
Tuesday 14 October 2014

Rita threatened with death by a comment in the insta Eid

Kuala Lumpur - The turmoil and strife between Rudaini Rita and her ex-husband, Aidil Zafuan becoming more common in recent years. Even Zafuan using the social networking site Instagram to share stories about Rita.
Aidil upload photos of money transactions totaling 2,000 given to Rita for the maintenance of their children. Eid also upload newspaper clippings recently titled 'Never Admit Rita Claim Divorce'.
It becomes chaotic when Rita received death threats through his comment Aidil Instagramnya page. Rita, however, had lodged a police report three days ago.
"I take these things very seriously because it involves the safety of my children. To think that just because I claim my rights and children, some are willing to do all this.
"Sad birthday when I was a tireless self-care for children is not valued at all. Where to watch the child, working, up and down the court again.
"I'm not a woman who socialize. I clean out the negative stories. I try to be a perfect parent to child. I have one more child than anything else, "he said.
Rita said, if the ex-husband is not satisfied and feel that is not wrong, he should not use social media to speak out.
"Fighting alone in court. Our case is still heard in court. No need instructions on Instagram and angry indeterminate clauses. I personally have a lot of evidence but never shown Instagram. All the evidence I have submitted to the court.
"Instagram is not the right one can make a decision without one. Only a court which will decide everything. So far I've never told you that he never for a living. The only maintenance that he's not for long enough. That's it.
"If he was a good father to my children, do not need him to deny what we ask and demand for children. If he thought 2,000 was a great value and she can already played a responsibility, he is mistaken, "he said.
Regarding allegations that Rita Eid had demanded a divorce, thus lied when he gave a statement to journalists, Rita questioned the evidence that there is Eid.
"There is the evidence in any court that I have an application for divorce from. Court, already proved earlier that I never nusyuz. If the application for divorce from her is that I accept, "he said.
Rita also apply to persons who are not related to their household do not get involved as they know every inch of what happened.
"If they are out there want to continue to despise, condemn, and slander please. I think a lot of other things going. I just pray for their weapons. I realize there are those who enjoy seeing him hate me, to want to fight, antagonisms between us that can not be at peace, "he said.

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