
Saturday 4 October 2014

Shalwati not wait to teach again after release

SEPANG: Shalwati Norshal, who was released from prison Hinseberg, Frovi in Sweden on Monday after a 14-month prison sentence for the offense of hitting her while in the country, arriving safely at home today.

Shalwati, 46, arrived at the International Airport Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) here about 1:41 pm from Sweden after the ride transit in Dubai
Emirates flight EK 0408 Azila Makhzan accompanied his sister Noor, 52.

Shalwati wearing a black suit and white berselendang greeted her husband Azizul Awalludin Raheem, 38, and family members KLIA nearest Tourist Office, looked choked after nearly nine months apart.

Azizul Raheem, Tourism Malaysia officials in Stockholm and his wife were sentenced to prison by a court in Sweden because the offense beat their children from September, 2010 to March 29 last.

Azizul Raheem, released on 9 July after serving a prison sentence of three months in Sweden. Shalwati, a teacher who is on unpaid leave, was jailed for 14 months.

however the sentence was reduced and they both only have to undergo one-third of the total sentence.

Shalwati said as unable to perform Eid prayers with his family on the road fast last year, he will redeem at Aidiladha prayers on Sunday.

"Hari Raya Aidiladha was more meaningful after not being able to celebrate Aidilfitri played together, I will use that time with her ​​and her husband to suggest," he told reporters at the airport.

, he said, longing for the homeland would also arouse Malaysia bowed and kissed the ground as a sign of thanks for his freedom.

Asked about his plans after this, he said he was excited to be returning to work as a teacher at Sekolah Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya in the near future.

"About the children, I will wait for the end of this school year before transferring them to a school in Kuala Lumpur, "said Shalwati.

Recalling the experience while in jail, he said, when he was imprisoned seconds to get close to Allah printed and describe as' the heart of spiritual strengthening.

Meanwhile, Azizul Raheem said his wife's return on time when Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Adha. "God bless you Shalwati already safely home, it seems plain sight," he said.

Shalwati and Azizul Raheem will be returning to Kota Baharu flight at 6.35 pm and all four of her that Aisha, 15, Ammar, 13, Adam, 12, and Arif, 8, wait for them at the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport.

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