
Saturday 4 October 2014

Supermarkets Aeon Big investigate allegations of rats in vegetable

SHAH ALAM: The supermarket Aeon Big is investigating the spread of a photograph on Facebook that shows there is a rat in a pile of vegetables in the supermarket.

Aeon Big According to sources, the supermarket is taking the necessary steps to investigate the matter and will take appropriate action.

"This is a rare thing and we are taking steps to investigate other will be taken to ensure it does not recur.

"Since the matter is still under investigation, I can not comment length and any further action will be taken by the management," he told The Star yesterday .

few days ago, the social networking site Facebook and blogs chaotic when a customer Aeon Big supermarket in a shopping center in the capital to record a picture of an alleged rat found behind a pile of vegetables in the supermarket.

statement quoted from the Facebook accounts of customers claimed, supermarket staff also seemed surprised when told out the findings of the animal did not even apologize to him.

"I have been urging an employee there to call the manager. Instead, the employee is asked a woman working at the counter scales to investigate, "he said through his Facebook status.

PICTURE  uploaded on September 29 and it was shared by 8,300 times.

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