
Friday 19 December 2014

Twin sister with her husband cheating on leave in B0gel

Recognizing your partner play three wood undoubtedly be the most bitter experience in domestic life.
Certainly, the situation becomes even worse when it found that a third person is your own twin sister.

This is the fate that befell a woman in Suzhou, a city in east China, who found her husband's difficult relationship with his twin sister.

After long suspecting husband and his brother have intercourse, the woman, Ting Su, 29, yesterday tracking them using mobile sensors.

He managed to track them down in a shopping center and found both stark naked in the car.

Once aware of Ting Su review into the car, her husband and her sister rushed out of the car without any clothes on.

However irate woman who took the opportunity to embarrass them.
He entered the car and driving, leaving her husband and her twin sister naked, in the car park.

A witness, You Meng said: "It's funny. People immediately remove the mobile phone to record the condition of the couple. So do I.

"At first the man punching the windshield, screaming for his wife opened the door. But the wife does not notice, but instead continued to drive. "

According to local media reports, Ting Su suspect her husband and twin sister relationship since she gave birth to twins,  he also reportedly been filed cerai.

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