
Wednesday 31 December 2014

Fragments of red like floating on a sea plane wall

Pangkalan Bun, Indonesia: Fragments of an emergency such as sliding doors and air as well as other objects detected floating in the sea during a search through the air today for Indonesia AirAsia aircraft QZ8501 missing since yesterday.

AFP photographer who was in the plane, which joined the search and rescue operations, said he saw an object such as a jacket and orange life raft and tube floating in the sea.
Indonesian air force officer, Agus Dwi Castillo, told reporters: "We detected about 10 large objects and more small white object that we can not take. It is located 10 kilometers from the location of the aircraft was last detected by radar."

An exhibit of 10 photographs of objects such as aircraft doors, sliding and emergency rectangular box.
"It is not so clear ... it may set the wall or door of the plane. Let us pray that the object is what we are trying to meet," he said in Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan.

QZ8501 Indonesia AirAsia aircraft carrying 162 passengers and crew from Surabaya to Singapore yesterday morning when it was lost in the air is the Java Sea.

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