
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Project with his wife nepal men die in suicide

Kulim:  A Nepalese found dead believed to have been stabbed in the home of her lover who was the wife of the Emirates Park here early Monday morning.

The man is believed to have been attacked by the woman's son and some of his friends who realized the victim was in the house.

Kulim district police chief Supt Abdullah Arshad said the victim, known as Kamal Singh, 27, was found prone in a room in a terrace house in a residential area by a family of women is about 4 in the morning.

Family members had reported the incident to the police who rushed to the scene and found the victim bleeding from stab wounds with a sharp weapon in the room, he said when contacted yesterday.

Abdullah said initial investigations revealed that the victim was with her colleagues at a factory here is believed to have an intimate relationship with 42-year-old woman since lately.

Earlier, with the female victim had returned home homeless woman and a 18-year-old son of a woman believed to have been aware of the presence of the victim then called some of his friends.

They are alleged to have assaulted the victim with a sharp weapon causing the victim to death and covered in blood, he said.

He said police arrived at the scene found the victim had died and after inspection there is a piercing weapon effects on left chest of the victim.

The body of the victim was sent to Kulim Hospital for post-mortem, he said,  Abdullah said the suspect is believed to have fled and police are tracking them.

The weapon used has not yet been found. The police are now investigating the case under 302 of the Penal Code for murder, "he said.

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