Ahmad Shahrir Iskandar Raja Salim, 35, told the matter to reporters after his case was called in a Judge of the Syariah Subordinate Court, Ab Malek Awang. 

"I do not agree to divorce his wife because they loved her and the kids," he said, looks dejected after the proceedings. 

Proceedings of the case, which took place within 40 minutes was also attended by his wife, Nurul Izzah. 

Nurul Izzah and Raja Ahmad Shahrir Iskandar married on May 9, 2003 and had a daughter aged seven and a boy of four years. 

Nurul Izzah, who declined to comment on the turmoil in the household simply said: "Thank you for respecting my privacy." 

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