
Friday 19 December 2014

Baby drowned miss redah support mothers during floods

Kuala Krai: "The current is very swift destabilize the roof of the house where we took shelter at once swept us.

"When I miss that baby support," said Mohammed Abdul Ghani Suhana, 34, mother of the unfortunate who lost their 20-month-old baby believed to drown in floods.

In the event 5pm yesterday, Adriana Nor Adila Asrol Afendi are in support Suhana when he was with his five children and his parents wanted to save herself after her house in Kampung Kuala Sungai Bertam, here, were flooded.

He said, when realizing the water rose almost three meters, the family decided to climb the roof and shelter there until waiting for help to arrive.

However, the unfortunate incident occurred when strong currents destabilize the family home and also washed them.

"My husband is not at home at that time because of work, but we did not have time to go elsewhere and just think of the roof as the water rose quickly.

"In the circumstances it was swept away by strong currents, the youngest in support regardless. I saved my mother's hand to cling to the branches of the tree.

"Five other children also cling to the branches together before we rescued villagers eight hours later," he said when met at his brother's house in Batu Jong, here, today.

According Suhana, caused by the incident, her third child Nor Erini Zira, 9, due to a broken right hand caught on a tree branch.

He said, his eldest son Zulina Natasha, 16, contacted her husband, Asrol Afendi Yusof, 40, to inform the incident.

"Fortunately cell phone can still be used. Husband contacted the authorities for help, "he said, still remembering the sad fate of her youngest son.

Meanwhile, Asrol Afendi said, the search and rescue Nor Adila Adriana forwarded authorities.

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