
Saturday 25 October 2014

Update: Pictures of the engagement and marriage ceremonies TMJ

Culture of engagement and marriage, Tunku Mahkota Johor (TMJ), Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim, 30, and daughters choice, Ms. Khaleeda Bustamam, 21, will be held at the Istana Bukit Serene here at 10 o'clock this morning.

Ceremony held in camera would start with the engagement ceremony the couple before exchanging gifts and marriage ceremony.

Father Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim and his mother, Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris presented seven trays of goods to the woman, while the woman's family responded with nine trays of goods.

After that, Tunku Ismail will pronounce the ceremony in a culture that is controlled by the Mufti of Johor, Datuk Tahrir Samsudin.

The wedding ceremony took place in a closed session is scheduled to take place on 8 November.

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